SysInit Subroutine

public subroutine SysInit()




Source Code

Source Code

    Subroutine SysInit
        Use global_utilities
        use SymData, only: tAbelian, TwoCycleSymGens, nSymLabels
        use constants, only: Pi, Pi2, THIRD
        use read_fci
        use sym_mod
        use SymExcitDataMod, only: kPointToBasisFn
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'SysInit'
        integer ierr

        CHARACTER(len=1) CPAR(3)
        CHARACTER(len=3) CPARITY
! For init of mom
        TYPE(BasisFN) G

!  For the UEG
        real(dp) FKF, Rs

! General variables
        INTEGER i, j, k, l, iG, k2_max_2d
        INTEGER len
        type(timer), save :: proc_timer
        real(dp) SUM
! Called functions
        TYPE(BasisFN) FrzSym
        real(dp) dUnscaledE
        real(dp), allocatable :: arr_tmp(:, :)
        integer, allocatable :: brr_tmp(:)
!     UEG2
        integer :: AllocateStatus
        real(dp), parameter :: EulersConst = 0.5772156649015328606065120900824024_dp
        integer, allocatable :: temp_sym_vecs(:, :)

        ECORE = 0.0_dp

!      IFDET=0
!      TRHOIJND=.false.
        proc_timer%timer_name = 'SysInit   '
        call set_timer(proc_timer)

!C ==-------------------------------------------------------------------==
!C..Input parameters
        write(stdout, '(A)') '======== SYSTEM =========='
        write(stdout, '(A,I5)') '  NUMBER OF ELECTRONS : ', NEL
        ! IF(TSPN) THEN
        !     write(stdout,*) ' Restricting the spin state of the system, TSPN : ' , TSPN
        ! ELSE
        !     write(stdout,*) ' No restriction on the spin state of the system, TSPN : ' , TSPN
        ! end if

        if (TSPN) then
            write(stdout, *) ' Restricting the S_z spin-projection of the system, TSPN : ', TSPN
            write(stdout, '(A,I5)') ' S_z quantum number : ', LMS
            write(stdout, *) ' No restriction on the S_z spin-projection of the system, TSPN : ', TSPN
        end if

        NBASISMAX(1:5, 1:7) = 0
        DO I = 1, 3
            SymRestrict%k(I) = IPARITY(I)
        end do
        SymRestrict%Ms = IPARITY(4)
        SymRestrict%Sym%s = IPARITY(5)

        IF (TSPN) THEN
!C.. If we're doing monte carlo without generating a list of
!C.. determinants, we cannot as yet force spin or parity, except by
!C.. restricting the basis set.  This will only work for Ms=NEL/2
!C            write(stdout,*) 'TSPN set to TRUE.  Determinant list not being',
!C     &         ' used for MC.  Forcing MS=Nel/2'
!C            IF(MOD(NEL,2).EQ.0) THEN
!C               LMS=NEL/2
!C            ELSE
!C               LMS=NEL
!C            end if
!C            TSPINPOLAR=.TRUE.
!C         end if
            IF (MOD(LMS + NEL * 2, 2) /= MOD(NEL, 2)) THEN
                write(stdout, *) 'LMS=', LMS, ' not achievable with', NEL, ' electrons'
                write(stdout, *) 'Resetting LMS'
                LMS = MOD(NEL, 2)
            end if
            LMS2 = LMS
            if (tUEG2) then
                TSPN = .TRUE.
                if (dimen == 1) then
!                 1D calculations are always spin polarised
                    LMS = NEL
                    !TSPINPOLAR = .TRUE.
                    LMS = 0
                end if
                LMS2 = LMS
            end if
        end if
        ! global ms should only be outputted if we restrict the spin system
        ! otherwise not defined ...
        if (TSPN) write(stdout, *) ' GLOBAL MS : ', LMS

        IF ((NBASISMAX(2, 3) == 1) .or. tROHF) THEN
!If we are dealing with an open shell system, the calculation of symreps will sometimes fail.
!This will have consequences for the rest of the program, so in a slightly hacky way, we can simply
!not reorder the orbitals by energy, so that they remain in symmetries.
!The reason it fails it that it looks for a complete set of orbitals which are degenerate
!and ignores those in the symmetry classification. Unfortunately in ROHF and UHF there aren't such things.
            write(stdout, '(A)') "  Open shell system - SYMIGNOREENERGIES set.  "
!          tHFNOORDER=.true.
            tSymIgnoreEnergies = .true.
        end if

        if (tUseBrillouin) THEN
            write(stdout, '(A)') "  Using Brillouin's Theorem to ignore single excitations"
        end if
        if (tStoreAsExcitations) THEN
            write(stdout, '(A)') "  Storing determinants as excitations from the HF determinant.  WARNING this may not work!"
            IF (nEL < 8) call stop_all(this_routine, '  tStoreAsExcitations requires nEl>=8.')
        end if

        TwoCycleSymGens = .false.
        IF (TCPMD) THEN
            write(stdout, '(A)') '  *** GENERIC SYSTEM USING KOHN-SHAM ORBITALS ***  '
            IF (TPARITY) THEN
                write(stdout, "(A)", advance='no') '  SYMMETRIES : '
                CALL WRITEALLSYM(5, SymRestrict, .true.)
            end if
            IF (THFORDER) write(stdout, '(A)') "  Ordering according to 1-electron energies.  "
        else if (tVASP) THEN
            write(stdout, '(A)') '  *** GENERIC SYSTEM USING HF ORBITALS PRODUCED BY VASP ***  '
            CALL VASPSystemInit(LEN)
        else if (TREADINT) THEN
!C.. we read in the integrals from FCIDUMP and ignore most config
            write(stdout, '(A)') '  *** GENERIC SYSTEM ***  '
            IF (THUB) THEN
                THUB = .FALSE.
                write(stdout, '(A)') "  Setting THUB=.FALSE.  "
            end if
            TwoCycleSymGens = .true.
            IF (TDFREAD) THEN
                write(stdout, '(A)') "  Reading Density fitted integrals.  "
                LMSBASIS = LMS
                CALL InitDFBasis(nBasisMax, Len)
            else if (tRIIntegrals) THEN
                LMSBASIS = LMS
                IF (tRIIntegrals) THEN
                    write(stdout, '(A)') "  Reading RI integrals.  "
                    CALL InitRIBasis(nBasisMax, Len)
                    LMSBASIS = LMS
                    write(stdout, '(A)') "  Reading in all integrals from FCIDUMP file, but storing them in a cache...  "
                    tAbelian = .true.
                end if
                nBasisMax(3, 3) = 1    !No momentum conservation
                nBasisMax(4, 1) = -1   !God knows...
                nBasisMax(4, 2) = 1    !Ditto
!.. Correspond to ISS=0
!            NBASISMAX(2,3)=-1  !indicate we generate on the fly
                iSpinSkip = -1
!NBASISMAX(2,3)  !indicate we generate on the fly
!C.. say we're a UHF det so all singles are 0
!            IF(LMS.EQ.0) THEN
!               NBASISMAX(4,5)=1
!            ELSE
!               NBASISMAX(4,5)=2
!            end if
                IF (NBASISMAX(2, 3) == 1) then
                    write(stdout, '(A)') " Unrestricted calculation.  Cave Arthropodia.  "
                else if (tROHF) then
                    write(stdout, '(A)') "  High-spin restricted calculation. Seriously Cave Arthropodia.  "
                end if
                LMSBASIS = LMS
!            write(stdout,*) "TBIN:",tBin
!C.. say we're a UHF det so all singles are 0
!            IF(LMS.EQ.0) THEN
!               NBASISMAX(4,5)=1
!            ELSE
!               NBASISMAX(4,5)=2
!            end if
                IF (tStoreSpinOrbs) then
                    write(stdout, '(A)') "  Unrestricted calculation.  Cave Arthropodia.  "
                else if (tROHF) then
                    write(stdout, '(A)') "  High-spin restricted calculation. Seriously Cave Arthropodia.  "
                end if
            end if

