function getMinus_single(nSwitches, bVal, single) result(minusWeight)
real(dp), intent(in) :: nSwitches, bVal
type(WeightData_t), intent(in) :: single
real(dp) :: minusWeight
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "getMinus_single"
ASSERT(nSwitches >= 0.0_dp)
! change that, to make it independend if b is zero
if (near_zero(bVal)) then
! make it only depend on f and nSwitches
! will be normalized to 1 anyway in the calcStayingProb function
minusWeight = single%F + nSwitches * single%G
minusWeight = single%F + nSwitches * single%G / bVal
end if
ASSERT(minusWeight >= 0.0_dp)
end function getMinus_single