subroutine setup_ras_class(ras, ras_class)
! Create a one-to-one map from the original address of a string, as found by
! the function get_address, to a new address where states are sorted in order of
! their symmetry. Also count the number of strings with each symmetry label.
type(ras_parameters), intent(in) :: ras
type(ras_class_data), intent(inout) :: ras_class
integer :: string(ras_class%nelec_1 + ras_class%nelec_2 + ras_class%nelec_3)
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: symmetries, addresses
integer :: i, j, counter
logical :: none_left
! Find the number of strings in this class, the maximum address. To find this, put
! all electrons in their maximum possible orbtials.
counter = 0
do j = 1, ras_class%nelec_1
counter = counter + 1
string(counter) = ras%size_1 - ras_class%nelec_1 + j
end do
do j = 1, ras_class%nelec_2
counter = counter + 1
string(counter) = ras%size_1 + ras%size_2 - ras_class%nelec_2 + j
end do
do j = 1, ras_class%nelec_3
counter = counter + 1
string(counter) = ras%size_1 + ras%size_2 + ras%size_3 - ras_class%nelec_3 + j
end do
ras_class%class_size = get_address(ras_class, string)
! Now that we have the class size.
! Now generate the string with the lowest address.
call generate_first_full_string(string, ras, ras_class)
symmetries(1) = get_abelian_sym(string)
addresses(1) = 1
! Loop over all possible strings in this class, and store the symmetry of each.
do i = 2, ras_class%class_size
call generate_next_string(string, ras, ras_class, none_left)
addresses(i) = get_address(ras_class, string)
symmetries(i) = get_abelian_sym(string)
end do
! Check that the last string in the above loop really was the last string (as it should
! be) by calling the generating routine again.
call generate_next_string(string, ras, ras_class, none_left)
if (.not. none_left) call stop_all("find_symmetries", "Incorrect number of states found.")
! Now, sort the symmetries array from smallest to largest.
call sort(symmetries, addresses)
! The addresses array was sorted with symmetries. If we have the final position of a state
! *after* the sort and we put that position into addresses, we get out the address of this
! state (as found by get_address). We want the inverse of this, a map that will take
! in an address from get_address and give out the position after the sort.
do i = 1, ras_class%class_size
! g(f(x)) = x => g=f^(-1), so the following creates the inverse map.
ras_class%address_map(addresses(i)) = i
end do
! Count the number of states with each symmetry label.
ras_class%num_sym = 0
do i = 1, ras_class%class_size
ras_class%num_sym(symmetries(i)) = ras_class%num_sym(symmetries(i)) + 1
end do
do i = 0, 7
ras_class%cum_sym(i) = 0
do j = 0, i - 1
ras_class%cum_sym(i) = ras_class%cum_sym(i) + ras_class%num_sym(j)
end do
end do
end subroutine setup_ras_class