input_parser_mod.F90 Source File


Source Code

Source Code

#include "macros.h"

module input_parser_mod
    !! A module for parsing input files.
    !! Oskar Weser, 2022
    use constants, only: stderr, stdout
    use util_mod, only: stop_all
    use fortran_strings, only: str, Token_t, split, to_int
    public :: FileReader_t, ManagingFileReader_t, AttachedFileReader_t, &
        TokenIterator_t, tokenize, get_range, construct_ManagingFileReader_t

    integer, parameter :: max_line_length = 1028

    character(*), parameter :: delimiter = ' ', comment = '#', alt_comment = '(', concat = '\', alt_concat = '+++'

    type, abstract :: FileReader_t
        !! An abstract class that supports tokenized reading of lines.
        integer :: file_id
        integer, allocatable :: echo_lines

        character(:), allocatable :: file_name
            !! The file name of the open file (if available).
        integer, allocatable :: current_line
            !! The current line (if available). The number refers to the line
            !! just returned from `raw_nextline`.
        procedure :: raw_nextline
        procedure, public :: close => my_close
        procedure, public :: nextline
        procedure, public :: rewind => my_rewind
        procedure, public :: set_echo_lines
        procedure, public :: get_current_line
        procedure, public :: get_file_name
    end type

    type, extends(FileReader_t) :: ManagingFileReader_t
        !! A class for tokenized reading of lines, that manages the file access.
        !! An instance of this class holds the only reference to the file handle.
        procedure, public :: is_open
    end type

    type, extends(FileReader_t) :: AttachedFileReader_t
        !! A class for tokenized reading of lines, that can be attached to open file handles.
        !! There might be other reference to the the file handle.
    end type

    type :: TokenIterator_t
        !! A class for looping over tokens parsed from semantic lines.
        !! Note that a semantic line may stretch over several "raw" lines,
        !! if line continuation is used.
        type(Token_t), allocatable, public :: tokens(:)
        integer :: i_curr_token = 1

        character(:), allocatable :: file_name
            !! The name of file where the line came from (if available).
        integer, allocatable :: current_line
            !! The current line (if available).
        procedure, public :: size => size_TokenIterator_t
        procedure, public :: remaining_items
        procedure, public :: next
        procedure, public :: glimpse
        procedure, public :: reset
    end type

    interface ManagingFileReader_t
        module procedure construct_ManagingFileReader_t
    end interface

    interface AttachedFileReader_t
        module procedure construct_AttachedFileReader_t
    end interface


    function construct_ManagingFileReader_t(file_name, echo_lines, err) result(res)
        !! Construct a `ManagingFileReader_t`
        !! If the argument `echo_lines` is present, then the read lines are
        !! echoed to the unit `echo_lines`. If the argument is not present,
        !! the echoing is switched off.
        !! If `err` is not present, all errors will lead to a stop of the program.
        !! Otherwise this argument contains the error code.
        character(*), intent(in) :: file_name
        integer, intent(in), optional :: echo_lines
        integer, intent(out), optional :: err
        type(ManagingFileReader_t) :: res
        res%file_name = file_name
        res%current_line = 0
        if (present(echo_lines)) res%echo_lines = echo_lines
        if (present(err)) then
            open(file=res%file_name, newunit=res%file_id, action='read', status='old', form='formatted', iostat=err)
            open(file=res%file_name, newunit=res%file_id, action='read', status='old', form='formatted')
        end if
    end function

    function construct_AttachedFileReader_t(file_id, echo_lines, file_name, current_line) result(res)
        !! Construct an `AttachedFileReader_t`
        !! If the argument `echo_lines` is present, then the read lines are
        !! echoed to the unit `echo_lines`. If the argument is not present,
        !! the echoing is switched off.
        integer, intent(in) :: file_id
        integer, intent(in), optional :: echo_lines
        character(*), intent(in), optional :: file_name
        integer, intent(in), optional :: current_line
        type(AttachedFileReader_t) :: res
        res%file_id = file_id
        if (present(echo_lines)) res%echo_lines = echo_lines
        if (present(file_name)) res%file_name = file_name
        if (present(current_line)) res%current_line = current_line
    end function

    impure elemental subroutine my_close(this, delete)
        !! Close the file.
        class(FileReader_t), intent(inout) :: this
        logical, intent(in), optional :: delete
        if (present(delete)) then
            if (delete) then
                close(this%file_id, status='delete')
            end if
        end if
    end subroutine

    logical elemental function is_open(this)
        !! Return if a file is open.
        class(ManagingFileReader_t), intent(in) :: this
        is_open = allocated(this%file_name)
    end function

    logical function raw_nextline(this, line)
        !! Return if the next line can be read and return it
        !! Note that it just reads the next line and does not
        !! know about line-continuation etc.
        class(FileReader_t), intent(inout) :: this
        character(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: line
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'nextline'
        character(max_line_length) :: buffer
        integer :: iread
        read(this%file_id, '(A)', iostat=iread) buffer
        raw_nextline = .false.

