Guide to specific code in NECI

Guide to specific code in NECI

Important modules and common (global) variable names

Inexplicable names and anachronisms

A number of the variable names in NECI are largely inexplicable, or confusing, outside of their origin in historical accident. This section tries to clarify some of these.

  • ARR, BRR
    ARR(:,1) contains a list of spin orbital (Fock) energies in order of increasing energy.

    ARR(:,1) contains a list of spin orbital (Fock) energies indexed by the spin-orbital indices used in the calculation.

    BRR contains a list of spin orbital indices in increasing (Fock) energy order. Where multiple degenerate orbitals have the same symmetry, they are clustered so that spin orbitals with the same symmetry are adjacent to each other, and within that ordered by value.

  • TotWalkers and TotParts
    TotWalkers refers to the number of determinants or sites that must be looped over in the main list. This may include a number of blank slots if the hashed storage is being used.

    The number of particles (walkers) on a core is stored in TotParts. The total number of particles in the system (including all nodes) is stored in AllTotParts.

  • InitWalkers
    The number of particles per processor before a simulation will enter variable shift mode.

  • G1
    The variable name G1 is a historical anachronism. It is an array containing symmetry information about given basis functions. In particular G1(orb) contains information about the one electron orbital orb.

    The data is of type BasisFN:

    Fortran type :: symmetry sequence integer(ints64) :: S end type type :: BasisFn type(symmetry) :: sym !! Spatial symmetry integer :: k(3) !! K-vector integer :: Ms !! Spin of electron. Represented as +/- 1 integer :: Ml !! Magnetic quantum number (Lz) integer :: dummy !! Padding for alignment end type

    Not all of these values are required for all simulations. The sym element points at a padded 64-bit integer. This is done for memory alignment reasons that are no longer important.


FCIQMC is a highly parallelisable algorithm. Implementationally this is achieved through the use of independent MPI processes that communicate using MPI.

The raw MPI_* routines, provided by MPI should not be used directly inside NECI for a couple of reasons:

Depending on the build configuration and compiler, many variables may change their size or alignment, leading to code which only works on some compilers, and

Naming conventions for linking vary between compilers.

The Parallel_neci module abstracts these implementational details away, presenting a consistent interface.


The relevant MPI functions are accessible through wrapper functions with the underscore in the name removed. For example, the MPI routine MPI_AllReduce is available as MPIAllReduce.

The arguments to the wrapper routines are a subset of those specified in the MPI standard, and the explanations of those values may be found there.

Many of the routines have versions which require specifying the array dimensions manually (*_len) or automatically (*_auto). The latter obtain the dimensions of the arrays to communicate by analysis of the array bounds and are preferred, as they are less prone to user error.

If communication is desired between subsets of the available processors (as is used in the CCMC code), the MPI communicator may be specified through the Node parameter. No further detail is provided here about how to construct these objects.

If the necessary MPI routine is not present in the Parallel_neci module it will be necessary to add it. This can be awkward as discussed below.

Important variables

A number of important control variables are available for use within NECI.

  • nProcessors
    The total number of processors initialised in the MPI calculation.

  • iProcIndex
    The (zero based) index of the current processor. This will be between 0 and nProcessors-1.

  • root
    The (zero based) index of the root (head) processor. This should be tested in code using: if (iProcIndex == root).

  • nNodes
    The number of nodes initialised in the MPI calculation. In most cases this will equal nProcessors. These values will only differ if the MPI space is being subdivided into smaller nodes.

  • iNodeIndex
    This (zero based) index gives the position of the processor in the current node. For most calculations this will be zero on all processors.

  • bNodeRoot
    This specifies if the current processor is the root processor of a node. I.e. that this processor is responsible for macroscopic communication. For most simulations this is .true. on all processors.


The current implementation of the Parallel_neci module works extremely well. It may, however, be necessary to modify it, either to deal with changes in the available compilers, or (more likely) to add support for additional MPI functions.

Fortunately, the latter is much more straightforward than the former! A modified version of a currently implemented routine is likely to be the best approach.

Shared memory

In principle, when using MPI all of the processes are entirely independent except for the explicit communication made through the MPI library. Within NECI, as all of the particles are entirely independent between annihilation steps this is a good thing.