            ! ======================================================
            if (tUEG2) then
                !determines the recip lattice, the real volume, R_s and the Fermi vector
                call LatticeInit(RS, FKF)

                ! engergy cutoff not given -> set to 2* Fermi vector
                if (.not. torbEcutoff) then
                    orbEcutoff = (2.0_dp * FKF / k_lattice_constant)**2.0_dp
                    torbEcutoff = .true.
                end if
                ! if cell size not given
                if (NMAXX == 0 .and. NMAXY == 0 .and. NMAXZ == 0) then
                    call CalcCell
                end if

                TTILT = .FALSE.
                ALAT = 0.0_dp   !shouldn't be used in the UEG2 part...
                NMAX = MAX(NMAXX, NMAXY, NMAXZ)
                NNR = NMSH * NMSH * NMSH
                write(stdout, '(A)') '  *** In UEG2 ***  '
                write(stdout, '(A)') '  *** UNIFORM ELECTRON GAS CALCULATION ***  '
                write(stdout, '(A,F20.16)') '  Electron Gas Rs set to ', FUEGRS
                IF (TPARITY) THEN
                    write(stdout, *) ' MOMENTUM : ', (IPARITY(I), I=1, 3)
                end if

                write(stdout, '(A,I5)') '  Dimension : ', Dimen
                write(stdout, *) '  Reciprocal lattice constant : ', k_lattice_constant
                write(stdout, '(A,I5)') '  NMAXX : ', NMAXX
                write(stdout, '(A,I5)') '  NMAXY : ', NMAXY
                write(stdout, '(A,I5)') '  NMAXZ : ', NMAXZ
                write(stdout, '(A,I5)') '  NMSH : ', NMSH
                write(stdout, *) " Wigner-Seitz radius Rs=", RS
                write(stdout, *) " Fermi vector kF^2=", FKF**2
                write(stdout, *) " Fermi Energy EF=", FKF * FKF / 2
                write(stdout, *) " Unscaled fermi vector kF=", FKF / k_lattice_constant
                write(stdout, *) " Unscaled Fermi Energy nmax**2=", (FKF * FKF / 2) / (0.5 * (2 * PI / ALAT(5))**2)
                IF (.not. (OrbECutoff.isclose.1e-20_dp)) write(stdout, *) " Orbital Energy Cutoff:", OrbECutoff
                write(stdout, '(1X,A,F19.5)') '  VOLUME : ', OMEGA
                write(stdout, *) ' TALPHA : ', TALPHA
                write(stdout, '(1X,A,F19.5)') '  ALPHA : ', ALPHA

                ALPHA = (OMEGA)**THIRD * ALPHA
                write(stdout, '(1X,A,F19.5)') '  SCALED ALPHA : ', ALPHA
                write(stdout, *) 'Madelung constant: ', Madelung

!C..Calculate number of basis functions
!C.. UEG allows from -NMAX->NMAX
                IF (TSPINPOLAR) THEN
                    NBASISMAX(4, 1) = 1
!C.. spinskip
                    NBASISMAX(2, 3) = 1
                    NBASISMAX(4, 1) = -1
!C.. spinskip
!  If spinskip is unset
                    IF (NBASISMAX(2, 3) == 0) NBASISMAX(2, 3) = 2
                end if

                NBASISMAX(4, 2) = 1
                NBASISMAX(1, 1) = -NMAXX
                NBASISMAX(1, 2) = NMAXX
                NBASISMAX(2, 1) = -NMAXY
                NBASISMAX(2, 2) = NMAXY
                NBASISMAX(3, 1) = -NMAXZ
                NBASISMAX(3, 2) = NMAXZ
                NBASISMAX(1, 3) = -1
                LEN = (2 * NMAXX + 1) * (2 * NMAXY + 1) * (2 * NMAXZ + 1) * ((NBASISMAX(4, 2) - NBASISMAX(4, 1)) / 2 + 1)
!C.. UEG
                NBASISMAX(3, 3) = -1

!C.. we actually store twice as much in arr as we need.
!C.. the ARR(1:LEN,1) are the energies of the orbitals ordered according to
!C.. BRR.  ARR(1:LEN,2) are the energies of the orbitals with default
!C.. ordering.
!C.. ARR is reallocated in IntFreezeBasis if orbitals are frozen so that it
!C.. has the correct size and shape to contain the eigenvalues of the active
!C.. basis.
                write(stdout, '(A,I5)') "  NUMBER OF SPIN ORBITALS IN BASIS : ", Len
                allocate(Arr(LEN, 2), STAT=ierr)
                LogAlloc(ierr, 'Arr', 2 * LEN, 8, tagArr)
                ! // TBR
                !      IP_ARRSTORE=IP_ARR
                ARR = 0.0_dp
                allocate(Brr(LEN), STAT=ierr)
                LogAlloc(ierr, 'Brr', LEN, 4, tagBrr)
                BRR(1:LEN) = 0
                allocate(G1(Len), STAT=ierr)
                LogAlloc(ierr, 'G1', LEN, BasisFNSizeB, tagG1)
                G1(1:LEN) = NullBasisFn

                IF (TCPMD) THEN
                    write(stdout, '(A)') '*** INITIALIZING BASIS FNs FROM CPMD ***'
                    NBASIS = LEN
                    iSpinSkip = NBasisMax(2, 3)
                else if (tVASP) THEN
                    write(stdout, '(A)') '*** INITIALIZING BASIS FNs FROM VASP ***'
                    CALL VASPBasisInit(ARR, BRR, G1, LEN) ! This also modifies nBasisMax
                    NBASIS = LEN
                    iSpinSkip = NBasisMax(2, 3)
                else if (TREADINT .AND. TDFREAD) THEN
                    write(stdout, '(A)') '*** Creating Basis Fns from Dalton output ***'
                    call InitDaltonBasis(Arr, Brr, G1, Len)
                    nBasis = Len
                    call GenMolpSymTable(1, G1, nBasis)
                else if (TREADINT) THEN
                    !This is also called for tRiIntegrals and tCacheFCIDUMPInts
                    write(stdout, '(A)') '*** CREATING BASIS FNs FROM FCIDUMP ***'
                    NBASIS = LEN

                    !C.. we're reading in integrals and have a molpro symmetry table
                    IF (lNoSymmetry) THEN
                        write(stdout, *) "Turning Symmetry off"
                        DO I = 1, nBasis
                            G1(I)%Sym%s = 0
                        end do
                        CALL GENMOLPSYMTABLE(1, G1, NBASIS)
                        DO I = 1, nBasis
                            G1(I)%Sym%s = 0
                        end do
                        CALL GENMOLPSYMTABLE(NBASISMAX(5, 2) + 1, G1, NBASIS)
                    end if

!C.. Create plane wave basis functions

                    write(stdout, *) "Creating plane wave basis."