        if (iread > 0) then
            call stop_all(this_routine, 'Error in nextline')
        else if (is_iostat_end(iread)) then
            line = ''
            raw_nextline = .true.
            line = trim(buffer)
            if (allocated(this%echo_lines)) write(this%echo_lines, '(A)') line
            if (allocated(this%current_line)) this%current_line = this%current_line + 1
        end if
    end function

    logical function nextline(this, tokenized_line, skip_empty) result(can_still_read)
        !! Return if the next line can be read. It is written to the out-argument.
        !! Note that it reads the next **logical** line,
        !! so if there are two lines connected by a line-continuation
        !! symbol, the two lines will be read.
        !! If `skip_empty` is true, then lines that have no tokens
        !! are automatically skipped and the next logical line is tested.
        !! Note that empty lines includes lines that are not blank, but contain only comments.
        class(FileReader_t), intent(inout) :: this
        type(TokenIterator_t), intent(out) :: tokenized_line
        logical, intent(in) :: skip_empty
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'nextline'

        type(Token_t), allocatable :: tokens(:)
        character(:), allocatable :: line
        logical :: await_new_line

        can_still_read = this%raw_nextline(line)
        tokens = tokenize(line)
        do while (skip_empty .and. size(tokens) == 0 .and. can_still_read)
            can_still_read = this%raw_nextline(line)
            tokens = tokenize(line)
        end do

        if (size(tokens) /= 0) then
            await_new_line = has_concat_symbol(tokens)
            do while (await_new_line)
                if (this%raw_nextline(line)) then
                    tokens = [tokens(: size(tokens) - 1), tokenize(line)]
                    await_new_line = has_concat_symbol(tokens)
                    call stop_all(this_routine, 'Open line continuation, but EOF reached.')
                end if
            end do
        end if
        tokenized_line = TokenIterator_t(tokens)
        if (allocated(this%file_name)) tokenized_line%file_name = this%file_name
        if (allocated(this%current_line)) tokenized_line%current_line = this%current_line

            logical function has_concat_symbol(tokens)
                type(Token_t), intent(in) :: tokens(:)
                if (tokens(size(tokens))%str == concat) then
                    has_concat_symbol = .true.
                else if (tokens(size(tokens))%str == alt_concat) then
                    write(stderr, '(A)') 'The usage of "' // alt_concat // '" as line-continuation is deprecated. '
                    write(stderr, '(A)') 'Please use "' // concat // '" instead.'
                    write(stdout, '(A)') 'The usage of "' // alt_concat // '" as line-continuation is deprecated. '
                    write(stdout, '(A)') 'Please use "' // concat // '" instead.'
                    has_concat_symbol = .true.
                    has_concat_symbol = .false.
                end if
            end function

    end function

    subroutine my_rewind(this)
        !! Rewind the file
        class(FileReader_t), intent(inout) :: this
        this%current_line = 0
    end subroutine

    subroutine set_echo_lines(this, echo_lines)
        !! Set the unit where to echo lines.
        !! If the argument is present, then the read lines are
        !! echoed to the unit `echo_lines`. If the argument is not present,
        !! the echoing is switched off.
        class(FileReader_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in), optional :: echo_lines
        if (present(echo_lines)) then
            this%echo_lines = echo_lines
            if (allocated(this%echo_lines)) deallocate(this%echo_lines)
        end if
    end subroutine

    function tokenize(line) result(res)
        !! Tokenize a line.
        !! If a token starts with the `comment` symbol,
        !!  this token and every following token is removed from the output.
        character(*), intent(in) :: line
        type(Token_t), allocatable :: res(:)

        integer :: i

        res = split(line, delimiter)
        do i = 1, size(res)
            if (res(i)%str(1 : len(comment)) == comment) then
            end if
            if (res(i)%str(1 : len(alt_comment)) == alt_comment) then
                write(stderr, '(A)') 'The usage of "' // alt_comment // '" as comment is deprecated. '
                write(stderr, '(A)') 'Please use "' // comment // '" instead.'
                write(stdout, '(A)') 'The usage of "' // alt_comment // '" as comment is deprecated. '
                write(stdout, '(A)') 'Please use "' // comment // '" instead.'
            end if
        end do
        res = res(: i - 1)
    end function

