perturbations.F90 Source File


Source Code

Source Code

#include "macros.h"
module perturbations

    use constants, only: dp, n_int, lenof_sign, bits_n_int, stdout, inum_runs
    use FciMCData, only: perturbation
    use fcimc_helper, only: checkValidSpawnedList
    use util_mod, only: stop_all
    use orb_idx_mod, only: size
    public :: init_perturbation_creation, init_perturbation_annihilation, &
        apply_perturbation, apply_perturbation_array


    subroutine init_perturbation_annihilation(pert)

        ! Create the 'ann_elems' and 'ann_bits' components of a perturbation object.
        ! The 'ann_orbs' components should be allocated and filled in already, as
        ! should the nannihilate component.

        type(perturbation), intent(inout) :: pert
        integer :: i

        if (.not. allocated(pert%ann_elems)) allocate(pert%ann_elems(pert%nannihilate))
        if (.not. allocated(pert%ann_bits)) allocate(pert%ann_bits(pert%nannihilate))
        do i = 1, pert%nannihilate
            pert%ann_elems(i) = (pert%ann_orbs(i) - 1) / bits_n_int
            pert%ann_bits(i) = mod(pert%ann_orbs(i) - 1, bits_n_int)
        end do

    end subroutine init_perturbation_annihilation

    subroutine init_perturbation_creation(pert)

        ! Create the 'crtn_elems' and 'crtn_bits' components of a perturbation object.
        ! The 'crtn_orbs' components should be allocated and filled in already, as
        ! should the ncreate component.

        type(perturbation), intent(inout) :: pert
        integer :: i

        if (.not. allocated(pert%crtn_elems)) allocate(pert%crtn_elems(pert%ncreate))
        if (.not. allocated(pert%crtn_bits)) allocate(pert%crtn_bits(pert%ncreate))
        do i = 1, pert%ncreate
            pert%crtn_elems(i) = (pert%crtn_orbs(i) - 1) / bits_n_int
            pert%crtn_bits(i) = mod(pert%crtn_orbs(i) - 1, bits_n_int)
        end do

    end subroutine init_perturbation_creation

    subroutine apply_perturbation_array(perturbs, ndets, dets_in, dets_out, phase)

        use bit_rep_data, only: NIfTot
        use bit_reps, only: add_ilut_lists
        use FciMCData, only: MaxWalkersPart

        type(perturbation), intent(in) :: perturbs(:)
        integer, intent(inout) :: ndets
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: dets_in(0:, :) ! First dimension must be 0:NIfTot
        integer(n_int), intent(out) :: dets_out(0:, :) ! First dimension must be 0:NIfTot
        real(dp), intent(in), optional :: phase(:) ! Phase factors of the perturbation operators
        ! size of phase must be equal to that of perturbs
        integer :: i, ndets_init, ndets_pert_1, ndets_pert_2, ierr
        integer(n_int), allocatable :: temp_dets_1(:, :), temp_dets_2(:, :)

        ndets_init = ndets

        if (size(perturbs) > 1) then
            ! Just allocate these arrays to be the same size as the CurrentDets
            ! array.
            allocate(temp_dets_1(0:NIfTot, MaxWalkersPart), stat=ierr)
            allocate(temp_dets_2(0:NIfTot, MaxWalkersPart), stat=ierr)

            ! Apply the first perturbation.
            ndets_pert_1 = ndets_init
            ! Note that ndets_pert_1 is altered by this routine.
            if (present(phase)) then
                call apply_perturbation(perturbs(1), ndets_pert_1, dets_in, temp_dets_1, phase(1))
                call apply_perturbation(perturbs(1), ndets_pert_1, dets_in, temp_dets_1)
            end if

