write_evales_and_transform_mat Subroutine

public subroutine write_evales_and_transform_mat(rdm, irdm, SumDiag)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(one_rdm_t), intent(in) :: rdm
integer, intent(in) :: irdm
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: SumDiag


Source Code

    subroutine write_evales_and_transform_mat(rdm, irdm, SumDiag)

        use LoggingData, only: tNoNOTransform
        use rdm_data, only: tOpenShell, one_rdm_t
        use SystemData, only: nbasis, nel, BRR
        use UMatCache, only: gtID
        use util_mod, only: get_free_unit, int_fmt

        type(one_rdm_t), intent(in) :: rdm
        integer, intent(in) :: irdm
        real(dp), intent(in) :: SumDiag

        integer :: i, j, Evalues_unit, NatOrbs_unit, jSpat, jInd, NO_Number
        integer :: i_no, i_normal
        real(dp) :: Corr_Entropy, Norm_Evalues, SumN_NO_Occ
        logical :: tNegEvalue, tWrittenEvalue
        character(20) :: evals_filename, transform_filename

        if (tOpenShell) then
            Norm_Evalues = SumDiag / real(NEl, dp)
            Norm_Evalues = 2.0_dp * (SumDiag / real(NEl, dp))
        end if

        ! Write out normalised Evalues to file and calculate the correlation
        ! entropy.
        Corr_Entropy = 0.0_dp

        Evalues_unit = get_free_unit()
        write(evals_filename, '("NO_OCC_NUMEBRS.",'//int_fmt(irdm, 0)//')') irdm
        open(Evalues_unit, file=trim(evals_filename), status='unknown')

        write(Evalues_unit, '(A)') '# NOs (natural orbitals) ordered by occupation number'
        write(Evalues_unit, '(A)') '# MOs (HF orbitals) ordered by energy'
        write(Evalues_unit, '(A1,A5,A30,A20,A30)') '#', 'NO', 'NO OCCUPATION NUMBER', 'MO', 'MO OCCUPATION NUMBER'

        tNegEvalue = .false.
        SumN_NO_Occ = 0.0_dp
        NO_Number = 1

        do i = 1, NoOrbs
            if (tOpenShell) then
                write(Evalues_unit, '(I6,G35.17,I15,G35.17)') i, rdm%evalues(i) / Norm_Evalues, &
                    BRR(i), rdm%Rho_ii(i)
                if (rdm%evalues(i) > 0.0_dp) then
                    Corr_Entropy = Corr_Entropy - (abs(rdm%evalues(i) / Norm_Evalues) &
                                                   * LOG(abs(rdm%evalues(i) / Norm_Evalues)))
                    tNegEvalue = .true.
                end if
                if (i <= NEl) SumN_NO_Occ = SumN_NO_Occ + (rdm%evalues(i) / Norm_Evalues)
                write(Evalues_unit, '(I6,G35.17,I15,G35.17)') (2 * i) - 1, rdm%evalues(i) / Norm_Evalues, &
                    BRR((2 * i) - 1), rdm%Rho_ii(i) / 2.0_dp
                if (rdm%evalues(i) > 0.0_dp) then
                    Corr_Entropy = Corr_Entropy - (2.0_dp * (abs(rdm%evalues(i) / Norm_Evalues) &
                                                             * LOG(abs(rdm%evalues(i) / Norm_Evalues))))
                    tNegEvalue = .true.
                end if
                write(Evalues_unit, '(I6,G35.17,I15,G35.17)') 2 * i, rdm%evalues(i) / Norm_Evalues, &
                    BRR(2 * i), rdm%Rho_ii(i) / 2.0_dp
                if (i <= (NEl / 2)) SumN_NO_Occ = SumN_NO_Occ + (2.0_dp * (rdm%evalues(i) / Norm_Evalues))
            end if
        end do

        write(stdout, '(1X,A45,F30.20)') 'SUM OF THE N LARGEST NO OCCUPATION NUMBERS: ', SumN_NO_Occ

        write(stdout, '(1X,A20,F30.20)') 'CORRELATION ENTROPY', Corr_Entropy
        write(stdout, '(1X,A33,F30.20)') 'CORRELATION ENTROPY PER ELECTRON', Corr_Entropy / real(NEl, dp)
        if (tNegEvalue) write(stdout, '(1X,"WARNING: Negative NO occupation numbers found.")')

