subroutine add_to_rdm_spawn_t(spawn, i, j, k, l, contrib_sign, spinfree, nearly_full)
! In/Out: rdm_spawn - the rdm_spawn_t object to which contributions will be added.
! In: i, j, k, l - orbitals labels for the RDM contribution, with i<j, k<l.
! In: contrib_sign - the sign (amplitude) of the contribution to be added.
! In: spinfree - is the RDM being created to be output directly in spinfree form?
! In/Out: nearly_full - make this logical true if we come close to filling a
! processes section of the spawning list.
use hash, only: hash_table_lookup, add_hash_table_entry
use SystemData, only: nbasis
type(rdm_spawn_t), intent(inout) :: spawn
integer, intent(in) :: i, j, k, l ! spin or spatial orbital
real(dp), intent(in) :: contrib_sign(spawn%rdm_send%sign_length)
logical, intent(in) :: spinfree
logical, intent(inout), optional :: nearly_full
integer(int_rdm) :: ijkl
integer :: ij_compressed, proc, ind, hash_val, slots_left, kl_compressed
real(dp) :: real_sign_old(spawn%rdm_send%sign_length), real_sign_new(spawn%rdm_send%sign_length)
logical :: tSuccess
character(*), parameter :: t_r = 'add_to_rdm_spawn_t'
associate(rdm => spawn%rdm_send)
! Calculate combined RDM labels. A different ordering is used for
! outputting RDMs with and without spin. The following definitions
! will aid ordering via a sort operation later.
if (tGUGA) then
ijkl = contract_2_rdm_ind(i, j, k, l)
if (spinfree) then
call calc_combined_rdm_label(k, l, j, i, ijkl)
call calc_combined_rdm_label(i, j, k, l, ijkl)
end if
end if
! Search to see if this RDM element is already in the RDM array.
! If it, tSuccess will be true and ind will hold the position of the
! entry in rdm%elements.
call hash_table_lookup((/i, j, k, l/), (/ijkl/), 0, rdm%hash_table, rdm%elements, ind, hash_val, tSuccess)
if (tSuccess) then
! Extract the existing sign.
call extract_sign_rdm(rdm%elements(:, ind), real_sign_old)
! Update the total sign.
real_sign_new = real_sign_old + contrib_sign
! Encode the new sign.
call encode_sign_rdm(rdm%elements(:, ind), real_sign_new)
! Determine the process label.
if (spinfree .or. tGUGA) then
! For spin-free case, we halve the number of labels. Also,
! the last two labels are dominant in the ordering, so use
! these instead, to allow writing out in the correct order.
kl_compressed = int(contract_1_rdm_ind(k, l))
proc = (kl_compressed - 1) * nProcessors / (nbasis**2 / 4)
! The following maps (p,q), with p<q, to single integers
! with no gaps. It is benefical to have no gaps here, for
! good load balancing. The final integers are ordered so
! that p is dominant over q.
ij_compressed = nbasis * (i - 1) - i * (i - 1) / 2 + j - i
! Calculate the process for the element.
proc = (ij_compressed - 1) * nProcessors / spawn%nrows
end if
! Check that there is enough memory for the new spawned RDM entry.
slots_left = spawn%init_free_slots(proc + 1) - spawn%free_slots(proc)
if (slots_left <= 0) call try_rdm_spawn_realloc(spawn, proc, spinfree)
if (present(nearly_full)) then
! 10 chosen somewhat arbitrarily, although there are times
! when we call this routine 8 times in a row, so best not
! to make any smaller.
if (slots_left <= 10) nearly_full = .true.
end if
rdm%elements(0, spawn%free_slots(proc)) = ijkl
call encode_sign_rdm(rdm%elements(:, spawn%free_slots(proc)), contrib_sign)
call add_hash_table_entry(rdm%hash_table, spawn%free_slots(proc), hash_val)
spawn%free_slots(proc) = spawn%free_slots(proc) + 1
end if
end associate
end subroutine add_to_rdm_spawn_t