DiDj_Found_FillRDM Subroutine

public subroutine DiDj_Found_FillRDM(rdm_defs, spawn, one_rdms, Spawned_No, iLutJ, real_sign_j_all, tNonInits)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(rdm_definitions_t), intent(in) :: rdm_defs
type(rdm_spawn_t), intent(inout) :: spawn
type(one_rdm_t), intent(inout) :: one_rdms(:)
integer, intent(in) :: Spawned_No
integer(kind=n_int), intent(in) :: iLutJ(0:NIfTot)
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: real_sign_j_all(lenof_sign)
logical, intent(in) :: tNonInits


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine DiDj_Found_FillRDM(rdm_defs, spawn, one_rdms, Spawned_No, iLutJ, real_sign_j_all, &

        ! This routine is called when we have found a Di (or multiple Di's)
        ! spawning onto a Dj with sign /= 0 (i.e. occupied). We then want to
        ! run through all the Di, Dj pairs and add their coefficients
        ! (with appropriate de-biasing factors) into the 1 and 2 electron RDM.

        use bit_reps, only: decode_bit_det
        use FciMCData, only: Spawned_Parents, Spawned_Parents_Index, iLutHF_True
        use rdm_data, only: one_rdm_t, rdm_definitions_t
        use SystemData, only: nel, tHPHF
        use bit_reps, only: all_runs_are_initiator

        type(rdm_definitions_t), intent(in) :: rdm_defs
        type(rdm_spawn_t), intent(inout) :: spawn
        type(one_rdm_t), intent(inout) :: one_rdms(:)
        integer, intent(in) :: Spawned_No
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: iLutJ(0:NIfTot)
        real(dp), intent(in) :: real_sign_j_all(lenof_sign)
        logical, intent(in) :: tNonInits

        integer :: i, irdm, rdm_ind, nI(nel), nJ(nel)
        real(dp) :: realSignI
        real(dp) :: input_sign_i(rdm_defs%nrdms), input_sign_j(rdm_defs%nrdms)
        integer :: dest_part_type, source_part_type, run
        integer(n_int) :: source_flags
        logical :: spawning_from_ket_to_bra, tNonInitParent
        integer(int_rdm) :: guga_rdm_ind
        real(dp) :: x0, x1

        ! Spawning from multiple parents, to iLutJ, which has SignJ.

        ! We are at position Spawned_No in the SpawnedParts array.
        ! Spawned_Parents_Index(1,Spawned_No) is therefore the start position
        ! of the list of parents (Di's) which spawned on the Dj in
        ! SpawnedParts(Spawned_No). There are Spawned_Parents_Index(2,Spawned_No)
        ! of these parent Di's. Spawned_Parents(0:IlutBitsParent%len_orb,x)
        ! is the determinant Di, Spawned_Parents(IlutBitsParent%ind_pop,x)
        ! is the un-biased ci. Spawned_Parents(IlutBitsParent%ind_flag,x)
        ! is the flag (only initiator i believe. WD) and
        ! Spawned_Parents(IlutBitsParent%ind_source,x) is the simulation index,
        ! where the spawn was coming from

        ! Run through all Di's.

        ! in the GUGA RDMs it somehow can happen that a all 0 real_sign_j_all
        ! gets in here.. to abort if that happens
        if (all(near_zero(real_sign_j_all))) return

        do i = Spawned_Parents_Index(1, Spawned_No), &
            Spawned_Parents_Index(1, Spawned_No) + Spawned_Parents_Index(2, Spawned_No) - 1

            if (DetBitEQ(iLutHF_True, &
                         Spawned_Parents(0:IlutBitsParent%len_orb, i), IlutBits%len_orb)) then
                ! We've already added HF - S, and HF - D symmetrically.
                ! Any connection with the HF has therefore already been added.
            end if

            call decode_bit_det(nI, Spawned_Parents(0:IlutBits%len_orb, i))
            call decode_bit_det(nJ, iLutJ)

            realSignI = transfer(Spawned_Parents(IlutBits%ind_pop, i), realSignI)

            ! if the sign is 0, there is nothing to do, i.e. all contributions will be 0
            if (abs(realSignI) < eps) cycle

            ! The original spawning event (and the RealSignI) came from this
            ! population.
            source_part_type = int(Spawned_Parents(IlutBitsParent%ind_source, i))

            ! WD: due to some weird convention in Annihilation (TODO check that!)
            ! it can happen that a source_part_type = 0 can end up here..
            ! so cycle if that happens
            if (source_part_type == 0) cycle