                    IG = 0
                    DO I = NBASISMAX(1, 1), NBASISMAX(1, 2)
                        DO J = NBASISMAX(2, 1), NBASISMAX(2, 2)
                            DO K = NBASISMAX(3, 1), NBASISMAX(3, 2)
                                DO L = NBASISMAX(4, 1), NBASISMAX(4, 2), 2
                                    !if (dimen ==1 .AND. L ==1) cycle
                                    G%k(1) = I
                                    G%k(2) = J
                                    G%k(3) = K
                                    G%Ms = L

                                    IF (KALLOWED(G, NBASISMAX)) THEN
                                        CALL GetUEGKE(I, J, K, ALAT, tUEGTrueEnergies, tUEGOffset, k_offset, SUM, dUnscaledE)
                                        IF (dUnscaledE > OrbECutoff) CYCLE
                                        IG = IG + 1
                                        ARR(IG, 1) = SUM
                                        ARR(IG, 2) = SUM
                                        BRR(IG) = IG
                                        !C..These are the quantum numbers: n,l,m and sigma
                                        G1(IG)%K(1) = I
                                        G1(IG)%K(2) = J
                                        G1(IG)%K(3) = K
                                        G1(IG)%MS = L
                                        G1(IG)%Sym = TotSymRep()
                                    end if

                                end do
                            end do
                        end do
                    end do
                    if (real_lattice_type == 'sc' .AND. maxval(G1%K(1)) >= NMAXX) write(stdout, *) 'ERROR IN CELL CALCULATION! '

!C..Check to see if all's well
                    write(stdout, *) ' NUMBER OF BASIS FUNCTIONS : ', IG
                    NBASIS = IG

                    ! calculate k-vectors in cartesian coordinates
                    allocate(kvec(NBASIS, 3), STAT=AllocateStatus)
                    IG = 0
                    DO I = 1, NBASIS
                        IG = IG + 1
                        kvec(IG, 1) = k_lattice_vectors(1, 1) * G1(IG)%K(1) &
                                      + k_lattice_vectors(2, 1) * G1(IG)%K(2) &
                                      + k_lattice_vectors(3, 1) * G1(IG)%K(3)
                        kvec(IG, 2) = k_lattice_vectors(1, 2) * G1(IG)%K(1) &
                                      + k_lattice_vectors(2, 2) * G1(IG)%K(2) &
                                      + k_lattice_vectors(3, 2) * G1(IG)%K(3)
                        kvec(IG, 3) = k_lattice_vectors(1, 3) * G1(IG)%K(1) &
                                      + k_lattice_vectors(2, 3) * G1(IG)%K(2) &
                                      + k_lattice_vectors(3, 3) * G1(IG)%K(3)
                    end do

                    IF (LEN /= IG) THEN
                        if (OrbECutoff > -1e20_dp) then
                            write(stdout, *) " Have removed ", LEN - IG, " high energy orbitals "
                            ! Resize arr and brr.
                            allocate(arr_tmp(nbasis, 2), brr_tmp(nbasis), stat=ierr)
                            arr_tmp = arr(1:nbasis, :)
                            brr_tmp = brr(1:nbasis)
                            deallocate(arr, brr, stat=ierr)
                            allocate(arr(nbasis, 2), brr(nbasis), stat=ierr)
                            LogAlloc(ierr, 'Arr', 2 * nbasis, 8, tagArr)
                            LogAlloc(ierr, 'Brr', nbasis, 4, tagBrr)
                            arr = arr_tmp
                            brr = brr_tmp
                            deallocate(arr_tmp, brr_tmp, stat=ierr)
                            write(stdout, *) " LEN=", LEN, "IG=", IG
                            call stop_all(this_routine, ' LEN NE IG ')
                        end if
                    end if

                    if (.not. tHub) CALL GENMOLPSYMTABLE(1, G1, NBASIS)
                end if

                IF (tFixLz) THEN
                    write(stdout, '(A)') "****** USING Lz SYMMETRY *******"
                    write(stdout, '(A,I5)') "Pure spherical harmonics with complex orbitals used to constrain Lz to: ", LzTot
                    write(stdout, *) "Due to the breaking of the Ml degeneracy, the fock energies are slightly wrong, "&
                    &//"on order of 1.0e-4_dp - do not use for MP2!"
                    if (nsymlabels > 4) then
                        call stop_all(this_routine, "D2h point group detected. Incompatable with Lz symmetry conserving "&
                        &//"orbitals. Have you transformed these orbitals into spherical harmonics correctly?!")
                    end if
                end if

!C..        (.NOT.TREADINT)
!C.. Set the initial symmetry to be totally symmetric
                FrzSym = NullBasisFn
                FrzSym%Sym = TotSymRep()
                CALL SetupFreezeSym(FrzSym)
!C..Now we sort them using SORT2 and then SORT

!C.. This sorts ARR and BRR into order of ARR [AJWT]
                IF (.NOT. THFNOORDER) THEN
                    !.. copy the default ordered energies.
                    CALL DCOPY(NBASIS, ARR(1, 1), 1, ARR(1, 2), 1)
                end if
!      write(stdout,*) THFNOORDER, " THFNOORDER"

                if (.not. tMolpro) then
                    !If we are calling from molpro, we write the basis later (after reordering)
                    CALL writebasis(stdout, G1, nBasis, ARR, BRR)
                end if

                IF (NEL > NBASIS) call stop_all(this_routine, 'MORE ELECTRONS THAN BASIS FUNCTIONS')
                CALL neci_flush(stdout)

                NOCC = NEl / 2
                IF (TREADINT) THEN
                    !C.. we're reading in integrals and have a molpro symmetry table
                    IF (lNoSymmetry) THEN
                        write(stdout, *) "Turning Symmetry off"
                        CALL GENMOLPSYMREPS()
                        CALL GENMOLPSYMREPS()
                    end if
                else if (TCPMD) THEN
                    !C.. If TCPMD, then we've generated the symmetry table earlier,
                    !C.. but we still need the sym reps table.
                    call stop_all(this_routine, 'CPMD interface deprecated')
!              CALL GENCPMDSYMREPS(G1,NBASIS,ARR,1.e-5_dp)
                else if (tVASP) THEN
                    !C.. If VASP-based calculation, then we've generated the symmetry table earlier,
                    !C.. but we still need the sym reps table. DEGENTOL=1.0e-6_dp. CHECK w/AJWT.
                    CALL GENSYMREPS(G1, NBASIS, ARR, 1.e-6_dp)
                else if (THUB .AND. .NOT. TREAL) THEN
                    CALL GenHubMomIrrepsSymTable(G1, nBasis, nBasisMax)
                    CALL writebasis(stdout, G1, nBasis, ARR, BRR)
                    !C.. no symmetry, so a simple sym table
                    CALL GENMOLPSYMREPS()
                end if

