subroutine readLMat()
use SystemData, only: nel
character(255) :: tcdump_name
! we need at least three electrons to make use of the six-index integrals
! => for less electrons, this can be skipped
if (nel <= 2) return
if(t_use_tchint_lib) return
call initializeLMatPtrs()
if (tLMatCalc) then
call readLMatFactors()
else if (t_rs_factors) then
call read_rs_lmat_factors()
! now, read lmat from file
if (tHDF5LMat) then
tcdump_name = "tcdump.h5"
tcdump_name = "TCDUMP"
end if
call lMat%read(trim(tcdump_name))
end if
end subroutine readLMat