However, we have a large amount of read-only data. The integrals which are read in from the FCIDUMP files can consume a non-trivial proportion of the available system memory, and are duplicated on each of the processes. On modern multi-processor and multi-core systems this is an outrageous waste of system memory — which is made worse by the fact that if the same regions of this memory are requested on multiple different processors the computer will not know these are the same, and will not be able to make use of the L1, L2 and L3 cache to speed memory access.

The shared memory provisions in NECI substantially abuse the MPI specification by mixing the available memory address space between the different processes. This is extremely useful when done careful, but there are some caveats to be aware of.

How to use shared memory provisions

The shared memory provisions have been designed to be as interchangeable with the normal Fortran memory allocation provisions. Essentially memory is allocated largely as usual, but all of the processes on the same physical node will end up with pointers to the same block of memory.

Memory is allocated with a call to

subroutine shared_allocate(name, ptr, dims)

This is a templated routine, and so will work for a wide variety of data types and array dimensions. The name parameter specifies a unique name for this array. This name is used to identify the particular block of shared memory between the processes (there may be an arbitrary number). The ptr parameter is a Fortran pointer with the relevant data type and the correct array shape. dims is an array of integers indicating the size of each dimension of the array to be allocated.

As an example,

real(dp), pointer :: real_arr(:,:)
call shared_allocate("example", real_arr, [6, 13])

will allocate a 2-dimensional array named “example” with the array bounds (1:6, 1:13), equivalent to allocate(real_arr(6, 13)).

The read only data should now be written. In principle, the data only needs to be written from one of the processors per node — in practice it is easiest to get all of the nodes to write the read only data. It is important that data is only written at this stage — any processing that needs to be done on this data must not happen in the shared memory, as it could be disrupted by the other processes. This scheme only works because all of the processes write exactly the same data.

After data initialisation, the processes must be synchronised with a call to MPIBarrier. This will ensure that the read-only data is in the same state in all of the threads.

The data should be deallocated using the routine shared_deallocate.

Quirks and limitations

  • Customising data types
    The shared memory routines are templated so that they can be used with a wide variety of plain-old-data types and array sizes. For any data types outside of those already templated, new configuration options will be needed in lib/allocate_shared.F90.template. The information required is the number of bytes per element of the array.

    If custom types are desired, this may be quite tricky. It is difficult to guarantee the size, memory alignment and packing of the data in a custom type — the compiler is free to choose how it wishes to do this, and as such it varies from compiler to compiler. It is necessary to use the sequence keyword must be used to force the compiler to store data contiguously. If there are pointer or allocatable elements in the custom type, it cannot be used with shared memory, as the size of these elements is highly variable between compilers.

  • Storing bit representations
    There is a special allocate routine shared_allocate_iluts which can be used for storing bit representations — these differ in that the lower bound of the first array index must be , rather than .

  • Non-uniform memory architectures
    Modern chip architectures (in particular the intel i3, i5 and i7 series of processors) move the memory controller onto the processor. This dramatically improves memory access speeds.

    The cost is that on multi-processor (as opposed to multi-core) architectures the memory is segmented into regions that are controlled by the different processors. Memory access within the region controlled by the current processor is faster than that between them.

    A performance increase could be obtained by only sharing memory between processes which are hosted on the same physical processor. This will require using the processor affinity options of MPI, which is not routinely done currently with NECI. Further, it will require subdividing the processes on each physical node into sub-nodes — support for this exists in the code in NECI, but the processor specific information required to correctly subdivide the processes is not included, and this facility is currently switched off.

    For processor topology, see the Intel documentation at intel-64-architecture-processor- topology-enumeration.

  • Disabling shared memory
    Shared memory is enabled by the pre-processor define SHARED_MEM_. This can be found in the config files for platforms that support it. If necessary, this can be removed from relevant config files and Makefiles, which will disable inter process memory sharing, and fall back on the normal Fortran allocate mechanism.

How it works

The way that inter-process memory sharing works is system specific, and depends on operating system primitives being used directly.

The code templating functionality in NECI is used to make the shared memory wrapper work for a wide range of data types, with differing numbers of dimensions in the arguments. From this the size of memory required in bytes is calculated, and this is passed to a C helper function that allocates the memory. The returned raw pointer is converted to a Fortran one through the Fortran 2003 intrinsic c_f_pointer.

The C helper library contains a number of utility functions to help it interface with Fortran. In particular wrapper so it can print to the same output, and a mapping to store additional data about the allocated memory to assist in deallocating without the Fortan code requiring knowledge of how the operating system intrinsics work.