                !// TBR
                !      write(stdout,*) ' ETRIAL : ',ETRIAL
                !      IF(FCOUL.NE.1.0_dp)  write(stdout,*) "WARNING: FCOUL is not 1.0_dp. FCOUL=",FCOUL
                IF (FCOULDAMPBETA > 0) write(stdout, *) "FCOUL Damping.  Beta ", FCOULDAMPBETA, " Mu ", FCOULDAMPMU
                call halt_timer(proc_timer)

                !calculate tau if not given
                if (TAU < 0.0_dp) then
                    call CalcTau
                end if

                if (tMadelung .AND. near_zero(Madelung) .AND. dimen == 3) then
                    Madelung = calc_madelung()
                else if (tMadelung .AND. near_zero(Madelung) .AND. dimen /= 3) then
                    call stop_all(this_routine, "Calculation of Madelung constant works in 3D only!")
                end if

            end if  !UEG2
! ======================================================

            IF (TUEG) THEN
                write(stdout, '(A)') '  *** UNIFORM ELECTRON GAS CALCULATION ***  '
                if (iPeriodicDampingType /= 0) then
                    ! We are using either a screened or an attenuated Coulomb
                    ! potential for calculating the exchange integrals.
                    ! This means that we need to be able to distinguish between
                    ! exchange integrals and normal Coulomb integrals and hence we
                    ! should refer to spin-orbitals throughout.
                    nBasisMax(2, 3) = 1
                    tStoreSpinOrbs = .true.
                end if

                if (t_ueg_transcorr) write(stdout, *) 'Using Transcorrelated method on UEG'

                IF (.not. near_zero(FUEGRS)) THEN
                    write(stdout, '(A,F20.16)') '  Electron Gas Rs set to ', FUEGRS
                    write(stdout, '(A,I4)') '  DIMENSION set to ', dimen
                    if (dimen == 3) then
                        OMEGA = BOX * BOX * BOX * BOA * COA
!C.. required density is (3/(4 pi rs^3))
!C.. need omega to be (NEL* 4 pi rs^3 / 3)
!C.. need box to be (NEL*4 pi/(3 BOA COA))^(1/3) rs
                        BOX = (NEL * 4.0_dp * PI / (3.0_dp * BOA * COA))**(1.0_dp / 3.0_dp)
                        BOX = BOX * FUEGRS
                        write(stdout, '(A, F20.16)') "  Resetting box size to ", BOX
                    else if (dimen == 2) then
                        OMEGA = BOX * BOX * BOA
!C.. required density is (1/( pi rs^2))
!C.. need omega to be (NEL* pi rs^2)
!C.. need box to be (NEL* pi/ BOA)^(1/2) rs
                        BOX = (NEL * PI / BOA)**(1.0_dp / 2.0_dp)
                        BOX = BOX * FUEGRS
                        write(stdout, '(A, F20.16)') "  Resetting box size to ", BOX
                        write(stdout, '(A, I4)') " Dimension problem  ", dimen
                    end if

                end if
            end if
            IF (THUB) write(stdout, '(A)') '  *** HUBBARD MODEL ***  '
            IF (.NOT. THUB .AND. .NOT. TUEG) THEN
                ! Just have even/odd symmetry so it's a two cycle symmetry
                ! generation issue.
                TwoCycleSymGens = .true.
                write(stdout, '(A)') "  Electron in cubic box.  "
                IF (TPARITY) THEN
                    write(stdout, '(A)') '  *******************************  '
                    write(stdout, *) ' PARITY IS ON '
                    DO I = 1, 3
                        IF (IPARITY(I) == 1) THEN
                            CPAR(I) = 'G'
                        else if (IPARITY(I) == -1) THEN
                            CPAR(I) = 'U'
                            call stop_all(this_routine, ' !!! PROBLEM WITH PARITY !!! ')
                        end if
                    end do
                    CPARITY = CPAR(1)//CPAR(2)//CPAR(3)
                    write(stdout, *) ' PARITY : ', CPARITY
                    write(stdout, *) ' PARITY IS OFF '
                end if
                write(stdout, *) ' ******************************* '

!  //TBR
                IF (TPARITY) THEN
                    write(stdout, *) ' MOMENTUM : ', (IPARITY(I), I=1, 3)
                end if
            end if

            ! W.D: are those variable ever used actually?
            NNR = NMSH * NMSH * NMSH
            write(stdout, '(A,I5)') '  NMAXX : ', NMAXX
            write(stdout, '(A,I5)') '  NMAXY : ', NMAXY
            write(stdout, '(A,I5)') '  NMAXZ : ', NMAXZ
            write(stdout, '(A,I5)') '  NMSH : ', NMSH
!C.. 2D check
            IF (NMAXZ == 0) THEN
                write(stdout, '(A)') ' NMAXZ=0.  2D calculation using C/A=1/A  '
                COA = 1 / BOX
            end if

            IF (THUB) THEN
                write(stdout, '(1X,A,F19.5)') '  HUBBARD T : ', BHUB
                write(stdout, '(1X,A,F19.5)') '  HUBBARD U : ', UHUB
                if (abs(nn_bhub) > EPS) then
                    write(stdout, '(1X,A,F19.5)') '  HUBBARD T* : ', nn_bhub
                    print *, "Also next-nearest neighbor hopping!"
                end if
                IF (TTILT) write(stdout, *) ' TILTED LATTICE: ', ITILTX, ",", ITILTY
                IF (TTILT .AND. ITILTX > ITILTY) call stop_all(this_routine, 'ERROR: ITILTX>ITILTY')
                if (t_new_hubbard) then
                    if (iprocindex == root) then
                        print *, "New Hubbard Implementation! "
                        print *, "lattice used: "
                        call lat%print_lat()
                    end if
                end if
                write(stdout, '(1X,A,F19.5)') '  BOX LENGTH : ', BOX
                write(stdout, '(1X,A,F19.5)') '  B/A : ', BOA
                write(stdout, '(1X,A,F19.5)') '  C/A : ', COA
                TTILT = .FALSE.
            end if
            ALAT(1) = BOX
            ALAT(2) = BOX * BOA
            ALAT(3) = BOX * COA
            IF (near_zero(fRc) .AND. iPeriodicDampingType /= 0) THEN
                ALAT(4) = BOX * ((BOA * COA) / (4 * PI / 3))**THIRD
                ALAT(4) = fRc
            end if

