sym_general.F90 Source File


Source Code

Source Code

#include "macros.h"

module sym_general_mod

    use SystemData, only: tFixLz, tNoSymGenRandExcits, iMaxLz, G1, nel, &
                          Symmetry, tKpntSym, tReltvy, t_new_real_space_hubbard, &
                          t_tJ_model, t_heisenberg_model, nbasis, t_k_space_hubbard, &

    use SymExcitDataMod

    use Symdata, only: nSymLabels

    use sym_mod, only: SYMPROD, RandExcitSymLabelProd, symeq

    use constants

    use DetBitOps, only: Encodebitdet, count_open_orbs

    use bit_rep_data, only: niftot, nifd

    use excit_mod, only: IsValidDet

    use calcrho_mod, only: igetexcitlevel

    implicit none

    interface ClassCountInd
        module procedure ClassCountInd_full_64
        module procedure ClassCountInd_full_32
        module procedure ClassCountInd_orb
    end interface

    interface ClassCountInv
        module procedure ClassCountInv_32
        module procedure ClassCountInv_64
    end interface

    interface CCIndS
        module procedure CCIndS_32
        module procedure CCIndS_64
    end interface


    elemental function ClassCountInd_full_32(Spin, Sym, Mom) result(ind)

        ! Return the index into the ClassCount arrays such that variable
        ! symmetries can be easily accomodated.
        ! For spin, alpha=1, beta=2; Sym = 0:nSymLabels-1; Mom = -Lmax:LMax
        ! For molecular systems, the sym is actually the symmetry of the irrep
        ! For k-points, the sym is the k-point label from SymClasses(state)
        ! INTERFACED as ClassCountInd

        integer, intent(in) :: Spin, Mom
        integer(kind=int32), intent(in) :: Sym
        integer :: ind

        if (tFixLz) then
            ind = 2 * nSymLabels * (Mom + iMaxLz) + (2 * Sym + Spin)
            ind = 2 * Sym + Spin
        end if

        if (tNoSymGenRandExcits) then
            if (Spin == 1) then
                ind = 1
                ind = 2
            end if
        end if

    end function

    elemental function ClassCountInd_full_64(Spin, Sym, Mom) result(ind)

        ! Return the index into the ClassCount arrays such that variable
        ! symmetries can be easily accomodated.
        ! For spin, alpha=1, beta=2; Sym = 0:nSymLabels-1; Mom = -Lmax:LMax
        ! For molecular systems, the sym is actually the symmetry of the irrep
        ! For k-points, the sym is the k-point label from SymClasses(state)
        ! INTERFACED as ClassCountInd

        integer, intent(in) :: Spin, Mom
        integer(kind=int64), intent(in) :: Sym
        integer :: ind

        if (tFixLz) then
            ind = int(2 * nSymLabels * (Mom + iMaxLz) + (2 * Sym + Spin))
            ind = int(2 * Sym + Spin)
        end if

        if (tNoSymGenRandExcits) then
            if (Spin == 1) then
                ind = 1
                ind = 2
            end if
        end if

    end function

    elemental function ClassCountInd_orb(orb) result(ind)

        ! The same as ClassCountInd_full, only the values required are
        ! obtained for the spin orbital orb.
        ! INTERFACED as ClassCountInd

        integer, intent(in) :: orb
        integer :: ind, spin, sym, mom

        ! Extract the required values
        if (is_alpha(orb)) then
            spin = 1
            spin = 2
        end if

        ! This is a HACK to work around a bug in Cray Fortran v8.1.2
        if (spin == 2) spin = 2

        sym = SpinOrbSymLabel(orb)
        mom = G1(orb)%Ml

        ! To avoid cray compiler bug!
        if (spin == 2) spin = 2

        ! Calculate index as usual
        ind = ClassCountInd(spin, sym, mom)

    end function

    ! ClassCountIndex for the spatial arrays
    pure function CCIndS_32(sym, mom) result(ind)
        integer(kind=int32), intent(in) :: sym
        integer, intent(in) :: mom
        integer :: ind

        ind = ((ClassCountInd(1, sym, mom) - 1) / 2) + 1
    end function

    ! ClassCountIndex for the spatial arrays
    pure function CCIndS_64(sym, mom) result(ind)
        integer(kind=int64), intent(in) :: sym
        integer, intent(in) :: mom
        integer :: ind

        ind = ((ClassCountInd(1, sym, mom) - 1) / 2) + 1
    end function

    elemental function class_count_spin(cc_ind) result(spn)

