FindSymMCSizeExcitLevel Subroutine

public subroutine FindSymMCSizeExcitLevel(IUNIT)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: IUNIT


Source Code

    SUBROUTINE FindSymMCSizeExcitLevel(IUNIT)
        use SymData, only: TwoCycleSymGens
        use SystemData, only: nEl, G1, nBasis, iMCCalcTruncLev
        use SystemData, only: tUEG, tHPHF, tHub
        use SystemData, only: CalcDetCycles, CalcDetPrint, tFixLz
        use DeterminantData, only: FDet
        use dSFMT_interface
        use soft_exit, only: ChangeVars, tSoftExitFound
        use Parallel_neci
        use DetBitops, only: EncodeBitDet
        use bit_rep_data, only: NIfTot
        INTEGER, intent(in) :: IUNIT
        INTEGER :: j, SpatOrbs, FDetMom, Attempts, iExcitLevTest, i, ExcitLev
        INTEGER(KIND=n_int) :: FDetiLut(0:NIfTot), iLut(0:NIfTot)
        INTEGER :: FDetSym, TotalSym, TotalMom, alpha, beta, ierr, Momx, Momy
        integer(int64) :: Accept, AcceptAll, TotalAttempts, TotalAttemptsAll
        integer(int64) :: ExcitBin(0:iMCCalcTruncLev), ExcitBinAll(0:iMCCalcTruncLev)
        real(dp) :: ExcitLevBias(0:iMCCalcTruncLev)
        real(dp) :: FullSpace, r, Frac, SymSpace
        real(dp) :: SizeLevel(0:iMCCalcTruncLev)
        LOGICAL :: tDummy, tDummy2

        iExcitLevTest = iMCCalcTruncLev

        write(IUNIT, "(A,I6)") "Calculating MC size of symmetry-allowed " &
            //"space of excitation levels up to level: ", iExcitLevTest

        write(IUNIT, "(I18,A,I18,A)") CalcDetCycles, " MC cycles will be used, and " &
            //"statistics printed out every ", CalcDetPrint, " cycles."
        FDetSym = 0
        FDetMom = 0
        ExcitBin(:) = 0
        ExcitBinAll(:) = 0

        do i = 1, NEl
            FDetSym = IEOR(FDetSym, int(G1(FDet(i))%Sym%S))
            IF (tFixLz) FDetMom = FDetMom + G1(FDet(i))%Ml
        end do
        CALL EncodeBitDet(FDet, FDetiLut)

        write(IUNIT, *) "Symmetry of HF determinant is: ", FDetSym
        IF (tFixLz) THEN
            write(IUNIT, *) "Imposing momentum sym on size calculation"
            write(IUNIT, *) "Momentum of HF determinant is: ", FDetMom
        end if
        IF (tHPHF) THEN
            write(stdout, *) "Imposing time-reversal symmetry (HPHF) on " &
                //"size of space calculation"
        end if

        Accept = 0
        AcceptAll = 0
        TotalAttemptsAll = 0
        TotalAttempts = 0    !This is the total number of attempts at creating a sym-allowed det (including successful ones)

        !Sz symmetry could be put in here to make it more efficient
        !(would be a little fiddly for OS systems though)
        FullSpace = choose_i64(NEl, iExcitLevTest)    !Pick 4 holes
        FullSpace = FullSpace * choose_i64(nBasis - NEl + iExcitLevTest, iExcitLevTest) !Pick total unoccupied space

        !Calculate excitation level bias due to the way the determinants are constructed.
        do i = 0, iExcitLevTest
            ExcitLevBias(i) = choose_i64(NEl - i, iExcitLevTest - i)
!             write(stdout,*) ExcitLevBias(i)
        end do

        write(IUNIT, *) "Size of excitation level neglecting all symmetry: " &
            , FullSpace

        CALL neci_flush(IUNIT)

        IF (iProcIndex == 0) THEN
            OPEN (14, file="TruncSpaceMCStats", status='unknown', &
        end if

