subroutine init_spin_diff_output(funit)
! routine to initialize the instant spin-diff output
integer, intent(in) :: funit
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "init_spin_diff_output"
character(30) :: filename
character(43) :: filename2
character(12) :: num
logical :: exists
integer :: i, ierr
filename = "spin_diff_stats"
if (tReadPops) then
open(funit, file=filename, status='unknown', position='append')
inquire (file=filename, exist=exists)
if (exists) then
i = 1
do while (exists)
write(num, '(i12)') i
filename2 = trim(adjustl(filename))//"."// &
inquire (file=filename2, exist=exists)
if (i > 10000) call stop_all(this_routine, &
"error finding free spin_diff_stats")
i = i + 1
end do
call rename(filename, filename2)
end if
open(funit, file=filename, status='unknown', iostat=ierr)
end if
end subroutine init_spin_diff_output