        ! Given a class count index, return the spin of the relevant orbitals.
        ! alpha = 1, beta = 2

        integer, intent(in) :: cc_ind
        integer :: spn

        spn = 2 - mod(cc_ind, 2)

    end function

    elemental function class_count_ms(cc_ind) result(ms)

        ! Given a class count index, return 2*ms for the relevant orbiatls.

        integer, intent(in) :: cc_ind
        integer :: ms

        ms = 2 * mod(cc_ind, 2) - 1

    end function

    elemental function class_count_ml(cc_ind) result(ml)

        ! Given a class count index, return ml for the relevant orbitals

        integer, intent(in) :: cc_ind
        integer :: ml
        integer :: spn, sym2

        if (tNoSymGenRandExcits .or. .not. tFixLz) then
            ml = 0
            spn = 2 - mod(cc_ind, 2)
            sym2 = (mod(cc_ind - 1, 2 * nSymLabels) + 1 - spn) / 2
            ml = ((cc_ind - 2 * sym2 - spn) / (2 * nSymLabels)) - iMaxLz
        end if

    end function

    elemental subroutine ClassCountInv_32(ind, sym, spin, mom)

        ! Given a Class Count Index, return the symmetry, spin and momentum
        ! of the relevant orbitals

        integer, intent(in) :: ind
        integer, intent(out) :: spin, mom
        integer(int32), intent(out) :: sym

        ! The spin is determined by the even/odd status
        ! n.b. alpha == 1, beta == 2
        spin = 2 - mod(ind, 2)

        ! How we get the symmetry/momentum depends on the parameters of the
        ! calculation
        if (tNoSymGenRandExcits) then
            mom = 0
            sym = 0
        else if (tFixLz) then
            sym = int((mod(ind - 1, 2 * nSymLabels) + 1 - spin) / 2, int32)
            mom = int(((ind - 2 * sym - spin) / (2 * nSymLabels)) - iMaxLz, int32)
            sym = int((ind - spin) / 2, int32)
            mom = 0
        end if

    end subroutine

    elemental subroutine ClassCountInv_64(ind, sym, spin, mom)

        ! Given a Class Count Index, return the symmetry, spin and momentum
        ! of the relevant orbitals

        integer, intent(in) :: ind
        integer, intent(out) :: spin, mom
        integer(int64), intent(out) :: sym

        ! The spin is determined by the even/odd status
        ! n.b. alpha == 1, beta == 2
        spin = 2 - mod(ind, 2)

        ! How we get the symmetry/momentum depends on the parameters of the
        ! calculation
        if (tNoSymGenRandExcits) then
            mom = 0
            sym = 0
        else if (tFixLz) then
            sym = (mod(ind - 1, 2 * nSymLabels) + 1 - spin) / 2
            mom = int(((ind - 2 * sym - spin) / (2 * nSymLabels)) - iMaxLz)
            sym = (ind - spin) / 2
            mom = 0
        end if

    end subroutine

    function SymAllowedExcit(nI, nJ, ic, ex, err_msg) result(bValid)

        ! Provide a check that the determinant nJ is valid according to the
        ! symmetry specification of the determinant nI. This also checks that
        ! the excitation relating these two determinants (ic, ex) is valid.

        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel), nJ(nel), ic, ex(2, ic)
        character(50), intent(out), optional :: err_msg
        logical :: bValid

        integer :: exLevel, ml1, ml2, i
        integer :: sym_prod_i, sym_prod_j
        type(Symmetry) :: sym_prod1, sym_prod2
        integer(n_int) :: ilut(0:niftot)

        ! Default initial value
        bValid = .true.
        if (present(err_msg)) err_msg = ''

        if (nI(1) == 0 .or. nJ(1) == 0) then
            bValid = .false.
            if (present(err_msg)) err_msg = 'nI or nJ is zero.'

        ! Check reported excitation level
        exLevel = iGetExcitLevel(nI, nJ, nel)
        if (exLevel /= ic) then
            bValid = .false.
            if (present(err_msg)) err_msg = 'incorrect excitation level'
        end if

        ! Check that determinant is in increasing numerical order
        if (.not. IsValidDet(nJ, nel)) then
            bValid = .false.
            if (present(err_msg)) err_msg = 'det not in increasing order'
        end if