Beyond that, there are three main code paths:

    A unique file name is created, based on the current working directory. The function call shm_open with the control parameter O_CREAT will open, or create, a POSIX shared memory object. As a result, one of the processes on a node will create the mapping, and the others will join it — it is unknown in advance which will do the creating.

    The returned descriptor acts as a file, and so is set to the desired length with fdtruncate, and then mapped into memory as if it were a memory-mapped file using mmap. The file descriptor is then closed as it is no longer needed.

    Once all of the processes have mapped the memory, the shared memory object is unlinked, ensuring that the memory will be deallocated by the operating system when all of the processes stop (preventing a memory leak if the processes crash).

    The memory can then be manually deallocated using munmap.

  • System V
    A unique file name is generated, based on the current working directory, and the file is created. A System V Inter Process Communication Key is created and obtained from this file using the routine ftok.

    Using this key, a shared memory object of the correct size is created using shmget, and this region is mapped into memory using shmat.

    Once all of the processes have reached this point, the shared memory control object is destroyed using shmctl to ensure the operating system will deallocate the memory in case of a crash.

    The memory can be manually deallocated using shmdt.

  • Windows
    The memory mapped file provisions in Windows are used to generate a shared memory region. A unique file name is created, based on the current working directory, and then a non-filesystem backed file is created with CreateFileMappingW. This can be opened by all of the other processors on the same node using OpenFileMappingW, and this “file” is mapped into memory on all of the processes using MapViewOfFile.

    The memory can be manually deallocated using UnmapViewOfFile followed by CloseHandle.

The subroutine iluts_pointer_jig, which is used when allocating bit representations which start from an index of rather than , is an interesting demonstration of how to manipulate the bounds of arrays declared in Fortran in compilers that do not support the array reshaping assignments described in Fortran 2003 (most compilers).

Integral retrieval

Integral retrieval is found in the tightest of the tightest loops within NECI. Calculating each Hamiltonian matrix element may require a number of different two- and four-index integrals, and at least one Hamiltonian matrix element is required for each generated excitation.

As a result, the normal approach taken to prevent code repetition introduces a bottleneck. If there is a get_umat_el function, this will have to contain the logic as to which type of integral is being obtained, and where this should be located. This conditional logic will be executed for every required integral.

As such, access to the integrals is through a procedure pointer, with the interface

abstract interface
    function get_umat_el(i, j, k, l) result(hel)
        use constants
        implicit none
        integer, intent(in) :: i, j, k, l
        HElement_t :: hel
    end function
end interface

This function pointer can then be called from anywhere in the code (after it is initialised) and this will call the correct routine.


The most commonly usedintegrals routines store their integrals in memory after reading them in from a FCIDUMP file.

These routines support FCIDUMP files produced by various codes, including MOLPRO, PSI3 and VASP (hacked versions of Dalton and QChem also support this - I believe MOLCAS as well now). Certain (generally legacy) FCIDUMP files have a strictly fixed format, which can result in adjacent columns of indices merging. As such, they are read via an explicit format. To use MOLPRO or other FCIDUMP files the MOLPROMIMIC option should be supplied in the SYSTEM block of the input file. Other sources of FCIDUMP file should use the FREEFORMAT option. In general, this should always be used.

The FCIDUMP files can be briefly summarised by

  • Header
    The header is specified as a Fortran namelist, with the following possible elements:

    • NORB
      Specifies the number of spatial orbitals in the system if RHF, or the number of spin-orbitals if UHF.

    • NELEC
      Specifies the number of electrons the Hartree–Fock determinant should have.

    • MS2
      Specifies twice the total projected spin of the system (such that it is always an integer)

    • ORBSYM
      A list of spatial symmetries of the orbitals specified in (??? Check name with Giovanni) format in orbital order. Note that the structure of the reference determinant will be visible here if the MOLPROMIMIC option is used, and the reference is to be determined by the order of the orbitals.

    • ISYM
      The symmetry of the reference determinant specified in the same format.

    • UHF
      T if the file contains a UHF basis, otherwise F.

      The total and projected orbital angular momentum for systems with an axis of rotation. Currently FCIDUMP files which use this option can only be generated using QChem, and the resultant file must be pre-processed using the TransLz utility.

      These parameters are used to describe the behaviour of k-point symmetries. For more details contact George Booth.

  • 4-index integrals
    Following the header, all of the integral and energy lines may follow in arbitrary order.

