function get_ind(this, elec_ind, orb_ind) result(ind)
! depending on the cc_order this encodes all the electron and
! orbital indices of an excitation in a unique linear fashion
! we can assume the electron and orbital indices to be ordered from
! highest to lowest
class(cc_amplitude), intent(in) :: this
integer, intent(in) :: elec_ind(this%order), orb_ind(this%order)
integer :: ind
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "get_ind"
integer :: ij, ab, nij, orb(2)
ind = -1
! to i want to access this with invalid excitations?
ASSERT(all(elec_ind > 0))
ASSERT(all(orb_ind <= nbasis))
! and assert ordered inputs..
! or do we want to order it here, if it is not ordered?
! tbd!
ASSERT(minloc(elec_ind, 1) == 1)
ASSERT(maxloc(elec_ind, 1) == this%order)
ASSERT(minloc(orb_ind, 1) == 1)
ASSERT(maxloc(orb_ind, 1) == this%order)
select case (this%order)
case (1)
! single excitation
! the elec_ind goes from 1 to nel and the orb_ind goes from
! nel + 1 to nbasis (has nbasis - nel) possible values
! can we assume a closed shell ordered reference?
! with the nel lowest orbitals occupied?
! otherwise this is a bit more tricky..
ind = ind_matrix_singles(elec_ind(1), orb_ind(1))
ind = (elec_ind(1) - 1) * (nbasis - nel) + (orb_ind(1) - nel)
case (2)
ij = linear_elec_ind(elec_ind(1), elec_ind(2))
ab = linear_orb_ind(orb_ind(1), orb_ind(2))
if (ij == 0 .or. ab == 0) then
ind = 0
ind = ind_matrix_doubles(ij, ab)
end if
call stop_all(this_routine, "still buggy for double excitations!")
! double excitation
! first encode the ij electron index in a linear fashion
ASSERT(elec_ind(1) < elec_ind(2))
ASSERT(orb_ind(1) < orb_ind(2))
orb = orb_ind - nel
ij = (elec_ind(1) - 1) * nel - elec_ind(1) * (elec_ind(1) - 1) / 2 + (elec_ind(2) - elec_ind(1))
! ij = (elec_ind(2) - 1)*elec_ind(2)/2 + elec_ind(1) - 1
! i shift the orb_indices by nel..
! ab = (orb_ind(1) - nel - 1)*(nbasis - nel) + (orb_ind(2) - orb_ind(1))
ab = (orb(1) - 1) * (nbasis - nel) - orb(1) * (orb(1) - 1) / 2 + (orb(2) - orb(1))
! ab = (orb_ind(2) - nel - 1)*(orb_ind(2)-nel)/2 + orb_ind(1) - nel -1
nij = nel * (nel - 1) / 2
ind = (ij - 1) * nij + ab
case default
call stop_all(this_routine, "higher than cc_order 2 not yet implemented!")
end select
end function get_ind