            IF (THUB) THEN
                if (t_new_hubbard) then
                    omega = real(lat%get_nsites(), dp)
                    if (iprocindex == root) then
                        print *, " periodic boundary conditions: ", lat%is_periodic()
                        print *, "Real space basis: ", t_new_real_space_hubbard
                    end if

                else if (t_heisenberg_model .or. t_tJ_model) then
                    root_print "New tJ/Heisenberg Implementation! "
                    root_print "lattice used: "
                    if (iprocindex == root) then
                        call lat%print_lat()
                    end if
                    omega = real(lat%get_nsites(), dp)
                    root_print " periodic boundary conditions: ", lat%is_periodic()
                    rs = 1.0_dp

                    write(stdout, *) ' X-LENGTH OF HUBBARD CHAIN:', NMAXX
                    write(stdout, *) ' Y-LENGTH OF HUBBARD CHAIN:', NMAXY
                    write(stdout, *) ' Z-LENGTH OF HUBBARD CHAIN:', NMAXZ
                    write(stdout, *) ' Periodic Boundary Conditions:', TPBC
                    write(stdout, *) ' Real space basis:', TREAL

                    IF (TTILT .AND. THUB) THEN
                        OMEGA = real(NMAXX, dp) * NMAXY * (ITILTX * ITILTX + ITILTY * ITILTY)
                        OMEGA = real(NMAXX, dp) * (NMAXY) * (NMAXZ)
                    end if
                end if
                RS = 1.0_dp

                if (dimen == 3) then

                    OMEGA = ALAT(1) * ALAT(2) * ALAT(3)
                    RS = (3.0_dp * OMEGA / (4.0_dp * PI * NEL))**THIRD
                    ALAT(5) = RS
                    IF (iPeriodicDampingType /= 0) THEN
                        IF (iPeriodicDampingType == 1) THEN
                            write(stdout, *) " Using attenuated Coulomb potential for exchange interactions."
                        else if (iPeriodicDampingType == 2) THEN
                            write(stdout, *) " Using cut-off Coulomb potential for exchange interactions."
                        end if

                        write(stdout, *) " Rc cutoff: ", ALAT(4)
                    end if
                    write(stdout, *) " Wigner-Seitz radius Rs=", RS
                    FKF = (9 * PI / 4)**THIRD / RS
                    write(stdout, *) " Fermi vector kF=", FKF
                    write(stdout, *) " Fermi Energy EF=", FKF * FKF / 2
                    write(stdout, *) " Unscaled Fermi Energy nmax**2=", (FKF * FKF / 2) / (0.5 * (2 * PI / ALAT(5))**2)
                else if (dimen == 2) then
                    OMEGA = ALAT(1) * ALAT(2)
                    RS = dsqrt(OMEGA / (PI * NEL))
                    ALAT(5) = RS
                    IF (iPeriodicDampingType /= 0) THEN
                        IF (iPeriodicDampingType == 1) THEN
                            write(stdout, *) " Using attenuated Coulomb potential for exchange interactions."
                        else if (iPeriodicDampingType == 2) THEN
                            write(stdout, *) " Using cut-off Coulomb potential for exchange interactions."
                        end if

                        write(stdout, *) " Rc cutoff: ", ALAT(4)
                    end if
                    write(stdout, *) " Wigner-Seitz radius Rs=", RS
                    FKF = dsqrt(2.0_dp) / RS
                    write(stdout, *) " Fermi vector kF=", FKF
                    write(stdout, *) " Fermi Energy EF=", FKF * FKF / 2
                    write(stdout, *) " Unscaled Fermi Energy nmax**2=", (FKF * FKF / 2) / (0.5 * (2 * PI / ALAT(5))**2) !??????????

                else if (dimen == 1) then
                    OMEGA = ALAT(1)
                    RS = OMEGA / (2 * NEL)
                    ALAT(5) = RS
                    write(stdout, *) 'Be cautios, the 1D rs and kF values have not been checked thorougHly!'
                    IF (iPeriodicDampingType /= 0) THEN
                    IF (iPeriodicDampingType == 1) THEN
                        write(stdout, *) " Using attenuated Coulomb potential for exchange interactions."
                    else if (iPeriodicDampingType == 2) THEN
                        write(stdout, *) " Using cut-off Coulomb potential for exchange interactions."
                    end if

                    write(stdout, *) " Rc cutoff: ", ALAT(4)
                    end if
                    write(stdout, *) " Wigner-Seitz radius Rs=", RS
                    FKF = PI * RS
                    write(stdout, *) " Fermi vector kF=", FKF
                    write(stdout, *) " Fermi Energy EF=", FKF * FKF / 2
                    write(stdout, *) " Unscaled Fermi Energy nmax**2=", (FKF * FKF / 2) / (0.5 * (2 * PI / ALAT(5))**2)

                    write(stdout, *) 'Dimension problem'
                end if

            end if
            IF (.not. (OrbECutoff.isclose.1e-20_dp)) write(stdout, *) " Orbital Energy Cutoff:", OrbECutoff
            write(stdout, '(1X,A,F19.5)') '  VOLUME : ', OMEGA
            write(stdout, *) ' TALPHA : ', TALPHA
            write(stdout, '(1X,A,F19.5)') '  ALPHA : ', ALPHA
            ALPHA = MIN(ALAT(1), ALAT(2), ALAT(3)) * ALPHA
            write(stdout, '(1X,A,F19.5)') '  SCALED ALPHA : ', ALPHA

!C..Calculate number of basis functions
!C.. UEG allows from -NMAX->NMAX
            IF (TSPINPOLAR) THEN
                NBASISMAX(4, 1) = 1
!C.. spinskip
                NBASISMAX(2, 3) = 1
                NBASISMAX(4, 1) = -1
!C.. spinskip
!  If spinskip is unset
                IF (NBASISMAX(2, 3) == 0) NBASISMAX(2, 3) = 2
            end if
            NBASISMAX(4, 2) = 1
            IF (THUB) THEN
                if (t_new_hubbard) then
                    ! i need a new setup routine for this for the new generic
                    ! hubbard setup! essentialy this just sets up NBASISMAX ..
                    ! what do i need from this legacy variable??
                    len = 2 * lat%get_nsites()
                    if (t_k_space_hubbard) then
                        ! this indicates pbc and k-space.
                        ! especially for the addelecsym function!
                        NBASISMAX(1, 3) = 0

                    else if (t_new_real_space_hubbard) then
                        NBASISMAX(1, 3) = 4
                        NBASISMAX(3, 3) = 0
                    end if

                else if (t_heisenberg_model .or. t_tJ_model) then

                    len = 2 * lat%get_nsites()
                    nBasisMax(1, 3) = 4
                    nBasisMax(3, 3) = 0

                    IF (TTILT) THEN
                        ! is supported now!
                    end if
                end if

            else if (TUEG) THEN
                NBASISMAX(1, 1) = -NMAXX
                NBASISMAX(1, 2) = NMAXX
                NBASISMAX(2, 1) = -NMAXY
                NBASISMAX(2, 2) = NMAXY
                NBASISMAX(3, 1) = -NMAXZ
                NBASISMAX(3, 2) = NMAXZ
                NBASISMAX(1, 3) = -1
                if (dimen == 3) then
                    LEN = (2 * NMAXX + 1) * (2 * NMAXY + 1) * (2 * NMAXZ + 1) * ((NBASISMAX(4, 2) - NBASISMAX(4, 1)) / 2 + 1)
                else if (dimen == 2) then
                    LEN = (2 * NMAXX + 1) * (2 * NMAXY + 1) * ((NBASISMAX(4, 2) - NBASISMAX(4, 1)) / 2 + 1)
                else if (dimen == 1) then
                    LEN = (2 * NMAXX + 1) * ((NBASISMAX(4, 2) - NBASISMAX(4, 1)) / 2 + 1)
                    write(stdout, '(A, I4)') " Dimension problem  ", dimen
                end if
!C.. UEG
                NBASISMAX(3, 3) = -1

