subroutine return_perturbed_ground_spec(perturbs, ilut_list, pert_ground_local, all_norm_pert)
! This routine takes a perturbation operator, the list of all
! possible determinants (ilut_list). It reads in a popsfile, applies
! the perturbation to the read in state, and then copies the amplitudes
! of this perturbed popsfile state to pert_ground_local, using an
! ordering and addressing defined by ilut_list. It all divides these
! amplitudes by the norm of the read in wave function *BEFORE* the
! perturbation is applied (as needed for spectral calculations) and
! returns the norm of the perturbed popsfile as an output.
use bit_rep_data, only: nifd, extract_sign
use bit_reps, only: decode_bit_det
use DetBitOps, only: DetBitEq, EncodeBitDet, ilut_lt, ilut_gt
use FciMCData, only: TotWalkers, CurrentDets
use PopsfileMod, only: read_popsfile_wrapper
use sort_mod, only: sort
use SystemData, only: nel
type(perturbation), intent(in), allocatable :: perturbs(:)
integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilut_list(:, :)
real(dp), intent(inout) :: pert_ground_local(:)
real(dp), intent(out) :: all_norm_pert
integer :: i, j
integer :: nI(nel)
real(dp) :: real_sign(lenof_sign)
real(dp) :: norm_pert
character(len=*), parameter :: t_r = 'return_perturbed_ground_spec'
pert_ground_local = 0.0_dp
! Read in the POPSFILE and apply the perturbation operator in perturbs,
! as we do so. Afterwards, the perturbed wave function will be stored in
! CurrentDets.
call read_popsfile_wrapper(perturbs)
j = 0
norm_pert = 0.0_dp
call sort(CurrentDets(:, 1:TotWalkers), ilut_lt, ilut_gt)
do i = 1, int(TotWalkers)
call extract_sign(CurrentDets(:, i), real_sign)
! If the POPSFILE was generated from a calculation with the linear-scaling
! algorithm then it is possible to have the same determinant twice in a
! row, once with zero weight. If this is the case, skip the second case.
if (i > 1) then
if (DetBitEq(CurrentDets(:, i - 1), CurrentDets(:, i), nifd)) cycle
end if
norm_pert = norm_pert + real_sign(1) * real_sign(1)
j = j + 1
if (DetBitEq(CurrentDets(:, i), ilut_list(:, j), nifd)) then
pert_ground_local(j) = real_sign(1)
end if
end do
end do
! The contributions to pops_norm are added in as the determinants are
! read in from the popsfile, which is only done on the root process, so
! brooadcast the value to other processors.
call MPIBCast(pops_norm)
pert_ground_local = pert_ground_local / sqrt(pops_norm)
call MPISumAll(norm_pert, all_norm_pert)
all_norm_pert = sqrt(all_norm_pert)
end subroutine return_perturbed_ground_spec