        ! Write out the evectors to file.
        ! This is the matrix that transforms the molecular orbitals into the
        ! natural orbitals. rdm%evalues(i) corresponds to Evector NatOrbsMat(1:nBasis,i)
        ! We just want the rdm%evalues in the same order as above, but the
        ! 1:nBasis part (corresponding to the molecular orbitals), needs to
        ! refer to the actual orbital labels. Want these orbitals to preferably
        ! be in order, run through the orbital, need the position to find the
        ! corresponding NatOrbs element, use rdm%sym_list_inv_no.

        associate(arr_ind => rdm%sym_list_inv_no)

            if (.not. tNoNOTransform) then
                NatOrbs_unit = get_free_unit()
                write(transform_filename, '("NO_TRANSFORM.",'//int_fmt(irdm, 0)//')') irdm
                open(NatOrbs_unit, file=trim(transform_filename), status='unknown')
                write(NatOrbs_unit, '(2A6,2A30)') '#   MO', 'NO', 'Transform Coeff', 'NO OCC NUMBER'
                ! write out in terms of spin orbitals, all alpha then all beta.
                NO_Number = 1
                do i_normal = 1, NoOrbs
                    i_no = arr_ind(i_normal)
                    tWrittenEvalue = .false.
                    do j = 1, nBasis
                        ! Here i corresponds to the natural orbital, and j to the
                        ! molecular orbital. i is actually the spin orbital in
                        ! this case.
                        if (tOpenShell) then
                            jInd = j
                            if (mod(j, 2) /= 0) then
                                jInd = gtID(j)
                            end if
                        end if

                        if (tWrittenEvalue) then
                            if (.not. near_zero(rdm%matrix(arr_ind(jInd), i_no))) &
                                write(NatOrbs_unit, '(2I6,G35.17)') j, NO_Number, rdm%matrix(arr_ind(jInd), i_no)
                            if (.not. near_zero(rdm%matrix(arr_ind(jInd), i_no))) then
                                write(NatOrbs_unit, '(2I6,2G35.17)') j, NO_Number, rdm%matrix(arr_ind(jInd), i_no), &
                                    rdm%evalues(i_no) / Norm_Evalues
                                tWrittenEvalue = .true.
                            end if
                        end if
                    end do

                    NO_Number = NO_Number + 1
                    if (.not. tOpenShell) then
                        tWrittenEvalue = .false.
                        do j = 2, nBasis, 2
                            ! Here i corresponds to the natural orbital, and j to
                            ! the molecular orbital. i is actually the spin orbital
                            ! in this case.
                            jSpat = gtID(j)
                            if (tWrittenEvalue) then
                                if (.not. near_zero(rdm%matrix(arr_ind(jSpat), i_no))) &
                                    write(NatOrbs_unit, '(2I6,G35.17)') j, NO_Number, &
                                    rdm%matrix(arr_ind(jSpat), i_no)
                                if (.not. near_zero(rdm%matrix(arr_ind(jSpat), i_no))) then
                                    write(NatOrbs_unit, '(2I6,2G35.17)') j, NO_Number, rdm%matrix(arr_ind(jSpat), i_no), &
                                        rdm%evalues(i_no) / Norm_Evalues
                                    tWrittenEvalue = .true.
                                end if
                            end if

                        end do
                        NO_Number = NO_Number + 1
                    end if
                end do
            end if

        end associate

    end subroutine write_evales_and_transform_mat