rezero_output_stats Subroutine

public subroutine rezero_output_stats()




Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine rezero_output_stats()
        ! Zero all accumulated variables that are only used in output
        IterTime = 0.0_sp
        Acceptances = 0.0_dp
        NoBorn = 0.0_dp
        NoDied = 0.0_dp
        Annihilated = 0.0_dp
        max_cyc_spawn = 0.0_dp
        trial_numerator = 0.0_dp
        trial_denom = 0.0_dp

        ! These are dedicated output variables
        ENumOut = 0.0_dp
        HFOut = 0.0_dp
        AllTotPartsLastOutput = AllTotParts
        SumWalkersOut = 0.0_dp

        ! reset the truncated weight
        truncatedWeight = 0.0_dp

        ! reset the logged number of initiators
        initsPerExLvl = 0

        ! and the number of excits
        nInvalidExcits = 0
        nValidExcits = 0

        ! the number of non-inititators in the core-space
        n_core_non_init = 0
    end subroutine rezero_output_stats