subroutine init_spin_free_tmat(lat)
! also construct a spin-free form of the hopping matrix
class(lattice), optional :: lat
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "init_spin_free_tmat"
integer :: i, ind
if (present(lat)) then
if (associated(spin_free_tmat)) deallocate(spin_free_tmat)
allocate(spin_free_tmat(nBasis / 2, nBasis / 2), source=h_cast(0.0_dp))
do i = 1, lat%get_nsites()
ind = lat%get_site_index(i)
ASSERT(lat%get_nsites() == nBasis / 2)
ASSERT(ind > 0)
ASSERT(ind <= nBasis / 2)
associate(next => lat%get_neighbors(ind))
ASSERT(all(next > 0))
ASSERT(all(next <= nBasis / 2))
spin_free_tmat(ind, next) = bhub
end associate
end do
call stop_all(this_routine, "not yet implemented!")
end if
end subroutine init_spin_free_tmat