integer function find_periodic_neighbors_ole(this, ind, A)
! function to give me a periodic neighbor of a specific lattice
class(ole) :: this
integer, intent(in) :: ind(2), A(:, :)
integer :: temp(-this%length(1):(this%length(1) + 1), &
integer :: unique, shift(4, 2), i
! i am not sure, if i have to specify the indices and size of the
! matrix inputted..
! get the lattice vectors:
associate(r1 => this%lat_vec(1:2, 1), r2 => this%lat_vec(1:2, 2), &
x => ind(1), y => ind(2))
shift = transpose(reshape([r1, r2, r1 + r2, r1 - r2], [2, 4]))
find_periodic_neighbors_ole = -1
do i = 1, 4
! apply all the periodic vectors one after the other
! negative and positive..
temp = apply_pbc(A, shift(i, :))
if (temp(x, y) /= 0) then
find_periodic_neighbors_ole = temp(x, y)
end if
temp = apply_pbc(A, -shift(i, :))
if (temp(x, y) /= 0) then
find_periodic_neighbors_ole = temp(x, y)
end if
end do
end associate
find_periodic_neighbors_ole = unique
end function find_periodic_neighbors_ole