                NBASISMAX(1, 1) = 1
                NBASISMAX(1, 2) = NMAXX
                NBASISMAX(2, 1) = 1
                NBASISMAX(2, 2) = NMAXY
                NBASISMAX(3, 1) = 1
                NBASISMAX(3, 2) = NMAXZ
                NBASISMAX(1, 3) = 0
                LEN = NMAXX * NMAXY * NMAXZ * ((NBASISMAX(4, 2) - NBASISMAX(4, 1)) / 2 + 1)
                NBASISMAX(1, 3) = 0
!C.. particle in box
                NBASISMAX(3, 3) = -2
                tAbelian = .true.
            end if
        end if
!C..         (.NOT.TREADINT)

!C.. we actually store twice as much in arr as we need.
!C.. the ARR(1:LEN,1) are the energies of the orbitals ordered according to
!C.. BRR.  ARR(1:LEN,2) are the energies of the orbitals with default
!C.. ordering.
!C.. ARR is reallocated in IntFreezeBasis if orbitals are frozen so that it
!C.. has the correct size and shape to contain the eigenvalues of the active
!C.. basis.
        write(stdout, '(A,I5)') "  NUMBER OF SPIN ORBITALS IN BASIS : ", Len
        allocate(Arr(LEN, 2), STAT=ierr)
        LogAlloc(ierr, 'Arr', 2 * LEN, 8, tagArr)
! // TBR
        ARR = 0.0_dp
        allocate(Brr(LEN), STAT=ierr)
        LogAlloc(ierr, 'Brr', LEN, 4, tagBrr)
        BRR(1:LEN) = 0
        allocate(G1(Len), STAT=ierr)
        LogAlloc(ierr, 'G1', LEN, BasisFNSizeB, tagG1)
        G1(1:LEN) = NullBasisFn
        IF (TCPMD) THEN
            write(stdout, '(A)') '*** INITIALIZING BASIS FNs FROM CPMD ***'
            NBASIS = LEN
            iSpinSkip = NBasisMax(2, 3)
        else if (tVASP) THEN
            write(stdout, '(A)') '*** INITIALIZING BASIS FNs FROM VASP ***'
            CALL VASPBasisInit(ARR, BRR, G1, LEN) ! This also modifies nBasisMax
            NBASIS = LEN
            iSpinSkip = NBasisMax(2, 3)
        else if (TREADINT .AND. TDFREAD) THEN
            write(stdout, '(A)') '*** Creating Basis Fns from Dalton output ***'
            call InitDaltonBasis(Arr, Brr, G1, Len)
            nBasis = Len
            call GenMolpSymTable(1, G1, nBasis)
        else if (TREADINT) THEN
!This is also called for tRiIntegrals and tCacheFCIDUMPInts
            write(stdout, '(A)') '*** CREATING BASIS FNs FROM FCIDUMP ***'
            NBASIS = LEN
!C.. we're reading in integrals and have a molpro symmetry table
            IF (lNoSymmetry) THEN
                write(stdout, *) "Turning Symmetry off"
                DO I = 1, nBasis
                    G1(I)%Sym%s = 0
                end do
                DO I = 1, nBasis
                    G1(I)%Sym%s = 0
                end do
            end if
!C.. Create plane wave basis functions
            if (treal) then
                write(stdout, *) "Creating real-space basis."
                write(stdout, *) "Creating plane wave basis."
            end if
            if (t_new_hubbard) then
                BRR = [(i, i=1, 2 * lat%get_nsites())]
                IG = 2 * lat%get_nsites()

                if (t_new_real_space_hubbard) then
                    ! i have to do everything what is done below with my new
                    ! lattice class:
                    ! something like: (loop over spin-orbital!)
                    ARR = 0.0_dp
                    ARR(:, 1) = [(bhub * lat%dispersion_rel_spin_orb(i), i=1, IG)]

                    ARR(:, 2) = [(bhub * lat%dispersion_rel_spin_orb(i), i=1, IG)]
                end if

                do i = 1, lat%get_nsites()
                    ! todo: not sure if i really should set up the k-vectors
                    ! for the real-space! maybe the convention actually is to
                    ! set them all to 0! check that!
                    ! do i still want to save the "real-space positions" in the
                    ! k-vectors? i could.. but do i need it?
                    G1(2 * i - 1)%k = lat%get_k_vec(i)
                    G1(2 * i - 1)%ms = -1
                    G1(2 * i - 1)%Sym = TotSymRep()

                    G1(2 * i)%k = lat%get_k_vec(i)
                    G1(2 * i)%ms = 1
                    G1(2 * i)%Sym = TotSymRep()
                    ! and in the k-space i still need to
                end do

            else if (t_heisenberg_model .or. t_tJ_model) then
                BRR = [(i, i=1, 2 * lat%get_nsites())]
                IG = 2 * lat%get_nsites()
                ARR = 0.0_dp

                do i = 1, lat%get_nsites()
                    ! todo: not sure if i really should set up the k-vectors
                    ! for the real-space! maybe the convention actually is to
                    ! set them all to 0! check that!
                    ! do i still want to save the "real-space positions" in the
                    ! k-vectors? i could.. but do i need it?
                    G1(2 * i - 1)%k = lat%get_k_vec(i)
                    G1(2 * i - 1)%ms = -1
                    G1(2 * i - 1)%Sym = TotSymRep()

                    G1(2 * i)%k = lat%get_k_vec(i)
                    G1(2 * i)%ms = 1
                    G1(2 * i)%Sym = TotSymRep()
                    ! and in the k-space i still need to
                end do

            else if (dimen == 3) then

                IG = 0
                DO I = NBASISMAX(1, 1), NBASISMAX(1, 2)
                    DO J = NBASISMAX(2, 1), NBASISMAX(2, 2)
                        DO K = NBASISMAX(3, 1), NBASISMAX(3, 2)
                            DO L = NBASISMAX(4, 1), NBASISMAX(4, 2), 2
                                G%k(1) = I
                                G%k(2) = J
                                G%k(3) = K
                                G%Ms = L
                                ! i have to change this condition to accomodate both real
                                ! and k-space hubbard models for the tilted and cubic
                                ! lattice
                                ! aperiodic does not work anyway and is not really needed..
                                ! if tilted i want to check if k is allowed otherwise
                                if ((treal .and. .not. ttilt) .or. kAllowed(G, NBASISMAX)) then
                                    IF (THUB) THEN
!C..Note for the Hubbard model, the t is defined by ALAT(1)!
                                        call setupMomIndexTable()
                                        call setupBreathingCont(2 * btHub / OMEGA)
                                        IF (TPBC) THEN
                                            CALL HUBKIN(I, J, K, NBASISMAX, BHUB, TTILT, SUM, TREAL)
                                            CALL HUBKINN(I, J, K, NBASISMAX, BHUB, TTILT, SUM, TREAL)
                                        end if
                                    else if (TUEG) THEN
                                        CALL GetUEGKE(I, J, K, ALAT, tUEGTrueEnergies, tUEGOffset, k_offset, SUM, dUnscaledE)
!                      Bug for  non-trueEnergy
!                      IF( CYCLE
                                        IF (tUEGTrueEnergies) then
                                            IF (dUnscaledE > OrbECutoff) CYCLE
                                            IF (SUM > OrbECutoff) CYCLE
                                        END IF

