subroutine RefillUMATandTMAT2D_RDM(one_rdm, sym_list)
! This routine refills these to more easily write out the ROFCIDUMP,
! and originally to be able to continue a calculation (although I doubt
! this works at the moment).
! UMat is in spin or spatial orbitals, TMAT2D only spin.
use IntegralsData, only: umat
use MemoryManager, only: LogMemAlloc, LogMemDealloc
use OneEInts, only: TMAT2D
use rdm_data, only: tRotatedNOs
use RotateOrbsMod, only: FourIndInts
use SystemData, only: nbasis
use UMatCache, only: UMatInd
real(dp), intent(in) :: one_rdm(:, :)
integer, intent(in) :: sym_list(:)
integer :: l, k, j, i, a, b, g, d, c
integer :: nBasis2, TMAT2DPartTag, ierr
real(dp) :: NewTMAT
real(dp), allocatable :: TMAT2DPart(:, :)
character(len=*), parameter :: t_r = 'RefillUMATandTMAT2D_RDM'
#ifdef CMPLX_
call stop_all('RefillUMATandTMAT2D_RDM', &
'Rotating orbitals not implemented for complex orbitals.')
! TMAT2D is always in spin orbitals.
allocate(TMAT2DPart(nBasis, nBasis), stat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) call Stop_All(t_r, 'Problem allocating TMAT2DPart array,')
call LogMemAlloc('TMAT2DPart', nBasis * nBasis, 8, &
'RefillUMAT_RDM', TMAT2DPartTag, ierr)
TMAT2DPart = 0.0_dp
! Make the UMAT elements the four index integrals.
! These are calculated by transforming the HF orbitals using the
! coefficients that have been found.
do l = 1, NoOrbs
d = sym_list(l)
do k = 1, NoOrbs
b = sym_list(k)
do j = 1, NoOrbs
g = sym_list(j)
do i = 1, NoOrbs
a = sym_list(i)
if (tOpenSpatialOrbs) then
a = gtID(a)
b = gtID(b)
g = gtID(g)
d = gtID(d)
end if
! The FourIndInts are in chemical notation, the UMatInd
! in physical.
UMAT(UMatInd(a, b, g, d)) = FourIndInts(i, j, k, l)
end do
end do
end do
end do
! Also calculate the 2 index integrals, and make these the elements
! of the TMAT2D matrix. TMAT2D is in spin orbitals.
do a = 1, nBasis
do k = 1, NoOrbs
i = sym_list(k)
NewTMAT = 0.0_dp
do b = 1, NoOrbs
d = sym_list(b)
if (tOpenShell) then
NewTMAT = NewTMAT + (one_rdm(b, k) * real(TMAT2D(d, a), dp))
NewTMAT = NewTMAT + (one_rdm(b, k) * real(TMAT2D(2 * d, a), dp))
end if
end do
if (tOpenShell) then
TMAT2DPart(i, a) = NewTMAT
if (mod(a, 2) == 0) then
TMAT2DPart(2 * i, a) = NewTMAT
TMAT2DPart((2 * i) - 1, a) = NewTMAT
end if
end if
end do
end do
do k = 1, nBasis
do l = 1, NoOrbs
j = sym_list(l)
NewTMAT = 0.0_dp
do a = 1, NoOrbs
c = sym_list(a)
if (tOpenShell) then
NewTMAT = NewTMAT + (one_rdm(a, l) * TMAT2DPart(k, c))
NewTMAT = NewTMAT + (one_rdm(a, l) * TMAT2DPart(k, 2 * c))
end if
end do
if (tOpenShell) then
TMAT2D(k, j) = NewTMAT
if (mod(k, 2) == 0) then
TMAT2D(k, 2 * j) = NewTMAT
TMAT2D(k, (2 * j) - 1) = NewTMAT
end if
end if
end do
end do
call LogMemDeAlloc('RefillUMAT_RDM', TMAT2DPartTag)
if (.not. tRotatedNOs) then
end if
end subroutine RefillUMATandTMAT2D_RDM