ras.F90 Source File


Source Code

Source Code

#include "macros.h"

! A RAS space is defined by splitting all spatial orbitals into
! three subspaces, RAS1, RAS2 and RAS3. A minimum number of
! electrons (both alpha and beta) is specified to occupy the RAS1
! orbitals and a maximum number of electrons to occupy the RAS3
! orbitals. There are no restrictions imposed on the occupation
! of RAS2. Examples of RAS spaces include the spaces of all
! excitations up to any level (e.g. all singles and doubles), all
! RAS spaces, and all single and double excitations from a RAS space.

! To use a RAS space, create a variable of type ras_parameters and
! an allocatable 1d array of type ras_class_data. Define the five
! parameters in the ras_parameters variable. Then input these two
! variables into the subroutine initialise_ras_space. This will allocate
! and fill in the ras_class_data array.

! Note 1: All orbitals numbers in this module refer to energy order of
! an orbital, rather than the actual orbital number. Hence for an orbital,
! orb, in this module, use BRR(orb) to get the true orbital number.

! Note 2: Currently it is assumed that we are in an Ms=0 subspace so that
! the set of alpha strings is the same as the set of beta strings.

module ras

    use bit_rep_data, only: NIfTot
    use constants
    use DetBitOps, only: EncodeBitDet
    use FciMCData, only: HFSym
    use ras_data
    use sort_mod, only: sort
    use sym_mod, only: getsym
    use SystemData, only: G1, nbasismax, nel, nbasis, basisfn, BRR, tHub
    use util_mod, only: find_next_comb, stop_all

    implicit none


    subroutine initialise_ras_space(ras, classes)

        ! Given the five defining parameters for a RAS space, initialise the ras
        ! space by finding the ras classes corresponding to the ras space.

        type(ras_parameters), intent(inout) :: ras
        type(ras_class_data), intent(inout), allocatable, dimension(:) :: classes
        integer :: i, j, k, counter
        integer :: lower_ras3, upper_ras3

        tot_nelec = nel / 2
        tot_norbs = nbasis / 2

        ! Check that the RAS parameters are possible.
        if (ras%size_1 + ras%size_2 + ras%size_3 /= tot_norbs .or. &
            ras%min_1 > ras%size_1 * 2 .or. ras%max_3 > ras%size_3 * 2) &
            call stop_all("generate_ras", "RAS parameters are not possible.")
        if (mod(nel, 2) /= 0) call stop_all("generate_ras", "RAS-core only implmented for &
                                            & closed shell molecules.")

        ! First we need to find the different classes. A class is defined by the number
        ! of electrons in RAS1 and RAS3. Thus, we need to find all possible allowed
        ! combinations.

        ras%lower_ras1 = max(0, ras%min_1 - ras%size_1)
        ras%upper_ras1 = min(tot_nelec, ras%size_1)

        allocate(ras%class_label(ras%lower_ras1:ras%upper_ras1, 0:tot_nelec))
        ras%class_label = 0

        ! First count the number of RAS classes...
        counter = 0
        do i = ras%lower_ras1, ras%upper_ras1
            lower_ras3 = max(0, tot_nelec - i - ras%size_2)
            upper_ras3 = min(tot_nelec - i, ras%max_3)
            do j = lower_ras3, upper_ras3
                counter = counter + 1
                ras%class_label(i, j) = counter
            end do
        end do

        ras%num_classes = counter
        counter = 0

        ! ...then fill the classes in.
        do i = ras%lower_ras1, ras%upper_ras1
            lower_ras3 = max(0, tot_nelec - i - 2 * ras%size_2)
            upper_ras3 = min(tot_nelec - i, ras%max_3)
            do j = lower_ras3, upper_ras3
                counter = counter + 1
                classes(counter)%nelec_1 = i
                classes(counter)%nelec_3 = j
                classes(counter)%nelec_2 = tot_nelec - i - j
                if (classes(counter)%nelec_2 < 0) then
                    call stop_all("initialise_ras_space", &
                                  "Current RAS combination is not possible.")
                end if
                allocate(classes(counter)%vertex_weights(0:tot_norbs, 0:tot_nelec))
                classes(counter)%vertex_weights = 0
            end do
        end do