                                        SUM = (BOX**2) * ((I * I / ALAT(1)**2) + (J * J / ALAT(2)**2) + (K * K / ALAT(3)**2))
                                    end if
                                    IF (.NOT. TUEG .AND. SUM > OrbECutoff) CYCLE
                                    IG = IG + 1
                                    ARR(IG, 1) = SUM
                                    ARR(IG, 2) = SUM
                                    BRR(IG) = IG
!C..These are the quantum numbers: n,l,m and sigma
                                    G1(IG)%K(1) = I
                                    G1(IG)%K(2) = J
                                    G1(IG)%K(3) = K
                                    G1(IG)%MS = L
                                    G1(IG)%Sym = TotSymRep()

                                end if
                            end do
                        end do
                    end do
                end do
            else if (dimen == 2) then
                IG = 0
                k2_max_2d = int(OrbECutoff) + 1
                do k = 0, k2_max_2d
                DO I = NBASISMAX(1, 1), NBASISMAX(1, 2)
                    DO J = NBASISMAX(2, 1), NBASISMAX(2, 2)
                        DO L = NBASISMAX(4, 1), NBASISMAX(4, 2), 2
                            G%k(1) = I
                            G%k(2) = J
                            G%k(3) = 0
                            G%Ms = L
                            ! change to implement the tilted real-space
                            if ((treal .and. .not. ttilt) .or. KALLOWED(G, nBasisMax)) then
                                IF (THUB) THEN
!C..Note for the Hubbard model, the t is defined by ALAT(1)!
                                    IF (TPBC) THEN
                                        CALL HUBKIN(I, J, K, NBASISMAX, BHUB, TTILT, SUM, TREAL)
                                        CALL HUBKINN(I, J, K, NBASISMAX, BHUB, TTILT, SUM, TREAL)
                                    end if
                                else if (TUEG) THEN
                                    CALL GetUEGKE(I, J, 0, ALAT, tUEGTrueEnergies, tUEGOffset, k_offset, SUM, dUnscaledE)
!                      Bug for  non-trueEnergy
!                      IF( CYCLE
                                    IF (tUEGTrueEnergies) then
                                        IF (dUnscaledE > OrbECutoff) CYCLE
                                        if ((sum > (k * 1.d0 + 1.d-20)) .or. (sum < (k * 1.d0 - 1.d-20))) CYCLE
                                        IF (SUM > OrbECutoff) CYCLE
                                    END IF

                                    SUM = (BOX**2) * ((I * I / ALAT(1)**2) + (J * J / ALAT(2)**2))
                                end if
                                IF (.NOT. TUEG .AND. SUM > OrbECutoff) CYCLE
                                IG = IG + 1
                                ARR(IG, 1) = SUM
                                ARR(IG, 2) = SUM
                                BRR(IG) = IG
!C..These are the quantum numbers: n,l,m and sigma
                                G1(IG)%K(1) = I
                                G1(IG)%K(2) = J
                                G1(IG)%K(3) = 0
                                G1(IG)%MS = L
                                G1(IG)%Sym = TotSymRep()
                            end if
                        end do
                    end do
                end do
                end do
!C..Check to see if all's well
            else if (dimen == 1) then
                IG = 0
                DO I = NBASISMAX(1, 1), NBASISMAX(1, 2)
                    DO J = NBASISMAX(2, 1), NBASISMAX(2, 2)
                        DO K = NBASISMAX(3, 1), NBASISMAX(3, 2)
                            DO L = NBASISMAX(4, 1), NBASISMAX(4, 2), 2
                                G%k(1) = I
                                G%k(2) = J
                                G%k(3) = K
                                G%Ms = L
                                ! change to implement the tilted real-space
                                if ((treal .and. .not. ttilt) .or. KALLOWED(G, nBasisMax)) then
!                   THEN
                                    IF (THUB) THEN
!C..Note for the Hubbard model, the t is defined by ALAT(1)!
                                        call setupMomIndexTable()
                                        call setupBreathingCont(2 * btHub / OMEGA)
                                        IF (TPBC) THEN
                                            CALL HUBKIN(I, J, K, NBASISMAX, BHUB, TTILT, SUM, TREAL)
                                            CALL HUBKINN(I, J, K, NBASISMAX, BHUB, TTILT, SUM, TREAL)
                                        end if
                                    else if (TUEG) THEN
                                        CALL GetUEGKE(I, J, K, ALAT, tUEGTrueEnergies, tUEGOffset, k_offset, SUM, dUnscaledE)
!                      Bug for  non-trueEnergy
!                      IF( CYCLE
                                        IF (tUEGTrueEnergies) then
                                            IF (dUnscaledE > OrbECutoff) CYCLE
                                            IF (SUM > OrbECutoff) CYCLE
                                        END IF

                                        SUM = (BOX**2) * ((I * I / ALAT(1)**2) + (J * J / ALAT(2)**2) + (K * K / ALAT(3)**2))
                                    end if
                                    IF (.NOT. TUEG .AND. SUM > OrbECutoff) CYCLE
                                    IG = IG + 1
                                    ARR(IG, 1) = SUM
                                    ARR(IG, 2) = SUM
                                    BRR(IG) = IG
!C..These are the quantum numbers: n,l,m and sigma
                                    G1(IG)%K(1) = I
                                    G1(IG)%K(2) = J
                                    G1(IG)%K(3) = K
                                    G1(IG)%MS = L
                                    G1(IG)%Sym = TotSymRep()

                                end if
                            end do
                        end do
                    end do
                end do
                write(stdout, '(A, I4)') " Dimension problem  ", dimen
            end if
!C..Check to see if all's well
            write(stdout, *) ' NUMBER OF BASIS FUNCTIONS : ', IG
            NBASIS = IG

            ! try to order all of the stuff in ascending orbital number..
            ! but this could mean a lot of changes in other parts of the code..
            ! first i would have to sort..

            ! what about reordering the basis functions and the associated
            ! k-points in ascending single particle energy order?
            ! for the guga implementation this would be beneficiary for
            ! the efficiency of the code..

