subroutine setup_ind_matrix_doubles()
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "setup_ind_matrix_doubles"
integer :: n_elec_pairs, i, j, a, b, elec_i, elec_j
integer :: ij, ab, orb_a, orb_b, k
logical :: t_par
integer(n_int) :: temp_ilut(0:nifd)
nvirt = nbasis - nel
n_virt_pairs = nvirt * (nvirt - 1) / 2
n_elec_pairs = nel * (nel - 1) / 2
call setup_virtual_mask()
call setup_elec_ind_mat()
call setup_orb_ind_mat()
! encode only the possible excitations from the closed shell
! reference!
! i < j; a < b and (i,j) /= (a,b)
ASSERT(n_elec_pairs == ElecPairs)
allocate(ind_matrix_doubles(n_elec_pairs, n_virt_pairs))
ind_matrix_doubles = 0
temp_ilut = iLutRef(0:nifd, 1)
k = 1
! i could also just loop over the reference determinant..
do i = 1, nel
elec_i = projedet(i, 1)
do j = i + 1, nel
elec_j = projedet(j, 1)
t_par = same_spin(elec_i, elec_j)
! i have to convert (i,j) -> to a linear index
! and i definetly have to use the actual spin orbitals,
! since this is the quantity we have access to in the rest of
! the calculation
ij = linear_elec_ind(elec_i, elec_j)
! maybe here i could to a check if ij = 0 ?
ASSERT(ij > 0)
ASSERT(ij <= ElecPairs)
! now i have to check if the orbitals fit and if the spin
! fits!
! use the virtual mask from back-spawn!
if (t_par) then
do a = 1, Nvirt
orb_a = mask_virt_ni(a, 1)
do b = a + 1, Nvirt
orb_b = mask_virt_ni(b, 1)
if (same_spin(orb_a, orb_b) .and. same_spin(orb_a, elec_i)) then
ab = linear_orb_ind(orb_a, orb_b)
ASSERT(ab > 0)
ASSERT(ab <= n_virt_pairs)
ind_matrix_doubles(ij, ab) = k
k = k + 1
end if
end do
end do
do a = 1, nvirt
orb_a = mask_virt_ni(a, 1)
do b = a + 1, nvirt
orb_b = mask_virt_ni(b, 1)
if (.not. same_spin(orb_a, orb_b)) then
ab = linear_orb_ind(orb_a, orb_b)
ASSERT(ab > 0)
ASSERT(ab <= n_virt_pairs)
ind_matrix_doubles(ij, ab) = k
k = k + 1
end if
end do
end do
end if
end do
end do
end subroutine setup_ind_matrix_doubles