        ! Check that both determinants have the same overall symmetry
        sym_prod_i = 0
        sym_prod_j = 0

        if (t_k_space_hubbard) then
            sym_prod1 = G1(nI(1))%Sym
            sym_prod2 = G1(nJ(1))%Sym
            do i = 2, nel
                sym_prod1 = SYMPROD(G1(nI(i))%Sym, sym_prod1)
                sym_prod2 = SYMPROD(G1(nJ(i))%Sym, sym_prod2)
            end do

            if (.not. SYMEQ(sym_prod1, sym_prod2)) then
                bValid = .false.
                if (present(err_msg)) err_msg = 'momentum not conserved.'
            end if
            !todo: maybe i also have to exclude the k-space hubbard case here!
            if (.not. (t_new_real_space_hubbard .or. t_tJ_model .or. t_heisenberg_model)) then
                if (allocated(SymInvLabel)) then
                    do i = 1, nel
                        sym_prod_i = RandExcitSymLabelProd(SymInvLabel(SpinOrbSymLabel(nI(i))), sym_prod_i)
                        sym_prod_j = RandExcitSymLabelProd(SymInvLabel(SpinOrbSymLabel(nJ(i))), sym_prod_j)
                    end do
                end if
            end if
        end if

        if (sym_prod_i /= sym_prod_j) then
            bValid = .false.
            if (present(err_msg)) err_msg = 'symmetry not conserved'
        end if

        if (.not. (t_new_real_space_hubbard .or. t_tJ_model .or. t_heisenberg_model)) then
            ! Check the symmetry properties of the excitation matrix
            if (.not. tNoSymGenRandExcits .and. .not. tKPntSym) then
                bValid = bValid .and. IsSymAllowedExcitMat(ex, ic)
            end if
        end if
        ! should i do extra tests for heisenberg and tJ? i think so
        if (t_new_real_space_hubbard) then
            if (t_trans_corr_hop) then
                if (.not. (ic == 1 .or. ic == 2)) then
                    bValid = .false.
                end if
                if (ic /= 1) then
                    bValid = .false.
                    if (present(err_msg)) err_msg = 'more than single exc. for rs-hubbard'
                end if
            end if
        end if

        if (t_tJ_model) then
            if (nel >= nbasis / 2) then
                bValid = .false.
                if (present(err_msg)) err_msg = 'more than half-filling for t-J'
            end if

            call Encodebitdet(nJ, ilut)
            ! check if we have doubly occupied orbitals:
            if ((nel - count_open_orbs(ilut(0:nifd))) / 2 > 0) then
                bValid = .false.
                if (present(err_msg)) err_msg = 'double occupancy in tJ model'
            end if
        end if

        if (t_heisenberg_model) then
            if (ic /= 2) then
                bValid = .false.
                if (present(err_msg)) err_msg = 'other than double exc. for heisenberg'
            end if
            call Encodebitdet(nJ, ilut)
            if (count_open_orbs(ilut) /= nbasis / 2) then
                bValid = .false.
                if (present(err_msg)) err_msg = 'double occupancy in heisenberg'
            end if
            if ((nel - count_open_orbs(ilut(0:nifd))) / 2 > 0) then
                bValid = .false.
                if (present(err_msg)) err_msg = 'off half-filling for heisenberg'
            end if
        end if

        ! Check that Lz angular momentum projection is preserved if necessary
        if (tFixLz) then
            ml1 = sum(G1(ex(1, 1:ic))%ml)
            ml2 = sum(G1(ex(2, 1:ic))%ml)
            if (ml1 /= ml2) then
                bValid = .false.
                if (present(err_msg)) err_msg = 'ml not conserved'
            end if
        end if

    end function SymAllowedExcit

    function IsSymAllowedExcitMat(ex, ic) result(bValid)
        integer, intent(in) :: ex(2, ic), ic
        logical :: bValid

        type(symmetry) :: sym_prod1, sym_prod2
        integer :: ms1, ms2, i
        bValid = .true.

        ! Check the symmetry properties of the excitation matrix
        sym_prod1 = G1(ex(1, 1))%Sym
        sym_prod2 = G1(ex(2, 1))%Sym
        ms1 = G1(ex(1, 1))%ms
        ms2 = G1(ex(2, 1))%ms
        do i = 2, ic
            sym_prod1 = SYMPROD(sym_prod1, G1(ex(1, i))%Sym)
            sym_prod2 = SYMPROD(sym_prod2, G1(ex(2, i))%Sym)
            ms1 = ms1 + G1(ex(1, i))%ms
            ms2 = ms2 + G1(ex(2, i))%ms
        end do
        if (.not. SYMEQ(sym_prod1, sym_prod2)) bValid = .false.
        if (ms1 /= ms2 .and. (.not. tReltvy)) bValid = .false.
    end function IsSymAllowedExcitMat

end module