            do i = 2, size(perturbs)
                ndets_pert_2 = ndets_init
                ! Note that ndets_pert_2 is altered by this routine.
                if (present(phase)) then
                    call apply_perturbation(perturbs(i), ndets_pert_2, dets_in, temp_dets_2, phase(i))
                    call apply_perturbation(perturbs(i), ndets_pert_2, dets_in, temp_dets_2)
                end if
                call add_ilut_lists(ndets_pert_1, ndets_pert_2, .false., temp_dets_1, temp_dets_2, dets_out, ndets)
                ! If we still have more perturbations to apply, copy the result
                ! to temp_dets_1. Else, exit the final result in dets_out.
                if (i /= size(perturbs)) then
                    ndets_pert_1 = ndets
                    ! this is very inefficient, but it is only performed at the beginning
                    ! so leave it for now
                    temp_dets_1(:, 1:ndets) = dets_out(:, 1:ndets)
                end if
            end do

        else if (size(perturbs) == 1) then
            ! Simply apply the single perturbation using the final input and
            ! output arrays.
            ! Ignore any given phase argument
            call apply_perturbation(perturbs(1), ndets, dets_in, dets_out)
        end if

    end subroutine apply_perturbation_array

    subroutine apply_perturbation(perturb, ndets, dets_in, dets_out, phase)

        ! Take in a list of determinants (dets_in) and apply a pertubation
        ! to each determinant. As we go we shuffle down determinants to fill in
        ! gaps opened up by removed determinants.

        ! WARNING: This routine uses SpanwedParts and the annihilation routine
        ! SendProcNewParts to perform communication of the perturbed
        ! determinants. It will overwrite whatever is in SpawnedParts.

        use AnnihilationMod, only: SendProcNewParts
        use bit_rep_data, only: NIfTot, nifd, extract_sign
        use bit_reps, only: encode_sign, decode_bit_det
        use DetBitOps, only: ilut_lt, ilut_gt
        use load_balance_calcnodes, only: DetermineDetNode
        use FciMCData, only: SpawnedParts, SpawnedParts2
        use FciMCData, only: ValidSpawnedList, InitialSpawnedSlots
        use sort_mod, only: sort
        use SystemData, only: nel

        type(perturbation), intent(in) :: perturb
        integer, intent(inout) :: ndets
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: dets_in(0:, :) ! First dimension must be 0:NIfTot
        integer(n_int), intent(out) :: dets_out(0:, :) ! First dimension must be 0:NIfTot
        real(dp), intent(in), optional :: phase ! add some phase to the perturbation

        integer(n_int) :: ilut(0:NIfTot)
        integer(n_int), pointer :: PointTemp(:, :)
        integer :: i, nremoved, proc, run
        integer :: nI(nel)
        real(dp) :: tmp_sign(lenof_sign), tmp_real
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'apply_perturbation'

        ! If the perturbation is the identity operator then just return.
        ! rneci_consitency: Possible optimization: Define behaviour in this case as copying
        if (perturb%nannihilate == 0 .and. perturb%ncreate == 0) then
            dets_out = dets_in
        end if

        nremoved = 0
        ! Reset the spawning slot positions in SpawnedParts.
        ValidSpawnedList = InitialSpawnedSlots
        do i = 1, ndets
            ! Copy the ilut so that we don't alter the input list.
            ilut = dets_in(:, i)
            call perturb_det(ilut, perturb)

            if (all(ilut(0:nifd) == 0_n_int)) then
                nremoved = nremoved + 1
                call decode_bit_det(nI, ilut)
                proc = DetermineDetNode(nel, nI, 0)
                ! If a phase factor is to be added, do it now
                if (present(phase)) then
                    call extract_sign(ilut, tmp_sign)
                    do run = 1, inum_runs
                        ! multiply by exp(i*phase)
                        tmp_real = tmp_sign(min_part_type(run))
                        tmp_sign(min_part_type(run)) = cos(phase) * tmp_sign(min_part_type(run)) &
                                                       - sin(phase) * tmp_sign(max_part_type(run))
                        tmp_sign(max_part_type(run)) = sin(phase) * tmp_real + cos(phase) * &
                    end do
                    call encode_sign(ilut, tmp_sign)
                end if
                SpawnedParts(0:NIfTot, ValidSpawnedList(proc)) = ilut
                ValidSpawnedList(proc) = ValidSpawnedList(proc) + 1
                if (checkValidSpawnedList(proc)) then
                    call stop_all(this_routine, "Not enough memory to apply perturbation")
                end if
            end if
        end do

        if (allocated(perturb%ann_orbs) .and. allocated(perturb%crtn_orbs)) &
            write(stdout, *) "Transfering from orbital ", perturb%ann_orbs(1), &
            " to ", perturb%crtn_orbs(1)
        ndets = ndets - nremoved

        write(stdout, *) "Communicating perturbed dets"
        ! Send perturbed determinants to their new processors.
        call SendProcNewParts(ndets, tSingleProc=.false.)