        ! With MerTwistRan the default seed was being used.
        ! dSFMT does not initialise itself if not already initialised.
        call dSFMT_init(5489)

        do i = 1, int(CalcDetCycles)

            !Create a random determinant up to excitation level iExcitLevTest from FDetiLut
            !Returns det (iLut) and its excitation level, ExcitLevel, and the number of attempts
            !needed to generate the symmetry allowed determinant.
            CALL CreateRandomExcitLevDet(iExcitLevTest, FDet, FDetiLut, iLut, ExcitLev, Attempts)
            TotalAttempts = TotalAttempts + Attempts
            Accept = Accept + 1

!Add to correct bin for the excitation level
            ExcitBin(ExcitLev) = ExcitBin(ExcitLev) + 1

            IF (mod(i, int(CalcDetPrint)) == 0) THEN
                !Write out statistics
                call MPIReduce(Accept, MPI_SUM, AcceptAll)
                call MPIReduce(TotalAttempts, MPI_SUM, TotalAttemptsAll)
                call MPIReduce(ExcitBin(0:iExcitLevTest), MPI_SUM, ExcitBinAll(0:iExcitLevTest))

                SymSpace = 0.0_dp
                Frac = REAL(AcceptAll, dp) / REAL(TotalAttemptsAll, dp)  !Fraction of the 'full' space which is symmetry allowed
                do j = 0, iExcitLevTest
!                     write(stdout,*) REAL(ExcitBinAll(j),dp),REAL(AcceptAll,dp),Frac,FullSpace,ExcitLevBias(j)
                    SizeLevel(j) = ((REAL(ExcitBinAll(j), dp) / REAL(AcceptAll, dp)) * Frac * FullSpace) / ExcitLevBias(j)
                    SymSpace = SymSpace + SizeLevel(j)
                end do
                IF (iProcIndex == 0) THEN
                    write(14, "(2I16,2G35.15)", advance='no') i, AcceptAll, Frac, SymSpace
                    do j = 0, iExcitLevTest
                        write(14, "(F30.5)", advance='no') SizeLevel(j)
                    end do
                    write(14, "(A)") ""
                end if

                AcceptAll = 0
                ExcitBinAll(0:iExcitLevTest) = 0
                TotalAttemptsAll = 0

                call ChangeVars(tDummy, tDummy2)
                IF (tSoftExitFound) EXIT

            end if

        end do

        call MPIReduce(Accept, MPI_SUM, AcceptAll)
        call MPIReduce(TotalAttempts, MPI_SUM, TotalAttemptsAll)
        call MPIReduce(ExcitBin(0:iExcitLevTest), MPI_SUM, ExcitBinAll(0:iExcitLevTest))

        SymSpace = 0.0_dp
        Frac = REAL(AcceptAll, dp) / REAL(TotalAttemptsAll, dp)  !Fraction of the 'full' space which is symmetry allowed
        do j = 0, iExcitLevTest
!             write(stdout,*) REAL(ExcitBinAll(j),dp),REAL(AcceptAll,dp),Frac,FullSpace,ExcitLevBias(j)
            SizeLevel(j) = ((REAL(ExcitBinAll(j), dp) / REAL(AcceptAll, dp)) * Frac * FullSpace) / ExcitLevBias(j)
            SymSpace = SymSpace + SizeLevel(j)
        end do
        IF (iProcIndex == 0) THEN
            write(14, "(2I16,2G35.15)", advance='no') i, AcceptAll, Frac, SymSpace
            do j = 0, iExcitLevTest
                write(14, "(F30.5)", advance='no') SizeLevel(j)
            end do
            write(14, "(A)") ""
        end if

        write(IUNIT, *) "MC size of truncated space: ", SymSpace
        write(IUNIT, *) "Individual excitation level contributions: "
        do j = 0, iExcitLevTest
            write(IUNIT, "(I5,F30.5)") j, SizeLevel(j)
        end do
        CALL neci_flush(IUNIT)

    END SUBROUTINE FindSymMCSizeExcitLevel