    The 4-index integrals are specified with the format Z i j k l, where Z is the real or complex element, and the indices are integers. All indices are one-based. Indices are in chemical notation!

  • 2-index integrals
    The 2-index integrals are specified in the same way with the final two indices equal to zero.

  • Fock energies
    The Fock energies are specified in the same way, with the final three indices equal to zero.

    These values are used for determining the initial (Hartree–Fock) determinant, which is constructed from the lowest energy spin-orbitals. They are strictly optional. If the MOLPROMIMIC option is supplied then the order of the orbitals determines the reference determinant.

  • Core energy
    The core energy is specified in the same way, but with all four indices set to zero.

Generation on the fly

A number of schemes exist for generating integrals on the fly. In particular the Uniform Electron Gas and Hubbard model have integrals that can be trivially calculated, and so FCIDUMP files are not used.

Nested schemes

There exist two function pointers with the same abstract interface, get_umat_el and get_umat_el_secondary. Once the primary method of determining integrals has been selected, then this be moved to the secondary pointer, and another wrapper routine used instead. This allows additional filtering logic to be applied.

The wrapper routine should then call get_umat_el_secondary internally.

Fixed Lz and complex orbitals

If either projected angular momentum (Lz) symmetry, or complex orbitals are being used, the pattern of restricted zeros in the integrals changes. Wrappers around the normal get_umat_el routine are used to supply these zeros.

These are examples of the nested schemes above.

Further schemes

It is likely that further schemes will be required in the future. In particular, approximate, and interpolating schemes are likely to be required to reduce the memory dependence on the number of orbitals. These should be implemented as new routines to be pointed at using the function pointers.

Hamiltonian matrix element evaluation

The two- and four-index integrals are the primary input to a FCIQMC calculation. However, they are used via Hamiltonian matrix elements. There are a number of considerations for the way that Hamiltonian matrix elements are used in NECI.

Different ways to obtain Matrix elements

Certain pieces of information are required in order to calculate Hamiltonian matrix elements. The Excitation level (the number of differing orbitals between the determinants), the corresponding excitation matrix and the parity of the excitation are necessary. Depending on the excitation level, the decoded list of occupied orbitals is required.

Depending on where in the execution path the Hamiltonian matrix elements are required, different information is readily availabile. As some of this is relatively expensive to calculate (in particular the parity) it is important that as much information as is available is used.

As part of the spawning and particle generation process, there is a function pointer called get_spawn_helement. This is passed the natural integer and bit representations of the determinant, the excitation level, excitation matrix, parity and (potentially) pre-calculated matrix element. Depending on the initialisation options, the routine which is selected will make use of the correct subset of these. It is important that the excitation generator and the choice of Hamiltonian matrix element generation here are tightly coupled.

Elsewhere in the code, the routine get_helement is used to obtain matrix elements.[^gethelement] This routine comes in a number of flavours. The available options are

  • nI, nJ
    This routine will return the matrix element between any two, arbitrary, decoded determinants.

  • nI, nJ, ic
    This version is provided the excitation level of the determinant in addition.

  • nI, nJ, ic, ilutI, ilutJ
    The bit representations of the two determinants are provided, which greatly enhances calculating the parity if needed.

  • nI, nJ, ilutI, ilutJ
    If both the bit representations and the decoded versions are present but no further information is known then this form should be used.

  • nI, nJ, ilutI, ilutJ, ic_ret
    This version is the same as the above, but returns the excitation level of the pair of determinants in addition to the matrix element.

  • nI, nJ, ic, excitMat, tParity
    When everything about the relationship between the two determinants is fully known, this form should be used. It is used implicitly after excitation generation when the excitation level, matrix and parity are known. The second decoded determinant is not used in determinental calculations, but is provided to support systems such as CSFs.

For calculating diagonal Hamiltonian matrix elements, the routine get_diag_helement should be used[^diagelem]

The cost of the parity

The overall sign of the returned Hamiltonian matrix element is modulated by the parity of the excitation — that is, the whether the number of pairwise swaps of orbitals required to maximimally align the two determinants according to the standard order of the first is odd or even.[^double_excit]

The parity may be obtained by actively aligning the decoded representations, or by examination of the bit representations. The latter is much faster than the former, but is still the rate limiting factor for calculating Hamiltonian matrix elements.