        ! The result of SendProcNewParts is now stored in an array pointed to
        ! by SpawnedParts2. We want it in an array pointed to by SpawnedParts,
        ! so swap the pointers around.
        ! Why not just use SpawnedParts2 below?
        PointTemp => SpawnedParts2
        SpawnedParts2 => SpawnedParts
        SpawnedParts => PointTemp
        nullify (PointTemp)

        ! Now move the contents of SpawnedParts to ilut_list.
        do i = 1, ndets
            dets_out(:, i) = SpawnedParts(0:NIfTot, i)
        end do
        call sort(dets_out(:, 1:ndets), ilut_lt, ilut_gt)

    end subroutine apply_perturbation

    subroutine perturb_det(ilut, perturb)

        ! This routine takes a determinant encoded in ilut and applies a
        ! collection of creation and annihilation operators, which together is
        ! referred to as the perturbation operator.

        ! ***IMPORTANT*** All annihilation operators are applied before (ie to
        ! the right of) all creation operators.

        ! The a_bits(i)'th bit of ilut(a_elems(i)) should be the bit of the
        ! orbital for the i'th annihilation operator, and similarly for
        ! c_bits and c_elems for creation operators.

        use bit_rep_data, only: NIfTot, nifd, NIfD, extract_sign
        use bit_reps, only: encode_sign
        use DetBitOps, only: CountBits

        integer(n_int), intent(inout) :: ilut(0:NIfTot)
        type(perturbation), intent(in) :: perturb

        integer(n_int) :: combined_mask(0:NIfD), new_mask(0:NIfD), ones
        integer(n_int) :: original_ilut(0:NIfTot), masked_ilut(0:NIfD)
        integer :: i, j, num_minus_signs, nswap
        real(dp) :: new_sign_factor, real_sign(lenof_sign)

        ! If the perturbation is the identity operator then just return.
        if (perturb%nannihilate == 0 .and. perturb%ncreate == 0) return

        original_ilut = ilut

        associate (a_elems => perturb%ann_elems, a_bits => perturb%ann_bits, &
                   c_elems => perturb%crtn_elems, c_bits => perturb%crtn_bits)

            ! First, loop over all creation and annihilation operators and see if they
            ! destroy the determinant encoded in ilut.

            do i = 1, perturb%nannihilate
                if (.not. btest(ilut(a_elems(i)), a_bits(i))) then
                    ilut(0:nifd) = 0_n_int
                end if
                ilut(a_elems(i)) = ibclr(ilut(a_elems(i)), a_bits(i))
            end do

            do i = 1, perturb%ncreate
                if (btest(ilut(c_elems(i)), c_bits(i))) then
                    ilut(0:nifd) = 0_n_int
                end if
                ilut(c_elems(i)) = ibset(ilut(c_elems(i)), c_bits(i))
            end do

            ! If we get to this point then the determinant was not destroyed by the
            ! creation and annihilation operators, else we would have returned.

            ! Now, determine whether or not the application of these operators
            ! introduces a minus sign.

            ! This is done in two steps. First, we find the number of
            ! minus signs introduced assuming all of the operators in the
            ! perturbation operator are already ordered by their NECI orbital
            ! number. Second, we find the number of permutations necessary to
            ! reorder the annihilation and creation operators into this order.

            ! We do the first part here:

            ! We need to consider moving the creation and annihilation operators
            ! in the perturbing operator through the creation operators which
            ! create the original determinant (by acting on the vacuum).

            ! For a creation or annihilation operator for orbital p in the
            ! perturbing operator, we want to consider moving it through creation
            ! operators in the original determinant for orbitals less than p.
            ! Suppose there are N such operators. Then the ordering introduces a
            ! factor of (-1)^N. So we just need to count the number of orbitals
            ! before orbital p in the determinant. We can do this by creating a bit
            ! mask with 1's for all orbitals *before* (and not including) p in the
            ! original determinant, and then performing an and operation between
            ! this mask and the ilut, and then counting the number of bits set in
            ! the resulting bitstring.

