subroutine MoveFCIMCStatsFiles()
#ifdef NAGF95
USe f90_unix_dir, only: rename
integer :: extension
logical :: exists
character(len=22) :: abstr
! character(len=36) :: command
character(len=*), parameter :: t_r = 'MoveFCIMCStatsFiles'
if (tMolpro) then
inquire (file='FCIQMCStats', exist=exists)
inquire (file='FCIMCStats', exist=exists)
end if
if (exists) then
!We already have an FCIMCStats file - move it to the end of the list of FCIMCStats files.
extension = 1
do while (.true.)
if (tMolpro) then
abstr = 'FCIQMCStats.'//str(extension)
abstr = 'FCIMCStats.'//str(extension)
end if
inquire (file=trim(adjustl(abstr)), exist=exists)
if (.not. exists) exit
extension = extension + 1
if (extension > 10000) then
call stop_all(t_r, "Error finding free FCIMCStats name")
end if
end do
if (tMolpro) then
call rename('FCIQMCStats', trim(adjustl(abstr)))
call rename('FCIMCStats', trim(adjustl(abstr)))
end if
end if
end subroutine MoveFCIMCStatsFiles