        ! Form the vertex weights for each class.
        do i = 1, ras%num_classes
            classes(i)%vertex_weights(0, 0) = 1
            do j = 1, tot_norbs
                do k = 0, tot_nelec
                    ! If vertex not allowed then leave the corresponding vertex weight as 0.
                    if (vertex_not_allowed(classes(i)%nelec_1, &
                                           classes(i)%nelec_3, j, k, ras)) cycle
                    ! (Eq. 11.8.2)
                    if (k == 0) then
                        ! The first columns will always contain 1's.
                        classes(i)%vertex_weights(j, k) = 1
                        classes(i)%vertex_weights(j, k) = classes(i)%vertex_weights(j - 1, k) + &
                                                          classes(i)%vertex_weights(j - 1, k - 1)
                    end if
                end do
            end do
        end do

        ! Find the allowed combinations of classes in the full RAS space.
        do i = 1, ras%num_classes
            counter = 0
            classes(i)%allowed_combns = 0
            do j = 1, ras%num_classes
                ! If the total number of electrons in the RAS spaces are correct with
                ! this combination.
                if (class_comb_allowed(ras, classes(i), classes(j))) then
                    counter = counter + 1
                    classes(i)%allowed_combns(counter) = j
                end if
            end do
            classes(i)%num_comb = counter
        end do

        ras%cum_classes(1) = 0

        ras%num_strings = 0
        do i = 1, ras%num_classes
            call setup_ras_class(ras, classes(i))
            ras%num_strings = ras%num_strings + classes(i)%class_size
            if (i > 1) ras%cum_classes(i) = ras%cum_classes(i - 1) + classes(i - 1)%class_size
        end do

        HFSym_ras = int(HFSym%Sym%S)

    end subroutine initialise_ras_space

    pure function class_allowed(ras, n_elec_1, n_elec_3) result(allowed)

        ! This function assumes that the total number of electrons is equal to tot_nelec, so
        ! that we don't have to check the number of electrons in RAS2. It also assumes
        ! obvious things like the numbers of electrons not being negative.

        type(ras_parameters), intent(in) :: ras
        integer, intent(in) :: n_elec_1, n_elec_3
        integer :: lower_ras3, upper_ras3
        logical :: allowed

        allowed = .false.

        if (n_elec_1 >= ras%lower_ras1 .and. n_elec_1 <= ras%upper_ras1) then
            lower_ras3 = max(0, tot_nelec - n_elec_1 - ras%size_2)
            upper_ras3 = min(tot_nelec - n_elec_1, ras%max_3)
            if (n_elec_3 >= lower_ras3 .and. n_elec_3 <= upper_ras3) then
                allowed = .true.
            end if
        end if

    end function class_allowed

    pure function class_comb_allowed(ras, class_1, class_2) result(allowed)

        type(ras_parameters), intent(in) :: ras
        type(ras_class_data), intent(in) :: class_1, class_2
        logical :: allowed

        allowed = (class_1%nelec_1 + class_2%nelec_1 >= ras%min_1 .and. &
                   class_1%nelec_3 + class_2%nelec_3 <= ras%max_3)

    end function class_comb_allowed

    pure function vertex_not_allowed(n_elec_1, n_elec_3, orb, elec, ras) result(not_allowed)

        integer, intent(in) :: n_elec_1, n_elec_3
        integer, intent(in) :: orb, elec
        type(ras_parameters), intent(in) :: ras
        integer :: n_elec_2
        logical :: not_allowed

        not_allowed = .true.

        n_elec_2 = tot_nelec - n_elec_1 - n_elec_3

        ! For the current (orb, elec) vertex to be allowed, it must lie within one of three
        ! trapeziums, defined by the RAS parameters. The first corresponds to RAS1 orbitals,
        ! the second to RAS2 orbitals and the third to RAS3 orbitals. The three if statements
        ! below correspond to these three cases, and the if statements within to the
        ! trapeziums which they must lie in.

        if (orb <= ras%size_1) then
            ! If a RAS1 orbital.
            ! Condition for (orb,elec) combination to be allowed.
            if (orb - elec <= ras%size_1 - n_elec_1 .and. orb - elec >= 0 &
                .and. elec <= n_elec_1) not_allowed = .false.

        else if (orb > ras%size_1 + ras%size_2) then
            ! If a RAS3 orbital.
            if (orb + (tot_nelec - elec) <= tot_norbs .and. &
                orb + (tot_nelec - elec) >= tot_norbs - (ras%size_3 - n_elec_3) .and. &
                elec >= (n_elec_1 + n_elec_2)) not_allowed = .false.

