vasp_init.F90 Source File


Source Code

Source Code

subroutine VaspSystemInit(ArrLEN)
    use global_utilities
    use SystemData, only: Symmetry, SymmetrySize, SymmetrySizeB
    use SystemData, only: BasisFN, BasisFNSize, BasisFNSizeB, NullBasisFn
    use vasp_interface
    use SymData, only: nRot, PropBitLen, tAbelian, nProp, KPntSym, tagKPntSym
    use constants, only: dp, sizeof_int, stdout
    use util_mod, only: stop_all
    implicit none
    integer :: ArrLEN
    integer :: i, ik
    character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'VaspSystemInit'

    ArrLEN = nStates * 2
    nRot = nKP
    PropBitLen = 15
    nProp(:) = KPMsh(:)
    tAbelian = .true.
    write(stdout, *) tAbelian, nProp, PropBitLen, nRot, ArrLEN

    allocate(KPntSym(3, nKP))
    call LogMemAlloc('KPntSym', 3 * nKP, 4, this_routine, tagKPntSym)
    do ik = 1, nKP
        do i = 1, 3
            KPntSym(i, ik) = int(kpnts(i, ik) * real(nProp(i), dp))
        end do
    end do

    write(stdout, *) tAbelian, nProp, PropBitLen, nRot, ArrLEN
end subroutine VaspSystemInit

subroutine VASPInitIntegrals(nOrbUsed, ECore, tOrder)
    use constants, only: dp, stdout
    use SystemData, only: BasisFN, nEl
    use OneEInts, only: TMatSym, TMatInd
    use vasp_interface
    use util_mod, only: stop_all
    use UMatCache, only: SetupUMatCache, UMat2D
    use global_utilities
    use constants, only: dp
    implicit none
    integer :: nOrbUsed
    real(dp) ::  ECore
    logical :: tOrder
    type(timer), save :: proc_timer
    integer :: I, J, II, A, B, nStatesUsed
    HElement_t(dp) :: HarXC, HarXCSum

    proc_timer%timer_name = 'VASPInitInts'
    call set_timer(proc_timer)
    ! ECore=EIonIon???
    ECore = 0.0_dp
    write(stdout, *) 'Core Energy: ', ECORE
    nStatesUsed = nOrbUsed / 2

    call SetupUMatCache(nStatesUsed, NSTATESUSED /= NSTATES)

#ifdef CMPLX_
    HarXCSum = cmplx(0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, dp)
    HarXCSum = 0.0_dp
    write(stdout, *) "Calculating TMAT"
    open(10, file='TMAT', status='unknown')
    do I = 1, nStatesUsed
        ! Subtract out the double counting. Assume closed-shell.
#ifdef CMPLX_
        HarXC = cmplx(0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, dp)
        HarXC = 0.0_dp
        do J = 1, nEl / 2
            if (I /= J) then
                A = min(I, J)
                B = max(I, J)
                HarXC = HarXC - (2) * UMat2D(A, B) + UMat2D(B, A)
            end if
            if (i <= j) HarXCSum = HarXCSum + HarXC
        end do
        II = I * 2 - 1
        TMATSYM(TMatInd(II + 1, II + 1)) = (eigv(I)) - HarXC
        write(10, *) I, J, TMATSYM(TMatInd(II + 1, II + 1))
    end do

    if (tOrder) then
        call Stop_All('VASPInitIntegrals', 'tOrder not implemented in VASP interface yet.')
    end if
    write(stdout, *) "Finished TMAT"

    call halt_timer(proc_timer)

end subroutine VASPInitIntegrals

subroutine VASPBasisInit(ARR, BRR, G1, LEN)
    ! Largely lifted from the CPMD analogue.  Should be doing (roughly) the same
    ! thing to get going!
    use SystemData, only: Symmetry, SymmetrySize, SymmetrySizeB
    use SystemData, only: BasisFN, BasisFNSize, BasisFNSizeB, nBASISMax, NullBasisFn
    use vasp_interface, only: nStates, nKP, KPntInd, eigv
    use SymData, only: KPntSym, nSym
    use constants, only: dp, stdout
    use sym_mod, only: ComposeAbelianSym, GenKPtIrreps
    implicit none
    integer :: LEN
    real(dp) :: ARR(LEN, 2)
    integer :: BRR(LEN)
    type(BasisFN) :: G1(LEN)
    integer :: i
    type(Symmetry) :: iDecomp

    NBASISMAX(1:3, 1:2) = 0
    NBASISMAX(1, 3) = 2
    NBASISMAX(4, 1) = -1
    NBASISMAX(4, 2) = 1

!  set ISPINSKIP=0, to tell the SCRs that there's no UMAT
    NBASISMAX(2, 3) = 0

    call GenKPtIrreps(NKP, NKP, KPNTIND, NSTATES)

    G1(1:LEN) = NullBasisFn

    do i = 1, nStates
        IDECOMP%s = ComposeAbelianSym(KpntSym(:, KPntInd(I)))
        G1(I * 2 - 1)%SYM = IDECOMP
        G1(I * 2)%SYM = IDECOMP
        G1(I * 2 - 1)%MS = -1
        G1(I * 2)%MS = 1
        G1(I * 2 - 1)%K(1:3) = 0
        G1(I * 2)%K(1:3) = 0
        ARR(2 * I - 1, 1) = eigv(I)
        ARR(2 * I, 1) = eigv(I)
        ARR(2 * I - 1, 2) = eigv(I)
        ARR(2 * I, 2) = eigv(I)
        BRR(2 * I - 1) = 2 * I - 1
        BRR(2 * I) = 2 * I
    end do

    write(stdout, *) 'Using Abelian symmetry formulation.'
    NBASISMAX(5, 1) = 0
    NBASISMAX(5, 2) = NSYM - 1

! Show it's a generic spatial basis
    NBASISMAX(3, 3) = 1

end subroutine VASPBasisInit