            ! However, in general we want to consider several annihilation and
            ! creation operators in the perturbing operator. Instead of doing the
            ! above for each operator, which is slow, we can do it all in one go.
            ! If a creation operator in the original ilut is 'passed' an odd number
            ! of times then we want to count it, otherwise we don't. So we want to
            ! create a bit mask that has 1's for all orbitals that would be passed
            ! an odd number of times by the applied creation and annihilation
            ! operators in the perturbation operator, and 0's for all other
            ! orbitals. This can be done by performing an ieor on the bit masks
            ! for induvidual operators. Once an exclusive or has been performed for
            ! each annihilation and creation operator in the perturbing operator,
            ! we can finally perform an and with the original ilut,and then count
            ! the number of set bits. If this is odd, include a minus sign.

            ones = not(0_n_int)
            combined_mask = 0_n_int

            do i = 1, perturb%nannihilate
                do j = 0, NIfD
                    ! Create a mask which has 0's in all orbitals which might be
                    ! passed in the ordering, and 1's elsewhere.
                    if (j < a_elems(i)) then
                        new_mask(j) = 0_n_int
                    else if (j == a_elems(i)) then
                        new_mask(j) = ishft(ones, a_bits(i))
                        new_mask(j) = ones
                    end if
                end do

                ! Now make it so that it has 1's for all orbitals that might be
                ! passed and 0's elsewhere.
                new_mask = not(new_mask)

                ! Now perform an ieor to combine this mask with the combined masks
                ! for all previously considered orbitals.
                combined_mask = ieor(combined_mask, new_mask)
            end do

            ! Now do exactly the same for the creation operators.
            do i = 1, perturb%ncreate
                do j = 0, NIfD
                    if (j < c_elems(i)) then
                        new_mask(j) = 0_n_int
                    else if (j == c_elems(i)) then
                        new_mask(j) = ishft(ones, c_bits(i))
                        new_mask(j) = ones
                    end if
                end do
                new_mask = not(new_mask)
                combined_mask = ieor(combined_mask, new_mask)
            end do

            ! Finally apply the mask and count the resulting number of set bits.
            masked_ilut = iand(combined_mask, original_ilut(0:NIfD))
            num_minus_signs = CountBits(masked_ilut, NIfD)

        end associate

        ! The above finds the number of permutations assuming that the orbitals
        ! were all ordered according to NECI's orbital ordering convention
        ! (beta, alpha, beta, alpha...). So, to get the final permutation, we
        ! need to see if there is an extra minus sign from sorting the
        ! requested ordering into NECI's ordering.

        ! For now this is done in the completley naive way which is order N^2
        ! for N orbitals. Hopefully this code isn't used any performance
        ! critical, but the speed of this can be improved later by using a
        ! merge sort (look up algorithms for counting inversions!)

        ! In this naive approach, we simply loop over all orbitals and count
        ! the number of orbitals to the right which have a smaller index. This
        ! is the total number of permutations (inversions) which must be made.
        ! This is done for both annihilation and creation operators.

        associate(a_orbs => perturb%ann_orbs, c_orbs => perturb%crtn_orbs)

            nswap = 0

            do i = 1, perturb%nannihilate - 1
                do j = i + 1, perturb%nannihilate
                    if (a_orbs(i) > a_orbs(j)) nswap = nswap + 1
                end do
            end do

            do i = 1, perturb%ncreate - 1
                do j = i + 1, perturb%ncreate
                    if (c_orbs(i) > c_orbs(j)) nswap = nswap + 1
                end do
            end do

        end associate

        num_minus_signs = num_minus_signs + nswap

        ! Finally, calculate and apply the new sign.
        new_sign_factor = (-1.0_dp)**num_minus_signs
        call extract_sign(ilut, real_sign)
        real_sign = real_sign * new_sign_factor
        call encode_sign(ilut, real_sign)

    end subroutine perturb_det

end module perturbations