WriteToPopsfileParOneArr Subroutine

public subroutine WriteToPopsfileParOneArr(Dets, nDets, filename_stem)

!if(tRDMonFly.and.(.not.tExplicitAllRDM)) then ! ! And now for CurrentH ! j = int(WalkersonNodes(i)) * (1+2*lenof_sign) ! call MPIRecv (AllCurrentH(:, 1:WalkersonNodes(i)), j, & ! NodeRoots(i), Tag2, error) !endif

!if(tRDMonFly.and.(.not.tExplicitAllRDM)) then ! j = int(nDets) * (1+2lenof_sign) ! call MPISend (CurrentH(1:1+2lenof_sign, 1:nDets), j, root, Tag2, error) !endif


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer(kind=n_int), intent(inout) :: Dets(0:nIfTot,1:nDets)
integer(kind=int64), intent(in) :: nDets
character(len=255), intent(in), optional :: filename_stem


Source Code

    SUBROUTINE WriteToPopsfileParOneArr(Dets, nDets, filename_stem)
        use constants, only: size_n_int, n_int
        use CalcData, only: iPopsFileNoWrite
        use MemoryManager, only: TagIntType
        integer(int64), intent(in) :: nDets !The number of occupied entries in Dets
        integer(kind=n_int), intent(inout) :: Dets(0:nIfTot, 1:nDets)
        character(255), intent(in), optional :: filename_stem
        INTEGER :: error
        integer(int64) :: WalkersonNodes(0:nNodes - 1), writeoutdet
        integer(int64) :: node_write_attempts(0:nNodes - 1)
        INTEGER :: Tag, Tag2, fTag
        INTEGER :: i, j
        INTEGER(KIND=n_int), ALLOCATABLE :: Parts(:, :)
        real(dp), allocatable :: gdata(:, :)
        INTEGER(TagIntType) :: PartsTag = 0
        integer :: nMaxDets
        integer :: iunit, iunit_2, Initiator_Count, nwrite
        integer(int64) :: write_count, write_count_sum
        CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: this_routine = 'WriteToPopsfileParOneArr'
        character(255) :: popsfile
        real(dp) :: TempSign(lenof_sign)
        character(1024) :: out_tmp
        character(255) :: identifier
        character(12) :: num_tmp
        type(timer), save :: write_timer
        ! manages the output of global determinant data
        type(gdata_io_t) :: gdata_write_handler
        ! size of the global determinant data per determinant
        integer :: gdata_size

        ! Tme the overall popsfile read in
        write_timer%timer_name = 'POPS-write'
        call set_timer(write_timer)

        if (present(filename_stem)) then
            identifier = filename_stem
            identifier = 'POPSFILE'

        ! If we are using the new popsfile format, then use it!
        if (tHDF5PopsWrite) then
            call write_popsfile_hdf5()

            ! And stop timing
            call halt_timer(write_timer)

        end if

        CALL MPIBarrier(error)  !sync
!        write(stdout,*) "Get Here",nDets
!        CALL neci_flush(stdout)

!First, make sure we have up-to-date information - again collect AllTotWalkers
! ,AllSumNoatHF and AllSumENum...
!Calculate the energy by summing all on HF and doubles - convert number at HF
        !  to a real since no int*8 MPI data type
        if (.not. t_real_time_fciqmc) then
            ! Not required for real-time popsfiles: those values have no meaning there
            CALL MPISum(SumNoatHF, 1, AllSumNoatHF)
            CALL MPISum(SumENum, 1, AllSumENum)

        Tag = 125
        Tag2 = 126
        fTag = 127

!We have to make the distinction here between the number of entries to expect,
!and the number of determinants we are writing out. Since the list is not
!necessarily contiguous any more, we have to calculate Alltotwalkers seperately.
        Writeoutdet = 0
        do i = 1, int(nDets)
            call extract_sign(Dets(:, i), TempSign)
            if (sum(abs(tempsign)) > binarypops_min_weight) then
                !Count this det in AllTotWalkers
                Writeoutdet = Writeoutdet + 1
        writeoutdet = int(writeoutdet / iPopsPartEvery)
        call mpisum(writeoutdet, 1, AllTotWalkers)

        ! We also need to tell the root processor how many particles to expect
        ! from each node - these are gathered into WalkersonNodes
        if (bNodeRoot) then
            call MPIAllGather(ndets, node_write_attempts, error, Roots)
            call MPIAllGather(writeoutdet, WalkersonNodes, error, Roots)
        end if

        ! We only want to be using space/speed saving devices if we are doing
        ! them to the best of our ability.
        if (tSplitPops .and. .not. tBinPops) then
            call stop_all(this_routine, "Split pops files only works with &
                                         &binary pops files")
        end if

