Using the NECI pylib

Using the NECI pylib

A python frontend is available in the neci_guga python library, which is based on the neci build target (i.e. plain neci, without complex or multi-replica support) and is built by executing

  make neci_guga_pylib

in the neci build directory. This will create a python3 library neci_guga.<build-specifier>.so, which is installed in the python/ subdirectory of the neci build directory.

To use it, load the python subdirectory of the neci build directory into the library path of python, either by

  export PYTHONPATH=<neci_build>/python:$PYTHONPATH

or by adding

  import sys

to the calling python module or script.

The neci_guga python module can then be loaded in calling python code with import neci_guga and provides the following functionality:

  • neci_guga.init_guga(fcidump_path, S) Takes the desired total spin S and initializes the GUGA functionality of neci by reading in an existing FCIDUMP (fcidump_path) file.

  • neci_guga.clear_guga() Clears all memory and deletes all objects initialized by init_guga, returns 0 on success, 1 else.

  • neci_guga.csf_matel(D_i, D_j) Returns the matrix element between D_i and D_j, passed as an array of the size of the number of electrons in the DefineDet format.

  • neci_guga.run_neci(perm) Reads a neci input file neci.inp and an FCIDUMP file in the current directory, using an orbital permutation perm to re-order the orbitals used for the calculation (with respect to the FCIDUMP file). Then, a neci calculation with the specified input is run and the weight of the leading CSF is returned. The permutation is given by specifying the new position for each orbital, i.e. a permutation python perm = [3, 4, 2, 1] would put orbital 1 in the third position, orbital 2 in the fourth position, orbital 3 in the second position and orbital 4 in the first position.