fill_rdm_diag_currdet_norm Subroutine

public subroutine fill_rdm_diag_currdet_norm(spawn, one_rdms, iLutnI, nI, ExcitLevelI, av_sign, iter_occ, tCoreSpaceDet, tLagrCorr)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(rdm_spawn_t), intent(inout) :: spawn
type(one_rdm_t), intent(inout) :: one_rdms(:)
integer(kind=n_int), intent(in) :: iLutnI(0:nIfTot)
integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel)
integer, intent(in) :: ExcitLevelI
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: av_sign(:)
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: iter_occ(:)
logical, intent(in), optional :: tCoreSpaceDet
logical, intent(in), optional :: tLagrCorr


Source Code

    subroutine fill_rdm_diag_currdet_norm(spawn, one_rdms, iLutnI, nI, ExcitLevelI, av_sign, iter_occ, tCoreSpaceDet, tLagrCorr)

        ! This routine calculates the diagonal RDM contribution, and explicit
        ! connections to the HF, from the current determinant.

        ! j --> Which element of the main list CurrentDets are we considering?
        ! IterLastRDMFill is the number of iterations since the last time the
        ! RDM contributions were added in (often the frequency of the RDM
        ! energy calculation).

        ! For the instantaneous RDMs we need to multiply the RDM contributions
        ! by either this, or the number of iterations the determinant has been
        ! occupied, which ever is fewer. For the full RDMs we need to multiply
        ! the RDM contributions by the number of iterations the determinant has
        ! been occupied.

        use bit_reps, only: decode_bit_det, all_runs_are_initiator
        use DetBitOps, only: TestClosedShellDet, FindBitExcitLevel
        use FciMCData, only: Iter, IterRDMStart, PreviousCycles, AvNoAtHF
        use global_det_data, only: len_iter_occ_tot
        use hphf_integrals, only: hphf_sign
        use HPHFRandExcitMod, only: FindExcitBitDetSym
        use LoggingData, only: RDMEnergyIter, RDMExcitLevel
        use rdm_data, only: one_rdm_t
        use SystemData, only: tHPHF
        use CalcData, only: tNonInitsForRDMs

        type(rdm_spawn_t), intent(inout) :: spawn
        type(one_rdm_t), intent(inout) :: one_rdms(:)
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: iLutnI(0:nIfTot)
        integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel), ExcitLevelI
        real(dp), intent(in) :: av_sign(:), iter_occ(:)
        logical, intent(in), optional :: tCoreSpaceDet, tLagrCorr

        real(dp) :: full_sign(spawn%rdm_send%sign_length), IterDetOcc_all(len_iter_occ_tot)
        integer(n_int) :: SpinCoupDet(0:nIfTot)
        integer :: nSpinCoup(nel), SignFac, HPHFExcitLevel
        integer :: IterLastRDMFill, AvSignIters, IterRDM
        integer :: AvSignIters_new(spawn%rdm_send%sign_length), IterRDM_new(spawn%rdm_send%sign_length)
        logical :: tUseDet, tInit, tLC
        integer :: run

        tUseDet = tNonInitsForRDMs
        if (.not. tUseDet) then
            tUseDet = all_runs_are_initiator(ilutnI)
        end if

        if (present(tLagrCorr)) then
            tLC = tLagrCorr
            tLC = .true.
        end if

        if (tUseDet) then
            ! This is the number of iterations this determinant has been occupied,
            ! over *all* replicas.
            IterDetOcc_all = real(Iter + PreviousCycles, dp) - iter_occ + 1.0_dp

            ! IterLastRDMFill is the number of iterations from the last time the
            ! energy was calculated.
            IterLastRDMFill = mod((Iter + PreviousCycles - IterRDMStart + 1), RDMEnergyIter)

            AvSignIters_new = int(min(IterDetOcc_all(1::2), IterDetOcc_all(2::2)))

            ! The number of iterations we want to weight this RDM contribution by is:
            if (IterLastRDMFill > 0) then
                IterRDM_new = min(AvSignIters_new, IterLastRDMFill)
                IterRDM_new = AvSignIters_new
            end if

            full_sign = 0.0_dp

            if (tHPHF) then
                if (.not. TestClosedShellDet(iLutnI)) then
                    if (RDMExcitLevel == 1) then
                        call fill_diag_1rdm(one_rdms, nI, av_sign / sqrt(2.0_dp), tCoreSpaceDet, IterRDM_new, tLC)
                        full_sign = IterRDM_new*av_sign(1::2)*av_sign(2::2) / 2.0_dp
                        call fill_spawn_rdm_diag(spawn, nI, full_sign)
                    end if

