subroutine PrintMemory(PrintDeallocated, iunit)
! Print out the memory log. If using the cache memory log, then it will
! only print out the elements stored, *not* any which have been
! over-written. By default, only the active allocations are printed out to
! PrintDeallocated (optional, default=.false.) - print out objects which
! have been deallocated (but are still present in the cache).
! iunit (optional, default=6) - unit to output to.
logical, intent(in), optional :: PrintDeallocated
integer, intent(in), optional :: iunit
logical :: pd
integer :: io, iobj
character(len=*), parameter :: fmt1 = '(3a19)'
if (present(PrintDeallocated)) then
pd = PrintDeallocated
pd = .false.
end if
if (present(iunit)) then
io = iunit
io = 6
end if
call WriteMemLogHeader(io)
do iobj = 1, min(ipos, MaxLen)
if (pd .or. MemLog(iobj)%DeallocRoutine == 'not deallocated') then
write (io, fmt1, advance='no') ' '//MemLog(iobj)%ObjectName, MemLog(iobj)%AllocRoutine, MemLog(iobj)%DeallocRoutine
call WriteMemSize(io, MemLog(iobj)%ObjectSize)
end if
if (ipos > MaxLen) then
write (io, *) '== NOTE: Length of logging arrays exceeded. Length needed is ', ipos
write (io, *) '================================================================'
end subroutine PrintMemory