            ! for now implement it only for the GUGA case to not mess to
            ! much with the rest of the code..
            if (tGUGA .and. (.not. t_guga_noreorder)) then
                ! i have to sort the alpha and betas seperately, due the
                ! possible degeneracies
                call sort(arr(:, 1), brr, nskip=2)
                call sort(arr(2:nBasis, 1), brr(2:nBasis), nskip=2)
                call sort(arr(:, 2))
                ! i have to make a copy of the G1 array i guess to temporarily
                ! save the symmetry information..
                allocate(temp_sym_vecs(nBasis, 4))

                do i = 1, nBasis
                    temp_sym_vecs(i, 1) = G1(i)%k(1)
                    temp_sym_vecs(i, 2) = G1(i)%k(2)
                    temp_sym_vecs(i, 3) = G1(i)%k(3)
                    temp_sym_vecs(i, 4) = G1(i)%ms
                end do

                ! and now restore the information in the G1
                do i = 1, nBasis
                    G1(i)%k(1) = temp_sym_vecs(brr(i), 1)
                    G1(i)%k(2) = temp_sym_vecs(brr(i), 2)
                    G1(i)%k(3) = temp_sym_vecs(brr(i), 3)
                    G1(i)%ms = temp_sym_vecs(brr(i), 4)
                    ! now it is okay to sort brr ascending or?
                    brr(i) = i
                end do
                ! hm.. and what about degeneracies and the connected
                ! k-vectors.. is it enough to just leave them as they are,
                ! since they are degenerate anyway... in the "normal"
                ! implementation it also does not seem like there is any
                ! change in the association with the k-vectors, although
                ! the brr and arr arrays are sorted again..
            end if

            IF (LEN /= IG) THEN
                IF (OrbECutoff > -1e20_dp) then
                    write(stdout, *) " Have removed ", LEN - IG, " high energy orbitals "
                    ! Resize arr and brr.
                    allocate(arr_tmp(nbasis, 2), brr_tmp(nbasis), stat=ierr)
                    arr_tmp = arr(1:nbasis, :)
                    brr_tmp = brr(1:nbasis)
                    deallocate(arr, brr, stat=ierr)
                    allocate(arr(nbasis, 2), brr(nbasis), stat=ierr)
                    LogAlloc(ierr, 'Arr', 2 * nbasis, 8, tagArr)
                    LogAlloc(ierr, 'Brr', nbasis, 4, tagBrr)
                    arr = arr_tmp
                    brr = brr_tmp
                    deallocate(arr_tmp, brr_tmp, stat=ierr)
                    write(stdout, *) " LEN=", LEN, "IG=", IG
                    call stop_all(this_routine, ' LEN NE IG ')
                end if
            end if
            ! also turn off symmetries for the real-space basis
            if (thub .and. treal) then
                write(stdout, *) "Turning Symmetry off for the real-space Hubbard"
                DO I = 1, nBasis
                    G1(I)%Sym%s = 0
                end do
                call GENMOLPSYMTABLE(1, G1, NBASIS)
                DO I = 1, nBasis
                    G1(I)%Sym%s = 0
                end do
            end if
            if (.not. tHub) CALL GENMOLPSYMTABLE(1, G1, NBASIS)
        end if

        IF (tFixLz) THEN
            write(stdout, '(A)') "****** USING Lz SYMMETRY *******"
            write(stdout, '(A,I5)') "Pure spherical harmonics with complex orbitals used to constrain Lz to: ", LzTot
            write(stdout, *) "Due to the breaking of the Ml degeneracy, the fock energies are slightly wrong, "&
            &//"on order of 1.0e-4_dp - do not use for MP2!"
            if (nsymlabels > 4) then
                call stop_all(this_routine, "D2h point group detected. Incompatable with Lz symmetry conserving "&
                &//"orbitals. Have you transformed these orbitals into spherical harmonics correctly?!")
            end if
        end if

!C..        (.NOT.TREADINT)
!C.. Set the initial symmetry to be totally symmetric
        FrzSym = NullBasisFn
        FrzSym%Sym = TotSymRep()
        CALL SetupFreezeSym(FrzSym)
!C..Now we sort them using SORT2 and then SORT

!C.. This sorts ARR and BRR into order of ARR [AJWT]
!.. copy the default ordered energies.
            CALL DCOPY(NBASIS, ARR(1, 1), 1, ARR(1, 2), 1)
        end if
!      write(stdout,*) THFNOORDER, " THFNOORDER"
        if (.not. tMolpro) then
            !If we are calling from molpro, we write the basis later (after reordering)
            CALL writebasis(stdout, G1, nBasis, ARR, BRR)
        end if
        IF (NEL > NBASIS) &
            call stop_all(this_routine, 'MORE ELECTRONS THAN BASIS FUNCTIONS')
        CALL neci_flush(stdout)
!C.. we need to allow integrals between different spins
            NBASISMAX(2, 3) = 1
        end if

        NOCC = NEl / 2
!C.. we're reading in integrals and have a molpro symmetry table
            IF (lNoSymmetry) THEN
                write(stdout, *) "Turning Symmetry off"
                CALL GENMOLPSYMREPS()
                CALL GENMOLPSYMREPS()
            end if
        else if (TCPMD) THEN
!C.. If TCPMD, then we've generated the symmetry table earlier,
!C.. but we still need the sym reps table.
        else if (tVASP) THEN
!C.. If VASP-based calculation, then we've generated the symmetry table earlier,
!C.. but we still need the sym reps table. DEGENTOL=1.0e-6_dp. CHECK w/AJWT.
            CALL GENSYMREPS(G1, NBASIS, ARR, 1.e-6_dp)
        else if (THUB .AND. .NOT. TREAL) THEN
            ! [W.D. 25.1.2018:]
            ! this also has to be changed for the new hubbard implementation
            if (t_k_space_hubbard) then
                ! or i change the function below to account for the new
                ! implementation
                call setup_symmetry_table()
!               call gen_symreps()

                CALL GenHubMomIrrepsSymTable(G1, nBasis, nBasisMax)
            end if
            ! this function does not make sense..
            CALL writebasis(stdout, G1, nBasis, ARR, BRR)
!C.. no symmetry, so a simple sym table
        end if

!// TBR
!      write(stdout,*) ' TREAD : ' , TREAD

!// TBR
!      write(stdout,*) ' ETRIAL : ',ETRIAL
!      IF(FCOUL.NE.1.0_dp)  write(stdout,*) "WARNING: FCOUL is not 1.0_dp. FCOUL=",FCOUL
        IF (FCOULDAMPBETA > 0) write(stdout, *) "FCOUL Damping.  Beta ", FCOULDAMPBETA, " Mu ", FCOULDAMPMU

        ! ====================== GUGA implementation ===========================
        ! design decision to have as much guga related functionality stored in
        ! guga_*.F90 files and only call necessary routines.
        ! routine guga_init() is found in module guga_init.F90
        ! it prints out info and sets the nReps to be the number of orbitals
        ! have to call routine at this late stage in the initialisation,
        ! because it needs info of the number of orbitals from the integral
        ! input files..: lets hope FDET or something similar is not getting
        ! allocated before this point...
        ! CHANGE: switched init functions to guga_data

        call halt_timer(proc_timer)
    End Subroutine SysInit