        ! set the module variables for global det data i/o
        call gdata_write_handler%init_gdata_io(tAutoAdaptiveShift, tScaleBlooms, &
                                               tAccumPopsActive, fvals_size, max_ratio_size, apvals_size)

        if (iProcIndex == root) then

            ! Construct an output string to give feedback about what is
            ! being done.
            write (stdout, *)
            write (stdout, '("*********************************")')
            write (out_tmp, '("Writing a ", i2, "-bit")') bits_n_int
            if (iPopsPartEvery /= 1) out_tmp = trim(out_tmp)//" reduced"
            out_tmp = trim(out_tmp)//" POPSFILE"
            if (tBinPops) out_tmp = trim(out_tmp)//"BIN"
            out_tmp = trim(out_tmp)//"..."
            write (stdout, '(a)') trim(adjustl(out_tmp))

            ! If we aren't outputting all of the walkers, indicate how many
            ! we are going to output.
            !if (iPopsPartEvery /= 1) then
            write (num_tmp, '(i12)') AllTotWalkers
            write (stdout, '("Writing a total of ",a," determinants.")') &
            !end if

            ! If we are only outputting determinants with a certain weight
            if (tBinPops .and. abs(binarypops_min_weight) > 1.0e-12_dp) then
                write (num_tmp, '(f12.3)') binarypops_min_weight
                write (stdout, '("Only outputting determinants holding >= ",a,&
                           &" walkers")') trim(adjustl(num_tmp))
            end if
            write (stdout, '("*********************************")')
            write (stdout, *)

            ! With a normal popsfile, the header is written at the start.
            ! Thus we need to do that now.
            if (.not. tBinPops) then
                call get_unique_filename(trim(identifier), tIncrementPops, .true., &
                                         iPopsFileNoWrite, popsfile)
                print *, "WRITING", popsfile, tIncrementPops
                iunit = get_free_unit()
                ! We set recl=50000, which allows the line length written to be
                ! up to 50000 characters long. This allows popsfiles to be
                ! written in jobs with up to around 2940 MPI processes (the
                ! default value caused crashes when using over 2000 processes).
                open (iunit, file=popsfile, status='replace', recl=50000)
                call write_popsfile_header(iunit, AllTotWalkers, &
            end if

        end if

        write_count = 0
        write_count_sum = 0

        nMaxDets = int(maxval(node_write_attempts))
        gdata_size = gdata_write_handler%entry_size()
        allocate (gdata(gdata_size, nMaxDets), stat=error)
        call gdata_write_handler%write_gdata(gdata, int(ndets))

        if ((tSplitPops .and. bNodeRoot) .or. iProcIndex == root) then

            ! For a binary popsfile, the actual data is stored more
            ! compactly.
            if (tBinPops) then
                if (tSplitPops) then
                    write (num_tmp, '(i12)') iProcIndex
                    out_tmp = 'POPSFILEBIN-'//trim(adjustl(num_tmp))
                    out_tmp = trim(identifier)//'BIN'
                end if

                ! We need to get another unit, as not all nodes will go
                ! through the header-output section.
                iunit = get_free_unit()
                call get_unique_filename(trim(out_tmp), tIncrementPops, &
                                         .true., iPopsFileNoWrite, popsfile)
                open (iunit, file=popsfile, status='replace', &
            end if

            ! Are we outputting initiators as well?
            if (tPrintInitiators) then
                iunit_2 = get_free_unit()
                if (tSplitPops) then
                    write (num_tmp, '(i12)') iProcIndex
                    out_tmp = 'INITIATORS-'//trim(adjustl(num_tmp))
                    out_tmp = 'INITIATORS'
                end if
                open (iunit_2, file=trim(out_tmp), status='UNKNOWN')
                Initiator_Count = 0
            end if

            !if(tRDMonFly.and.(.not.tExplicitAllRDM)) then
            !iunit_3 = get_free_unit()
            !if (tSplitPops) then
            !        write(num_tmp, '(i12)') iProcIndex
            !        out_tmp = 'RDM_AV_POP-' // trim(adjustl(num_tmp))
            !    else
            !        out_tmp = 'RDM_AV_POP'
            !    end if
            !    open(iunit_3, file=trim(out_tmp), status='UNKNOWN', form='unformatted')

