public subroutine ORDERBASIS(NBASIS, ARR, BRR, ORBORDER, nBasisMax, G1)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: NBASIS
real(kind=dp) :: ARR(NBASIS,2)
integer :: BRR(NBASIS)
integer :: ORBORDER(8,2)
integer :: nBasisMax(5,*)
type(BasisFN) :: G1(NBASIS)


Source Code

Source Code

        INTEGER NBASIS, BRR(NBASIS), ORBORDER(8, 2), nBasisMax(5, *)
        real(dp) ARR(NBASIS, 2), ARR2(NBASIS, 2)
        real(dp) OEN
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'ORDERBASIS'
        IDONE = 0
        ITOT = 0
    !.. copy the default ordered energies.
        CALL DCOPY(NBASIS, ARR(1, 1), 1, ARR(1, 2), 1)
        CALL DCOPY(NBASIS, ARR(1, 1), 1, ARR2(1, 2), 1)
        write(stdout, *) ''
        write(stdout, "(A,8I4)") "Ordering Basis (Closed): ", (ORBORDER(I, 1), I=1, 8)
        write(stdout, "(A,8I4)") "Ordering Basis (Open  ): ", (ORBORDER(I, 2), I=1, 8)
        IF (NBASISMAX(3, 3) == 1) THEN
    !.. we use the symmetries of the spatial orbitals
    ! actually this is never really used below here it seems.. since orborder
    ! is only zeros, according to output. check that!
    ! and that is independent of the GUGA implementation TODO: check orborder!
            DO ITYPE = 1, 2
                IBFN = 1
                DO I = 1, 8
                    ! 8 probably because at most D2h symmetry giovanni told me about.
                    DO J = 1, ORBORDER(I, ITYPE)
                        DO WHILE (IBFN <= NBASIS .AND. (G1(IBFN)%SYM%s < I - 1 .OR. BRR(IBFN) == 0))
                            IBFN = IBFN + 1
                        end do
                        IF (IBFN > NBASIS) THEN
                            call stop_all(this_routine, "Cannot find enough basis fns of correct symmetry")
                        end if
                        IDONE = IDONE + 1
                        BRR2(IDONE) = IBFN
                        BRR(IBFN) = 0
                        ARR2(IDONE, 1) = ARR(IBFN, 1)
                        IBFN = IBFN + 1
                    end do
                end do
                ! Beta sort
                call sort(arr2(itot + 1:idone, 1), brr2(itot + 1:idone), nskip=2)
                ! Alpha sort
                call sort(arr2(itot + 2:idone, 1), brr2(itot + 2:idone), nskip=2)
                ITOT = IDONE
            end do
            DO I = 1, NBASIS
                IF (BRR(I) /= 0) THEN
                    ITOT = ITOT + 1
                    BRR2(ITOT) = BRR(I)
                    ARR2(ITOT, 1) = ARR(I, 1)
                end if
            end do
            ! what are those doing?
            ! ok those are copying the newly obtained arr2 and brr2 into arr and brr
            CALL NECI_ICOPY(NBASIS, BRR2, 1, BRR, 1)
            CALL DCOPY(NBASIS, ARR2(1, 1), 1, ARR(1, 1), 1)
        end if
        ! i think this is the only reached point: and this means i can make it
        ! similar to the Hubbard implementation to not reorder!
    ! beta sort
        call sort(arr(idone + 1:nbasis, 1), brr(idone + 1:nbasis), nskip=2)
    ! alpha sort
        call sort(arr(idone + 2:nbasis, 1), brr(idone + 2:nbasis), nskip=2)
    !.. We need to now go through each set of degenerate orbitals, and make
    !.. the correct ones are paired together in BRR otherwise bad things
    !.. happen in FREEZEBASIS
    !.. We do this by ensuring that within a degenerate set, the BRR are in
    !.. ascending order
    !         IF(NBASISMAX(3,3).EQ.1) G1(3,BRR(1))=J
        DO ISPIN = 0, 1
            OEN = ARR(1 + ISPIN, 1)
            J = 1 + ISPIN
            ITOT = 2
            DO I = 3 + ISPIN, NBASIS, 2
                IF (ABS(ARR(I, 1) - OEN) > 1.0e-4_dp) THEN
    !.. We don't have degenerate orbitals
    !.. First deal with the last set of degenerate orbitals
    !.. We sort them into order of BRR
                    call sort(brr(i - itot:i - 1), arr(i - itot:i - 1, 1), nskip=2)
    !.. now setup the new degenerate set.
                    J = J + 2
                    ITOT = 2
                    ITOT = ITOT + 2
                end if
                OEN = ARR(I, 1)
                IF (NBASISMAX(3, 3) == 1) THEN
    !.. If we've got a generic spatial sym or hf we mark degeneracies
    !               G(3,BRR(I))=J
                end if
            end do
    ! i is now nBasis+2
            call sort(brr(i - itot:i - 2), arr(i - itot:i - 2, 1), nskip=2)
        end do
    !   if (t_guga_noreorder) then
    !       ! this probably does not work so easy:
    !       allocate(temp_sym(nBasis))
    !       do i = 1, nBasis
    !         temp_sym(i) = G1(i)
    !       end do
    !       do i = 1, nBasis
    !           G1(i) = temp_sym(brr(i))
    !           brr(i) = i
    !       end do
    !       ! could i just do a new molpsymtable here??
    !       ! but only do it if symmetry is not turned off explicetyl!
    !       if (.not. lNoSymmetry) CALL GENMOLPSYMTABLE(NBASISMAX(5,2)+1,G1,NBASIS)
    !   end if

    END subroutine ORDERBASIS