            ! if we only sum in initiator contriubtions, check the flags here
            ! This block is entered if
            ! a) tNonInits == .false. -> we are looking at the inits-rdms
            ! b) tNonInitsForRDMs == .false. -> we are calculating inits-only rdms
            ! In both cases, an initiator check is required
            if (.not. (tNonInits .and. tNonInitsForRDMs)) then
                tNonInitParent = .false.
                ! Only initiators are used
                if (.not. (all_runs_are_initiator(ilutJ) .or. &
                           ! or the non-variational inits-only version (only require an init in the ket)
                           (tNonVariationalRDMs .and. .not. tNonInits))) return
                do run = 1, inum_runs
                    if (.not. btest(Spawned_Parents(IlutBitsParent%ind_flag, i), &
                                    get_initiator_flag_by_run(run))) tNonInitParent = .true.
                    ! if a non-initiator is participating, do not sum in
                    ! that contribution
                end do
                if (tNonInitParent) cycle
            end if

            ! Loop over all RDMs to which the simulation with label
            ! source_part_type contributes to.
            do irdm = 1, rdm_defs%nrdms_per_sim(source_part_type)
                ! Get the label of the simulation that is paired with this,
                ! replica, for this particular RDM.
                dest_part_type = rdm_defs%sim_pairs(irdm, source_part_type)

                ! The label of the RDM that this is contributing to.
                rdm_ind = rdm_defs%rdm_labels(irdm, source_part_type)

                input_sign_i = 0.0_dp
                input_sign_j = 0.0_dp
                input_sign_i(rdm_ind) = realSignI
                input_sign_j(rdm_ind) = real_sign_j_all(dest_part_type)

                ! If the two FCIQMC simulations involved are different then we
                ! need a factor of a half, since spawning can occur from
                ! from either of the two simulations.
                if (dest_part_type /= source_part_type) input_sign_i = 0.5_dp * input_sign_i

                ! sim_labels(1,irdm) holds the state in the 'bra' of the RDM.
                ! sim_labels(2,irdm) holds the state in the 'ket' of the RDM.
                ! If source_part_type is equal to the part type of the ket,
                ! then we can say that we are spawning from the ket to the bra.
                spawning_from_ket_to_bra = source_part_type == rdm_defs%sim_labels(2, rdm_ind)

                ! If we are spawning from the ket of the RDM, then the RDM
                ! element to be added in is:
                ! \psi_j^b* \psi_i^a < nJ | ... | nI > (1)
                ! (where a and b are state labels), which is what we want.
                ! If we are spawning from the bra to the ket then we cannot
                ! just pass input_sign_i, input_sign_j, nI and nJ into the
                ! following routines in the same order, because then we would
                ! be adding in the same element as in Eq. (1), but we actually
                ! want the Hermitian conjugate of that term - <nJ| and |nI>
                ! will be in the wrong order, and so the RDM indices will
                ! be calculated the wrong way around, and the element will
                ! be added in on the 'wrong side' of the RDM's diagonal.
                ! As such, we instead swap the order of things so that we are
                ! adding in the term
                ! \psi_i^a* \psi_j^b < nI | ... | nJ > (2)
                ! which is clearly as it should be if the determinant we are
                ! spawning from (nI) is the bra of the RDM.

                if (tGUGA) then
                    call extract_stochastic_rdm_info(IlutBitsParent, &
                             Spawned_Parents(:, i), guga_rdm_ind, x0, x1)
                end if

                if (spawning_from_ket_to_bra) then
                    if (tHPHF) then
                        call Fill_Spin_Coupled_RDM(spawn, one_rdms, &
                                                   Spawned_Parents(0:IlutBitsParent%len_orb, i), &
                                                   iLutJ, nI, nJ, input_sign_i, input_sign_j)

                    else if (tGUGA) then
                        call Add_RDM_From_IJ_Pair_GUGA(spawn, one_rdms, &
                           nI, nJ, input_sign_i, input_sign_j, spawning_from_ket_to_bra, &
                           rdm_ind_in=guga_rdm_ind, x0=x0, x1=x1)

                        call Add_RDM_From_IJ_Pair(spawn, one_rdms, nI, nJ, &
                                                  input_sign_i, input_sign_j)
                    end if
                    ! Spawning from the bra to the ket - swap the order of the
                    ! signs and states in the routine interface.
                    if (tHPHF) then
                        call Fill_Spin_Coupled_RDM(spawn, one_rdms, iLutJ, &
                                                   Spawned_Parents(0:IlutBitsParent%len_orb, i), &
                                                   nJ, nI, input_sign_j, input_sign_i)

                    else if (tGUGA) then
                        call Add_RDM_From_IJ_Pair_GUGA(spawn, one_rdms, &
                           nJ, nI, input_sign_j, input_sign_i, spawning_from_ket_to_bra, &
                           rdm_ind_in=guga_rdm_ind, x0=x0, x1=x1)

                        call Add_RDM_From_IJ_Pair(spawn, one_rdms, nJ, nI, &
                                                  input_sign_j, input_sign_i)
                    end if
                end if
            end do

        end do

    end subroutine DiDj_Found_FillRDM