                    ! C_X D_X = C_X / sqrt(2) [ D_I +/- D_I'] - for open shell dets,
                    ! divide stored C_X by sqrt(2).
                    ! Add in I.
                    call FindExcitBitDetSym(iLutnI, SpinCoupDet)
                    call decode_bit_det(nSpinCoup, SpinCoupDet)
                    ! Find out if it's + or - in the above expression
                    SignFac = hphf_sign(iLutnI)

                    if (RDMExcitLevel == 1) then
                        call fill_diag_1rdm(one_rdms, nSpinCoup, real(SignFac, dp) * av_sign / sqrt(2.0_dp), &
                                            tCoreSpaceDet, IterRDM_new, tLC)
                        full_sign = IterRDM_new*av_sign(1::2)*av_sign(2::2) / 2.0_dp
                        call applyRDMCorrection()
                        call fill_spawn_rdm_diag(spawn, nI, full_sign)
                    end if

                    ! For HPHF we're considering < D_I + D_I' | a_a+ a_b+ a_j a_i | D_I + D_I' >
                    ! Not only do we have diagonal < D_I | a_a+ a_b+ a_j a_i | D_I > terms, but also cross terms
                    ! < D_I | a_a+ a_b+ a_j a_i | D_I' > if D_I and D_I' can be connected by a single or double
                    ! excitation. Find excitation level between D_I and D_I' and add in the contribution if connected.
                    HPHFExcitLevel = FindBitExcitLevel(iLutnI, SpinCoupDet, 2)
                    if (HPHFExcitLevel <= 2) then
                        call Add_RDM_From_IJ_Pair(spawn, one_rdms, nI, nSpinCoup, &
                                                  IterRDM_new*av_sign(1::2)/sqrt(2.0_dp), &
                                                  (real(SignFac, dp)*av_sign(2::2)) / sqrt(2.0_dp))
                        call Add_RDM_From_IJ_Pair(spawn, one_rdms, nSpinCoup, nI, &
                                                  IterRDM_new*av_sign(2::2)/sqrt(2.0_dp), &
                                                  (real(SignFac, dp)*av_sign(1::2)) / sqrt(2.0_dp))
                    end if

                    ! HPHFs on, but determinant closed shell.
                    if (RDMExcitLevel == 1) then
                        call fill_diag_1rdm(one_rdms, nI, av_sign, tCoreSpaceDet, &
                                            IterRDM_new, tLC)
                        full_sign = IterRDM_new*av_sign(1::2)*av_sign(2::2)
                        call applyRDMCorrection()
                        call fill_spawn_rdm_diag(spawn, nI, full_sign)
                    end if

                end if
                call Add_RDM_HFConnections_HPHF(spawn, one_rdms, iLutnI, nI, &
                                                av_sign, AvNoAtHF, ExcitLevelI, IterRDM_new)

            else if (tGUGA) then
                if (any(abs(av_sign(1::2)*av_sign(2::2)) > 1.0e-10_dp)) then
                    if (RDMExcitLevel == 1) then
                        call fill_diag_1rdm_guga(one_rdms, nI, av_sign)
                        full_sign = IterRDM_new*av_sign(1::2)*av_sign(2::2)
                        call applyRDMCorrection()
                        call fill_spawn_rdm_diag_guga(spawn, nI, full_sign)
                    end if
                end if

                if ((.not. all(near_zero(AvNoatHF))) .and. &
                    (.not. all(near_zero(av_sign)))) then
                    call Add_RDM_HFConnections_GUGA(spawn, one_rdms, ilutnI, av_sign, &
                                                    AvNoAtHF, ExcitLevelI, IterRDM_new)
                end if
                ! Not using HPHFs.
                if (any(abs(av_sign(1::2)*av_sign(2::2)) > 1.0e-10_dp)) then
                    if (RDMExcitLevel == 1) then
                        call fill_diag_1rdm(one_rdms, nI, av_sign, tCoreSpaceDet, IterRDM_new)
                        full_sign = IterRDM_new*av_sign(1::2)*av_sign(2::2)
                        ! in adaptive shift mode, the reference contribution is rescaled
                        ! projEDet has to be the same on all runs
                        call applyRDMCorrection()
                        call fill_spawn_rdm_diag(spawn, nI, full_sign)
                    end if
                end if
                call Add_RDM_HFConnections_Norm(spawn, one_rdms, iLutnI, nI, av_sign, AvNoAtHF, ExcitLevelI, IterRDM_new)
            end if
        end if


        subroutine applyRDMCorrection()
            implicit none
            if (tAdaptiveShift .and. DetBitEq(ilutRef(:, 1), ilutnI) .and. &
                tNonInitsForRDMs .and. .not. tInitsRDMRef .and. tLC) &
                full_sign = full_sign + IterRDM_new * rdmCorrectionFactor
        end subroutine applyRDMCorrection

    end subroutine fill_rdm_diag_currdet_norm