pure subroutine remove_node(prev, curr)
! On input, prev should point to the the node before curr in the linked list,
! or should point to null if curr is the first node in the list. curr should
! point to the node which is to be removed.
! On output, both prev and curr will be nullified.
type(ll_node), pointer, intent(inout) :: prev, curr
type(ll_node), pointer :: temp_node
if (associated(prev)) then
! If not the first state in the list.
prev%next => curr%next
! If the first state in the list.
if (associated(curr%next)) then
! If the first but not the only state in the list.
! Move the details of the second entry in the list to the
! first entry, and then deallocate the second entry.
curr%ind = curr%next%ind
temp_node => curr%next
curr%next => curr%next%next
! If the first and only state in the list.
curr%ind = 0
curr%next => null()
end if
end if
prev => null()
curr => null()
temp_node => null()
end subroutine remove_node