pure subroutine GetBitExcitation(iLutnI, iLutnJ, Ex, tSign)
! A port from hfq. The first of many...
! JSS.
! In:
! iLutnI(basis_length): bit string representation of the Slater
! determinant.
! iLutnJ(basis_length): bit string representation of the Slater
! determinant.
! Ex(1,1): contains the maximum excitation level, max_excit, to be
! considered.
! Out:
! Ex(2,max_excit): contains the excitation connected iLutnI to
! iLutnJ. Ex(1,i) is the i-th orbital excited from and Ex(2,i)
! is the corresponding orbital excited to.
! tSign:
! True if an odd number of permutations is required to line up
! the determinants.
use bit_rep_data, only: NIfD
! use DetBitOps, only: count_set_bits
use constants, only: n_int, bits_n_int, end_n_int
integer(kind=n_int), intent(in) :: iLutnI(0:NIfD), iLutnJ(0:NIfD)
integer, intent(inout) :: Ex(2, *)
logical, intent(out) :: tSign
integer :: i, j, iexcit1, iexcit2, perm, iel1, iel2, max_excit
integer :: set_bits
logical :: testI, testJ
tSign = .true.
max_excit = Ex(1, 1)
Ex(:, 1:max_excit) = 0
if (max_excit > 0) then
iexcit1 = 0
iexcit2 = 0
iel1 = 0
iel2 = 0
perm = 0
! Finding the permutation to align the determinants is non-trivial.
! It turns out to be quite easy with bit operations.
! The idea is to do a "dumb" permutation where the determinants are
! expressed in two sections: orbitals not involved in the excitation
! and those that are. Each section is stored in ascending index
! order.
! To obtain such ordering requires (for each orbital that is
! involved in the excitation) a total of
! nel - iel - max_excit + iexcit
! where nel is the number of electrons, iel is the position of the
! orbital within the list of occupied states in the determinant,
! max_excit is the total number of excitations and iexcit is the number
! of the "current" orbital involved in excitations.
! e.g. Consider (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) -> (1, 3, 5, 6, 7).
! (1, 2, 3, 4) goes to (1, 3, 2, 4).
! 2 is the first (iexcit=1) orbital found involved in the excitation
! and so requires 5 - 2 - 2 + 1 = 2 permutation to shift it to the
! first "slot" in the excitation "block" in the list of states.
! 4 is the second orbital found and requires 5 - 4 - 2 + 2 = 1
! permutation to shift it the end (last "slot" in the excitation
! block).
! Whilst the resultant number of permutations isn't necessarily the
! minimal number for the determinants to align, this is irrelevant
! as the Slater--Condon rules only care about whether the number of
! permutations are odd or even.
! n.b. We don't need to include shift or iexcit in the perm
! calculation, as is it symmetric as iexcit reaches the same
! maximum value for both src and target iluts
!shift = nel - max_excit
do i = 0, NIfD
! If this integer will make no difference to the overall counts,
! then minimise effort...
if (ilutnI(i) == ilutnJ(i)) then
if (iexcit1 /= iexcit2) then
set_bits = count_set_bits(ilutnI(i))
iel1 = iel1 + set_bits
iel2 = iel2 + set_bits
end if
end if
if (iLutnI(i) == iLutnJ(i)) cycle
do j = 0, end_n_int
testI = btest(iLutnI(i), j)
testJ = btest(iLutnJ(i), j)
if (testJ) iel2 = iel2 + 1
if (testI) then
iel1 = iel1 + 1
if (.not. testJ) then
! occupied in iLutnI but not in iLutnJ
iexcit1 = iexcit1 + 1
Ex(1, iexcit1) = i * bits_n_int + j + 1
!perm = perm + (shift - iel1 + iexcit1)
perm = perm + iel1
end if
if (testJ) then
! occupied in iLutnI but not in iLutnJ
iexcit2 = iexcit2 + 1
Ex(2, iexcit2) = i * bits_n_int + j + 1
!perm = perm + (shift - iel2 + iexcit2)
perm = perm + iel2
end if
end if
if (iexcit1 == max_excit .and. iexcit2 == max_excit) exit
end do
if (iexcit1 == max_excit .and. iexcit2 == max_excit) exit
end do
! It seems that this test is faster than btest(perm,0)!
tSign = mod(perm, 2) == 1
if (iexcit1 < max_excit) then
Ex(:, iexcit1 + 1) = 0 ! Indicate we've ended the excitation.
end if
end if
end subroutine GetBitExcitation