            ! Write out the dets from this node (the head node, unless we
            ! are in split-pops mode.
            do j = 1, int(ndets)
                ! Count the number of written particles
                if (write_pops_det(iunit, iunit_2, Dets(:, j), j, gdata)) then
                    write_count = write_count + 1
                end if
            end do

            if (.not. tSplitPops) then
                ! Allocate a temporary array to store the data being received
                ! from the other nodes.
                ! BEWARE - this is a potential crash point with a big
                !          calculation.
                ! TODO: If this is the end of the run (say on a big machine),
                !       should we have deallocated spawnedparts by here to
                !       ensure we have room, or does the deallocated space from
                !       dealing with freezing give us plenty of room?
                allocate (Parts(0:NIfTot, nMaxDets), stat=error)

                call LogMemAlloc('Parts', int(nMaxDets, int32) * (NIfTot + 1), &
                                 size_n_int, this_routine, PartsTag, error)

                ! Loop over the other nodes in the system sequentially, receive
                ! their walker lists, and output to the popsfiles.
                do i = 1, nNodes - 1

                    ! Calculate the amount of data to receive, and get it.
                    j = int(node_write_attempts(i)) * (NIfTot + 1)
                    call MPIRecv(Parts(:, 1:node_write_attempts(i)), j, &
                                 NodeRoots(i), Tag, error)
                    j = int(node_write_attempts(i)) * gdata_size
                    call MPIRecv(gdata(1:gdata_size, 1:node_write_attempts(i)), j, NodeRoots(i), &
                                 fTag, error)
                    ! SDS: Catherine seems to have disabled writing these out
                    !      so no need to communicate them.
                    !!!if(tRDMonFly.and.(.not.tExplicitAllRDM)) then
                    !!!    ! And now for CurrentH
                    !!!    j = int(WalkersonNodes(i)) * (1+2*lenof_sign)
                    !!!    call MPIRecv (AllCurrentH(:, 1:WalkersonNodes(i)), j, &
                    !!!                  NodeRoots(i), Tag2, error)

                    ! Then write it out in the same way as above.
                    nwrite = int(node_write_attempts(i))
                    do j = 1, nwrite
                        if (write_pops_det(iunit, iunit_2, Parts(:, j), j, gdata)) then
                            !if(tRDMonFly.and.(.not.tExplicitAllRDM)) then
                            !    write(iunit_3) AllCurrentH(1:1+2*lenof_sign,j)
                            write_count = write_count + 1
                        end if
                    end do

                end do

            end if

            ! Close the output files
            call neci_flush(iunit)
            close (iunit)
            if (tPrintInitiators) close (iunit_2)

        else if (bNodeRoot) then

            ! Send the data on this processor to the root node for outputting
            ! in a combined popsfile
            ASSERT(.not. tSplitPops)
            j = int(nDets) * (NIfTot + 1)
            call MPISend(Dets(0:NIfTot, 1:nDets), j, root, Tag, error)
            ! gdata have already been written
            j = int(nDets) * gdata_size
            call MPISend(gdata(1:gdata_size, 1:nDets), j, root, fTag, error)
            !!!if(tRDMonFly.and.(.not.tExplicitAllRDM)) then
            !!!    j = int(nDets) * (1+2*lenof_sign)
            !!!    call MPISend (CurrentH(1:1+2*lenof_sign, 1:nDets), j, root, Tag2, error)

        end if

        ! With binary popsfiles, the header is written once the popsfiles
        ! have been created, so that we can store the number of particles
        ! actually written, rather than the total within the system.
        ! Note that for non-binary popsfiles, all particles are written.
        if (tBinPops) then

            ! Get a count of the number of particles written
            call MPISum(write_count, write_count_sum)
            if (abs(binarypops_min_weight) < 1.0e-12_dp .and. &
                write_count_sum /= AllTotwalkers) then
                write (stdout, *) 'WARNING: Number of particles written (', &
                    write_count_sum, ') does not equal AllTotWalkers (', &
                    AllTotWalkers, ')'
            end if

            ! Now we need to actually write the header
            if (iProcIndex == root) then
                call get_unique_filename(trim(identifier)//'HEAD', tIncrementPops, &
                                         .true., iPopsFileNoWrite, popsfile)
                iunit = get_free_unit()
                ! We set recl=50000, which allows the line length written to be
                ! up to 50000 characters long. This allows popsfiles to be
                ! written in jobs with up to around 2940 MPI processes (the
                ! default value caused crashes when using over 2000 processes).
                open (iunit, file=popsfile, status='replace', recl=50000)
                call write_popsfile_header(iunit, write_count_sum, &
                close (iunit)
            end if
        end if

        ! And stop timing
        call halt_timer(write_timer)

        if (allocated(Parts)) then
            deallocate (Parts)
            call LogMemDealloc('Popsfile', PartsTag)
        end if

        if (allocated(gdata)) deallocate (gdata)
        ! Reset some globals
        AllSumNoatHF = 0
        AllSumENum = 0
        AllTotWalkers = 0

    end subroutine WriteToPopsfileParOneArr