subroutine order_one_rdm(rdm)
! Here, if symmetry is kept, we are going to have to reorder the
! eigenvectors according to the size of the eigenvalues, while taking
! the orbital labels (and therefore symmetries) with them. This will
! be put back into MP2VDM from MP2VDMTemp.
! Want to reorder the eigenvalues from largest to smallest, taking the
! eigenvectors with them and the symmetry as well. If using spin
! orbitals, do this for the alpha spin and then the beta.
! The newly sorted SymLabelList2_rot and SymLabelListInv_rot will be
! stored in rdm%sym_list_no and rdm%sym_list_inv_no (as they are
! specific to this RDM).
use MemoryManager, only: LogMemAlloc
use rdm_data, only: tOpenShell, one_rdm_t
use sort_mod, only: sort
use SystemData, only: nbasis
type(one_rdm_t), intent(inout) :: rdm
integer :: spin, i, j, ierr, StartSort, EndSort
character(len=*), parameter :: t_r = 'order_one_rdm'
integer, allocatable :: SymLabelList_temp(:)
real(dp), allocatable :: one_rdm_Temp(:, :), EvaluesTemp(:)
integer :: Orb, New_Pos
! Temporary arrays.
allocate(one_rdm_Temp(NoOrbs, NoOrbs), stat=ierr)
allocate(SymLabelList_temp(NoOrbs), stat=ierr)
allocate(EvaluesTemp(NoOrbs), stat=ierr)
! This is just a temporary array for some sorting.
SymLabelList_temp = SymLabelList2_rot
! This object will contain the updated version of SymLabelList2_rot,
! specifically for this RDM, and ordered with the 1-RDM eigenvalues.
rdm%sym_list_no = SymLabelList2_rot
StartSort = 1
EndSort = SpatOrbs
! Unfortunately this sort routine orders the orbitals in ascending
! order... which is not quite what we want. Just remember this when
! printing out the Evalues.
call sort(rdm%EValues(startSort:endSort), &
rdm%matrix(1:NoOrbs, startSort:endSort), &
if (tOpenShell) then
StartSort = SpatOrbs + 1
EndSort = nBasis
call sort(rdm%EValues(startSort:endSort), &
rdm%matrix(1:NoOrbs, startSort:endSort), &
end if
! We now have the NO's ordered according to the size of their Evalues
! (occupation numbers). This will have jumbled up their symmetries.
! Want to reorder the MO's to match this ordering (so that we only
! have one SymLabelList array).
! Need a new SymLabelListInv_rot too. This will be stored in
! rdm%sym_list_inv_no.
rdm%sym_list_inv_no = 0
do i = 1, NoOrbs
rdm%sym_list_inv_no(rdm%sym_list_no(NoOrbs - i + 1)) = i
end do
one_rdm_Temp = rdm%matrix
rdm%matrix = 0.0_dp
do i = 1, NoOrbs
do j = 1, NoOrbs
! In position j, the MO orbital Orb is currently there.
Orb = SymLabelList_temp(j)
! Want to move it to the position the NO's are in.
New_Pos = rdm%sym_list_inv_no(Orb)
! But we also want to reverse the order of everything...
rdm%matrix(New_Pos, NoOrbs - i + 1) = one_rdm_Temp(j, i)
end do
end do
SymLabelList_temp = rdm%sym_list_no
EvaluesTemp = rdm%evalues
do i = 1, NoOrbs
rdm%sym_list_no(i) = SymLabelList_temp(NoOrbs - i + 1)
rdm%evalues(i) = EvaluesTemp(NoOrbs - i + 1)
end do
end subroutine order_one_rdm