            ! If a RAS2 orbital.
            if (orb - (elec - n_elec_1) <= ras%size_1 + (ras%size_2 - n_elec_2) .and. &
                orb - (elec - n_elec_1) >= ras%size_1 .and. &
                elec >= n_elec_1 .and. elec <= (n_elec_1 + n_elec_2)) not_allowed = .false.

        end if

    end function vertex_not_allowed

    pure function get_address(ras_class, string) result(address)

        type(ras_class_data), intent(in) :: ras_class
        integer, intent(in) :: string(:)
        integer :: elec
        integer :: address

        ! (Eq. 11.8.3)
        address = 1
        do elec = 1, size(string)
            address = address + ras_class%vertex_weights(string(elec), elec) - &
                      ras_class%vertex_weights(string(elec) - 1, elec - 1)
        end do

    end function get_address

    subroutine setup_ras_class(ras, ras_class)

        ! Create a one-to-one map from the original address of a string, as found by
        ! the function get_address, to a new address where states are sorted in order of
        ! their symmetry. Also count the number of strings with each symmetry label.

        type(ras_parameters), intent(in) :: ras
        type(ras_class_data), intent(inout) :: ras_class
        integer :: string(ras_class%nelec_1 + ras_class%nelec_2 + ras_class%nelec_3)
        integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: symmetries, addresses
        integer :: i, j, counter
        logical :: none_left

        ! Find the number of strings in this class, the maximum address. To find this, put
        ! all electrons in their maximum possible orbtials.
        counter = 0
        do j = 1, ras_class%nelec_1
            counter = counter + 1
            string(counter) = ras%size_1 - ras_class%nelec_1 + j
        end do
        do j = 1, ras_class%nelec_2
            counter = counter + 1
            string(counter) = ras%size_1 + ras%size_2 - ras_class%nelec_2 + j
        end do
        do j = 1, ras_class%nelec_3
            counter = counter + 1
            string(counter) = ras%size_1 + ras%size_2 + ras%size_3 - ras_class%nelec_3 + j
        end do

        ras_class%class_size = get_address(ras_class, string)

        ! Now that we have the class size.

        ! Now generate the string with the lowest address.
        call generate_first_full_string(string, ras, ras_class)
        symmetries(1) = get_abelian_sym(string)
        addresses(1) = 1

        ! Loop over all possible strings in this class, and store the symmetry of each.
        do i = 2, ras_class%class_size
            call generate_next_string(string, ras, ras_class, none_left)

            addresses(i) = get_address(ras_class, string)

            symmetries(i) = get_abelian_sym(string)
        end do

        ! Check that the last string in the above loop really was the last string (as it should
        ! be) by calling the generating routine again.
        call generate_next_string(string, ras, ras_class, none_left)
        if (.not. none_left) call stop_all("find_symmetries", "Incorrect number of states found.")

        ! Now, sort the symmetries array from smallest to largest.
        call sort(symmetries, addresses)

        ! The addresses array was sorted with symmetries. If we have the final position of a state
        ! *after* the sort and we put that position into addresses, we get out the address of this
        ! state (as found by get_address). We want the inverse of this, a map that will take
        ! in an address from get_address and give out the position after the sort.
        do i = 1, ras_class%class_size
            ! g(f(x)) = x => g=f^(-1), so the following creates the inverse map.
            ras_class%address_map(addresses(i)) = i
        end do

        ! Count the number of states with each symmetry label.
        ras_class%num_sym = 0
        do i = 1, ras_class%class_size
            ras_class%num_sym(symmetries(i)) = ras_class%num_sym(symmetries(i)) + 1
        end do

        do i = 0, 7
            ras_class%cum_sym(i) = 0
            do j = 0, i - 1
                ras_class%cum_sym(i) = ras_class%cum_sym(i) + ras_class%num_sym(j)
            end do
        end do


    end subroutine setup_ras_class

    pure subroutine generate_first_subspace_string(string, n_elec)

        ! Generate the first string (lowest orbitals all occupied) in a RAS subspace.
        ! For RAS2 and RAS3 the orbital numbers should have been shifted so that the
        ! first orbital in these subspaces is 1, *not* the actual orbital number.

        integer, intent(in) :: n_elec
        integer, intent(out) :: string(n_elec)
        integer :: i

        do i = 1, n_elec
            string(i) = i
        end do

    end subroutine generate_first_subspace_string

    pure subroutine generate_first_full_string(string, ras, ras_class)

        type(ras_parameters), intent(in) :: ras
        type(ras_class_data), intent(in) :: ras_class
        integer, intent(inout) :: string(ras_class%nelec_1 + ras_class%nelec_2 + &
        integer :: i, counter

