subroutine generate_init_config_basic(nwalkers, nwalkers_per_site_init)
! This routine will distribute nwalkers walkers uniformly across all possible determinants.
use AnnihilationMod, only: SendProcNewParts, CompressSpawnedList
use CalcData, only: tTruncInitiator, tSemiStochastic
use dSFMT_interface, only: genrand_real2_dSFMT
use fcimc_helper, only: create_particle
use FciMCData, only: nWalkerHashes, fcimc_iter_data, HashIndex, SpawnedParts, SpawnedParts2
use FciMCData, only: TotWalkers, CurrentDets, InitialSpawnedSlots, TotParts, TotPartsOld
use FciMCData, only: AllTotParts, AllTotPartsOld, ValidSpawnedList, ilutHF, HFDet
use hash, only: fill_in_hash_table
use hilbert_space_size, only: CreateRandomExcitLevDetUnbias, create_rand_heisenberg_det
use hilbert_space_size, only: create_rand_det_no_sym
use replica_data, only: allocate_iter_data, clean_iter_data
use semi_stoch_procs, only: copy_core_dets_to_spawnedparts, add_core_states_currentdet_hash
use SystemData, only: nel, tHeisenberg, tAllSymSectors
integer, intent(in) :: nwalkers
real(dp) :: nwalkers_per_site_init
integer :: i, ireplica, excit, nattempts, DetHash
integer :: nspawns, ndets, err
integer(n_int) :: ilut(0:NIfTot)
integer :: nI(nel)
real(dp) :: r, walker_amp, walker_sign(lenof_sign_kp)
logical :: tInitiatorTemp
type(fcimc_iter_data) :: unused_data
integer(n_int), pointer :: PointTemp(:, :)
HElement_t(dp) :: hdiag_spawn
call allocate_iter_data(unused_data)
! Turn off the initiator method for the annihilation steps to be used here.
tInitiatorTemp = tTruncInitiator
tTruncInitiator = .false.
! Set the spawning slots to their starting positions.
ValidSpawnedList = InitialSpawnedSlots
ilut = 0_n_int
nspawns = ceiling(real(nwalkers, dp) / nwalkers_per_site_init)
do i = 1, nspawns
! Generate a determinant (output to ilut).
if (tAllSymSectors) then
call create_rand_det_no_sym(ilut)
if (tHeisenberg) then
call create_rand_heisenberg_det(ilut)
call CreateRandomExcitLevDetUnbias(nel, HFDet, ilutHF, ilut, excit, nattempts)
end if
end if
call decode_bit_det(nI, ilut)
! Choose whether the walker should have a positive or negative amplitude, with
! 50% chance of each.
walker_amp = nwalkers_per_site_init
r = genrand_real2_dSFMT()
if (r < 0.5_dp) walker_amp = -1.0_dp * walker_amp
do ireplica = 1, inum_runs
walker_sign = 0.0_dp
walker_sign(ireplica) = walker_amp
call create_particle(nI, ilut, walker_sign, ireplica, hdiag_spawn, err)
end do
end do
! Perform annihilation steps:
! Send the walkers to their correct processors. The resulting walkers will be stored in
! SpawnedParts2.
call SendProcNewParts(ndets, tSingleProc=.false.)
! CompressSpawnedList works on SpawnedParts, not SpawnedParts2, so swap the pointers around.
PointTemp => SpawnedParts2
SpawnedParts2 => SpawnedParts
SpawnedParts => PointTemp
call CompressSpawnedList(ndets, unused_data)
! Finally, add the determinants in the spawned walker list to the main walker list.
! Copy the determinants themselves to CurrentDets.
TotParts = 0.0_dp
do i = 1, ndets
CurrentDets(:, i) = SpawnedParts(0:NIfTot, i)
walker_sign = transfer(CurrentDets(IlutBits%ind_pop:IlutBits%ind_pop + lenof_sign_kp - 1, i), walker_sign)
TotParts = TotParts + abs(walker_sign)
end do
TotPartsOld = TotParts
! Add the entries into the hash table.
call fill_in_hash_table(HashIndex, nWalkerHashes, CurrentDets, ndets, .true.)
call MPISum(TotParts, AllTotParts)
AllTotPartsOld = AllTotParts
TotWalkers = int(ndets, int64)
if (tSemiStochastic) then
! Always need the core determinants to be at the top of CurrentDets, even when unoccupied.
! These routines will do this.
call copy_core_dets_to_spawnedparts(cs_replicas(core_run))
call add_core_states_currentdet_hash(core_run)
end if
ValidSpawnedList = InitialSpawnedSlots
! Turn the initiator method back on, if it was turned off at the start of this routine.
tTruncInitiator = tInitiatorTemp
call clean_iter_data(unused_data)
end subroutine generate_init_config_basic