generate_single_pcpp Subroutine

public subroutine generate_single_pcpp(nI, elec_map, ilut, nJ, ExcitMat, tParity, pGen)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel)
integer, intent(in) :: elec_map(nel)
integer(kind=n_int), intent(in) :: ilut(0:NIfTot)
integer, intent(out) :: nJ(nel)
integer, intent(out) :: ExcitMat(2,2)
logical, intent(out) :: tParity
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: pGen


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine generate_single_pcpp(nI, elec_map, ilut, nJ, excitMat, tParity, pGen)
        implicit none
        ! given the initial determinant (both as nI and ilut), create a random double excitation
        ! given by nJ/ilutnJ/excitMat with probability pGen. tParity indicates the fermi sign
        ! picked up by applying the excitation operator
        ! Input: nI - determinant to excite from
        !        elec_map - map to translate electron picks to orbitals
        !        ilut - determinant to excite from in ilut format
        !        nJ - on return, excited determinant
        !        excitMat - on return, excitation matrix nI -> nJ
        !        tParity - on return, the parity of the excitation nI -> nJ
        !        pGen - on return, the probability of generating the excitation nI -> nJ

        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel)
        integer, intent(in) :: elec_map(nel)
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilut(0:NIfTot)
        integer, intent(out) :: nJ(nel)
        integer, intent(out) :: ExcitMat(2, 2)
        logical, intent(out) :: tParity
        real(dp), intent(out) :: pGen

        integer :: src, elec, tgt
        real(dp) :: pHole

        ! get a random electron
        call single_elec_sampler%sample(src, pGen)

        ! map the electron to the current determinant
        src = elec_map(src)

        ! get a random associated orbital
        call single_hole_sampler(src)%sample(tgt, pHole)

        if (IsOcc(ilut, tgt)) then
            ! invalidate the excitation, we hit an occupied orbital
            nJ = 0
            excitMat = 0
            excitMat(1, 1) = src
            excitMat(2, 1) = tgt
            ! report the failure
            tParity = .false.
            elec = binary_search_first_ge(nI, src)
            call make_single(nI, nJ, elec, tgt, excitMat, tParity)
        end if
        ! add the probability to find this hole from this electron
        pGen = pGen * pHole

    end subroutine generate_single_pcpp