        ! In each space subspace (RAS1, RAS2, RAS3) put each electron in the lowest orbitals.
        counter = 1
        do i = 1, ras_class%nelec_1
            string(i) = counter
            counter = counter + 1
        end do
        counter = 1
        do i = ras_class%nelec_1 + 1, ras_class%nelec_1 + ras_class%nelec_2
            string(i) = ras%size_1 + counter
            counter = counter + 1
        end do
        counter = 1
        do i = ras_class%nelec_1 + ras_class%nelec_2 + 1, tot_nelec
            string(i) = ras%size_1 + ras%size_2 + counter
            counter = counter + 1
        end do

    end subroutine generate_first_full_string

    pure subroutine generate_next_string(string, ras, ras_class, none_left)

        type(ras_parameters), intent(in) :: ras
        type(ras_class_data), intent(in) :: ras_class
        integer, intent(inout) :: string(ras_class%nelec_1 + ras_class%nelec_2 + &
        logical, intent(out) :: none_left
        integer :: string_1(ras_class%nelec_1)
        integer :: string_2(ras_class%nelec_2)
        integer :: string_3(ras_class%nelec_3)

        ! The strings in the 3 RAS spaces, shifted so that the first orbital in each space would
        ! be labelled 1 (this is needed for the routine that generates all combinations).
        string_1 = string(1:ras_class%nelec_1)
        string_2 = string(ras_class%nelec_1 + 1:ras_class%nelec_1 + ras_class%nelec_2) - ras%size_1
        string_3 = string(ras_class%nelec_1 + ras_class%nelec_2 + 1:tot_nelec) - &
                   (ras%size_1 + ras%size_2)

        loop1: do ! Over RAS1.

            loop2: do ! Over RAS2.

                loop3: do ! Over RAS3.

                    call find_next_comb(string_3, ras_class%nelec_3, ras%size_3, none_left)
                    if (.not. none_left) exit loop1
                    ! If we had the last string last time, go back to the first one.
                    call generate_first_subspace_string(string_3, ras_class%nelec_3)
                    exit loop3

                end do loop3

                call find_next_comb(string_2, ras_class%nelec_2, ras%size_2, none_left)
                if (.not. none_left) exit loop1
                call generate_first_subspace_string(string_2, ras_class%nelec_2)
                exit loop2

            end do loop2

            call find_next_comb(string_1, ras_class%nelec_1, ras%size_1, none_left)
            exit loop1

        end do loop1

        ! If the last string in RAS1, RAS2 and RAS3 was found last time, then last_time will be
        ! equal to .true. at this point and this value will be returned, signalling the end.

        string(1:ras_class%nelec_1) = string_1
        string(ras_class%nelec_1 + 1:ras_class%nelec_1 + ras_class%nelec_2) = string_2 + ras%size_1
        string(ras_class%nelec_1 + ras_class%nelec_2 + 1:tot_nelec) = string_3 + (ras%size_1 + ras%size_2)

    end subroutine generate_next_string

    subroutine sort_orbitals(nI, par_opt)
        !Sort oribtals and gives the parity of the unsorted list with respect to the sorted one.
        !Use this instead of the default sort when parity is needed.
        !The default sort has issues in calculating parity.

        integer, intent(inout) :: nI(:)
        integer, intent(out), optional :: par_opt
        integer :: temp, par
        integer :: i, j, num
        logical :: swapped

        num = size(nI)
        !Bubble sort
        par = 1
        do j = num - 1, 1, -1
            swapped = .FALSE.
            do i = 1, j
                if (nI(i) > nI(i + 1)) then
                    temp = nI(i)
                    nI(i) = nI(i + 1)
                    nI(i + 1) = temp
                    swapped = .TRUE.
                    par = -1 * par
                end if
            end do
            if (.not. swapped) exit
        end do

        if (present(par_opt)) par_opt = par

    end subroutine sort_orbitals

    subroutine generate_entire_ras_space(ras, classes, space_size, ilut_list, parities)

        type(ras_parameters), intent(in) :: ras
        type(ras_class_data), intent(in) :: classes(:)
        integer, intent(in) :: space_size
        integer(n_int), intent(out) :: ilut_list(0:NIfTot, space_size)
        integer, intent(out), optional :: parities(space_size)
        integer :: nI(nel)
        integer :: string(tot_nelec)
        integer, allocatable, dimension(:, :) :: string_list
        integer, allocatable, dimension(:, :) :: min_indices
        integer :: temp_class
        integer :: string_address, block_address
        integer :: i, j, k, l, m, n, o, counter
        logical :: none_left
        integer :: par

        allocate(string_list(tot_nelec, ras%num_strings))

        ! min_indices(i,j) stores the index of the first state in class i with symmetry label j.
        allocate(min_indices(ras%num_classes, 0:7))

