subroutine init_sites_aim_star(this)
class(aim_star) :: this
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "init_sites_aim_star"
integer :: i
if (this%get_nsites() < 2) then
call stop_all(this_routine, &
"something went wrong: less than 2 sites!")
end if
if (this%get_n_imps() > 1) then
call stop_all(this_routine, "more than one impurity not yet implemented!")
end if
! do the first impurity
! the impurity is connected to all the bath sites!
this%sites(1) = site(1, this%get_n_bath(), [(i, i=2, this%get_nsites())], &
! and all the bath sites are just connected to the impurity
do i = 2, this%get_nsites()
this%sites(i) = site(i, 1, [1], site_type='bath')
end do
end subroutine init_sites_aim_star