subroutine init_sites_hexagonal(this)
! the way to create the neighboring indices is based on the convention
! that the lattice is interpreted in such a way: the unit cell is:
! __
! / \ with encoding: 1 5
! \__/ 2 6
! / \ 3 7
! 4 8
! which leads to an lattice:
! __/ \__/
! \__/ \_
! _ / \__/
! \__/ \_
! __/ \__/
! \__/ \_
! so the up and down neighbors are easy to do again.
! just the left and right are different: now each site only either
! has left or right, not both and it alternates
! but this also depends on the colum of encoding one is in:
! 1 - 5 9 - 13
! - 2 6 - 10 14 -
! 3 - 7 11 - 15
! - 4 8 - 12 16 -
class(hexagonal) :: this
integer :: temp_array(4 * this%length(1), 2 * this%length(2))
integer :: up(4 * this%length(1), 2 * this%length(2))
integer :: down(4 * this%length(1), 2 * this%length(2))
integer :: right(4 * this%length(1), 2 * this%length(2))
integer :: left(4 * this%length(1), 2 * this%length(2))
integer :: i, temp_neigh(3), x, y, special
integer, allocatable :: neigh(:), order(:)
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "init_sites_hexagonal"
allocate(order(this%get_nsites()), source = 0)
if (t_input_order .and. this%t_bipartite_order) then
order = orbital_order
order = [(i, i = 1, this%get_nsites())]
end if
temp_array = reshape([(order(i), i=1, this%get_nsites())], &
[4 * this%length(1), 2 * this%length(2)])
up = cshift(temp_array, -1, 1)
down = cshift(temp_array, 1, 1)
left = cshift(temp_array, -1, 2)
right = cshift(temp_array, 1, 2)
if (this%is_periodic()) then
do i = 1, this%get_nsites()
! columns and rows:
x = mod(i - 1, 4 * this%length(1)) + 1
y = (i - 1) / (4 * this%length(1)) + 1
if (is_odd(y)) then
if (is_odd(i)) then
! every odd number in a odd column has a right neighbor
special = right(x, y)
! otherwise left
special = left(x, y)
end if
! for even columns it is the other way around
if (is_odd(i)) then
special = left(x, y)
special = right(x, y)
end if
end if
temp_neigh = [up(x, y), down(x, y), special]
neigh = sort_unique(temp_neigh)
this%sites(order(i)) = site(order(i), size(neigh), neigh)
end do
call stop_all(this_routine, &
"closed boundary conditions not yet implemented for hexagonal lattice!")
end if
end subroutine init_sites_hexagonal