        ! Loop over all classes, and for each, generate all states in that class. Store all these
        ! states in blocks, one after another, in a 1d array (sting_list). Within each block
        ! find_address and classes(i)%address_map are used to to find an address *relative to
        ! the first state* in that class.
        block_address = 0
        do i = 1, ras%num_classes
            ! Address of the last string in the last class.
            associate(ind => i)
            if (i > 1) block_address = block_address + classes(ind - 1)%class_size
            end associate

            do j = 0, 7
                min_indices(i, j) = block_address + 1
                do k = 0, j - 1
                    min_indices(i, j) = min_indices(i, j) + classes(i)%num_sym(k)
                end do
            end do

            call generate_first_full_string(string, ras, classes(i))
            string_address = classes(i)%address_map(get_address(classes(i), string)) + &
            string_list(:, string_address) = string

            do j = 2, classes(i)%class_size
                call generate_next_string(string, ras, classes(i), none_left)
                string_address = classes(i)%address_map(get_address(classes(i), string)) + &
                string_list(:, string_address) = string
            end do
        end do

        ! Now combine the alpha and beta strings together to create the full list of states.

        counter = 0
        ilut_list = 0
        ! Loop over all classes, call it class_i.
        do i = 1, ras%num_classes
            ! For class_i, loop over all classes which can be combined with this one.
            do j = 1, classes(i)%num_comb
                temp_class = classes(i)%allowed_combns(j)
                ! Loop over all symmetries.
                do k = 0, 7
                    l = ieor(HFSym_ras, k)
                    ! Add all combinations of states in these symmetry blocks to ilut_list.
                    do m = min_indices(i, k), min_indices(i, k) + &
                        classes(i)%num_sym(k) - 1
                        do n = min_indices(temp_class, l), min_indices(temp_class, l) + &
                            classes(temp_class)%num_sym(l) - 1

                            ! Beta string.
                            nI(1:tot_nelec) = string_list(:, m) * 2 - 1
                            ! Alpha string.
                            nI(tot_nelec + 1:nel) = string_list(:, n) * 2

                            ! Replace all orbital numbers, orb, with the true orbital
                            ! numbers, BRR(orb). Also, sort this list.
                            do o = 1, nel
                                nI(o) = BRR(nI(o))
                            end do

                            call sort_orbitals(nI, par)

                            ! Find bitstring representation.
                            counter = counter + 1
                            call EncodeBitDet(int(nI), ilut_list(:, counter))
                            if (present(parities)) then
                                parities(counter) = par
                            end if
                        end do
                    end do
                end do
            end do
        end do

        if (counter /= space_size) call stop_all("generate_entire_ras_space", "Wrong number of &
                                                 &states found in generating loop.")


    end subroutine generate_entire_ras_space

    pure function get_abelian_sym(string) result(sym)

        ! Note, the orbital numbers in the input string refer to the spatial orbitals, so we
        ! mnultiply these by 2 when used in G1.

        integer, intent(in) :: string(:)
        integer :: sym
        integer(int64) :: temp_sym
        integer :: i

        if (tHub) then
            !Since RAS is originally developed for molucules, it cannot handle kpoint symmetries.
            !As a quick fix, we ignore symmetry labels of the Hubbard model.
            sym = 0
            temp_sym = G1(BRR(string(1) * 2))%Sym%S

            do i = 2, size(string)
                temp_sym = ieor(temp_sym, G1(BRR(string(i) * 2))%Sym%S)
            end do

            sym = int(temp_sym)
        end if

    end function get_abelian_sym

    pure subroutine find_ras_size(ras, classes, space_size)

        type(ras_parameters), intent(in) :: ras
        type(ras_class_data), intent(in) :: classes(:)
        integer, intent(out) :: space_size
        integer :: i, j, k, l
        integer :: temp_class

        space_size = 0

        ! Loop over all classes, call it class_i.
        do i = 1, ras%num_classes
            ! For this class, loop over all classes which can be combined with this one,
            ! call it class_j.
            do j = 1, classes(i)%num_comb
                temp_class = classes(i)%allowed_combns(j)
                ! Loop over all symmetries for class_i.
                do k = 0, 7
                    ! Required symmetry for class_j.
                    l = ieor(HFSym_ras, k)
                    ! Finally, add the total number of combinations of strings from the two
                    ! classes with these symmetry labels.
                    space_size = space_size + &
                                 int(classes(i)%num_sym(k) * classes(temp_class)%num_sym(l))
                end do
            end do
        end do

    end subroutine find_ras_size

end module ras