    integer elemental function remaining_items(this)
        !! Return the number of remaining items in this Iterator.
        class(TokenIterator_t), intent(in) :: this
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'remaining_items'
        remaining_items = this%size() - this%i_curr_token + 1
        ASSERT(remaining_items >= 0)
    end function

    integer elemental function size_TokenIterator_t(this)
        !! Return the number of tokens in this Iterator.
        class(TokenIterator_t), intent(in) :: this
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'size_TokenIterator_t'
        size_TokenIterator_t = size(this%tokens)
    end function

    function next(this, if_exhausted) result(res)
        !! Return the next Token and increment the iterator.
        !! If the iterator is exhausted, this function throws an error
        !! unless the argument `if_exhausted` is present, which is then
        !! returned instead.
        !! To view the next Token without incrementing the iterator
        !! use `glimpse`.
        class(TokenIterator_t), intent(inout) :: this
        character(*), intent(in), optional :: if_exhausted
        character(:), allocatable :: res

        if (this%remaining_items() == 0) then
            res = this%glimpse(if_exhausted)
            res = this%glimpse(if_exhausted)
            this%i_curr_token = this%i_curr_token + 1
        end if

    end function

    function glimpse(this, if_exhausted) result(res)
        !! Return the next Token.
        !! If the iterator is exhausted, this function throws an error
        !! unless the argument `if_exhausted` is present, which is then
        !! returned instead.
        !! To view the next Token and incrementing the iterator
        !! use `next`.
        class(TokenIterator_t), intent(inout) :: this
        character(*), intent(in), optional :: if_exhausted
        character(:), allocatable :: res
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'next'
        integer :: i
        if (this%remaining_items() == 0) then
            if (present(if_exhausted)) then
                res = if_exhausted
                write(stderr, *) 'There are no tokens remaining and the next item was requested.'
                if (allocated(this%file_name)) write(stderr, *) 'The error appeared in file:' // this%file_name
                if (allocated(this%current_line)) write(stderr, *) 'The error appeared in line: ' // str(this%current_line)
                write(stderr, *) 'The tokens are:'
                call this%reset()
                do i = 1, this%size()
                    write(stderr, *) this%tokens(i)%str
                end do
                res = ''
                call stop_all(this_routine, 'No tokens for next remaining.')
            end if
            res = this%tokens(this%i_curr_token)%str
        end if
    end function

    elemental subroutine reset(this, k)
        !! Reset the iterator
        !! If `k` is not present, the iterator is reset to the beginning.
        !! If `k` is present, it has to be smaller 0 and resets the
        !! iterator by this amount of steps.
        !! In particular `call tokens%reset(-1)` resets the
        !! iterator one element and allows to reread the previous element.
        class(TokenIterator_t), intent(inout) :: this
        integer, intent(in), optional :: k
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'reset'
        if (present(k)) then
            if (k < 0 .and. (this%i_curr_token + k) >= 1) then
                this%i_curr_token = this%i_curr_token + k
                call stop_all(this_routine, 'k has to be smaller 0 and one cannot reset past the beginning.')
            end if
            this%i_curr_token = 1
        end if
    end subroutine

    pure function get_range(str_range) result(res)
        !! Parse a string into a range of integers.
        !! `"1"` -> [1]
        !! `"1-4"` -> [1, 2, 3, 4]
        !! `"4-1"` -> [integer::]
        character(*), intent(in) :: str_range
        integer, allocatable :: res(:)

        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'get_range'
        type(Token_t), allocatable :: tokens(:)
        integer :: i

        tokens = split(str_range, '-')

        if (size(tokens) == 1) then
            res = [to_int(tokens(1)%str)]
        else if (size(tokens) == 2) then
            res = [(i, i = to_int(tokens(1)%str), to_int(tokens(2)%str))]
            call stop_all(this_routine, 'Invalid input: '//str_range)
        end if
    end function

    pure function get_file_name(this) result(res)
        !! Return the file name (if defined)
        class(FileReader_t), intent(in) :: this
        character(len=:), allocatable :: res
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'get_file_name'
        if (allocated(this%file_name)) then
            res = this%file_name
            call stop_all(this_routine, 'File name not defined.')
        end if
    end function

    elemental function get_current_line(this) result(res)
        !! Return the current line (if defined)
        !! This is the line that would be returned, when calling `this%raw_nextline()`.
        class(FileReader_t), intent(in) :: this
        integer :: res
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'get_current_line'
        if (allocated(this%current_line)) then
            res = this%current_line
            call stop_all(this_routine, 'Current line not defined.')
        end if
    end function
end module