Where this factor is known (i.e. after excitation generation) it should be used. It is worth noting that the weighted excitation generation scheme is only viable because only the absolute value of the matrix elements is modelled, so the parity generation step can be entirely ignored.

Slater–Condon rules implementations

The Slator–Condon rules are implemented in the file sltcnd.F90, in the routines sltcnd and then more specifically sltcnd_0, sltcnd_1 and sltcnd_2. There is a certain amount of duplication both of code paths and of conditional testing in these routines — which is a clear violation of the DRY principle.

Access to matrix elements is inside the smallest of the tight loops in NECI. The provision of duplicated logical pathways, rather than conditional switching, has a measurable performance benefit in this case.

HPHF matrix elements

In most cases the HPHF matrix elements are trivially obtained from the normal determinental matrix elements through multiplication by a factor of in all cases where the determinant is not closed shell.

If the excitation level is less than or equal to 2, then the elements are a little more complicated. It is possible that both the target determinant and its spin pair are connected to the source determinant, and so the resultant matrix elements will require two calls to the Slater–Condon routines.

Spin eigenfunctions

Spin eigenfunctions may be expressed as linear combinations of all determinants with a given spatial structure. The Hamiltonian matrix elements may be expressed as a two index sum over all the determinants with each of the involved spatial configurations.

Given that the number of configurations increases permutationally with the number of unpaired electrons, this scheme scales extremely badly. NECI has some aggressive optimisation to slightly improve this scaling (see Simon’s thesis), but ultimately it is a dead end for big calculations.

See the SPINS branch for Hamiltonian matrix element calculation between other types of spin eigenfunctions. These can scale extremely well, but introduce other problems.

Excitation generation

Excitation generation is the most complicated and intricate part of NECI. Not only must random moves be made, but they must be made in a manner which is efficient (taking account of symmetry, and in terms of implementation). They must also correctly compute the generation probabilities, taking into account multiple possible selection routes to the same determinant.

A failure to generate all of the connected determinants, or mistakes made in calculating the generation probabilites will lead to silent errors that manifest themselves only through (potentially subtly) incorrect energies being produced by the simulation.

There are a large number of factors that must be considered when writing an excitation generator. This section aims to give an overview of some of them, and a brief outline of the two most commonly used excitation generators.

The Alavi group collectively has a large amount of experience writing excitation generators, and anybody intending to write or modify them would be advised to speak to Simon Smart or George booth first.


Excitation generation is accessed through a procedure pointer. As such, all excitation generators must have the same signature. It is described by

subroutine generate_excitation_t (nI, ilutI, nJ, ilutJ, exFlag, ic, &
                                  ex, tParity, pGen, hel, store)

    use SystemData, only: nel
    use bit_rep_data, only: NIfTot
    use FciMCData, only: excit_gen_store_type
    use constants
    implicit none

    integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel), exFlag
    integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilutI(0:NIfTot)
    integer, intent(out) :: nJ(nel), ic, ex(2,2)
    integer(n_int), intent(out) :: ilutJ(0:NifTot)
    real(dp), intent(out) :: pGen
    logical, intent(out) :: tParity
    HElement_t, intent(out) :: hel
    type(excit_gen_store_type), intent(inout), target :: store

end subroutine

nI and ilutI describe the natural integer and bit representations of the source determinant for the excitation. nJ and ilutJ will store the generated excitation. exFlag specifies the type of excitation — this is generally unused, but in some excitiaton generators permits selecting between single and double excitations for the purposes of testing.

store provides a location for the excitation to store information that is specific to the source determinant. This information is available for further excitations from the same site.

ex will contain the excitation matrix; ex(1,:) contains the spin-orbitals of the source electrons in nI, and ex(2,:) contains the spin-orbitals that have replaced these values.

ic is used to return the excitation level of the resultant site relative to the source site, pGen returns the generation probability for the generated determinant, tParity returns the parity of the excitation (is the number of pairwise swaps required to align nI and nJ even or odd), and hel can return the Hamiltonian matrix element for this excitation so that it need not be calculated later (this is only really of interest for HPHF calculations, where it can be easier to calculate this matrix element in the excitation generator for technical reasons).

Symmetry handling

The excitation generator must always preserve the symmetry of the determinant. The way in which this is done depends on the excitation generator, but will involve measuring the symmetry of the source orbitals and selecting the target orbitals appropriately.

The symmetry of a specific orbital, orb, may be found in the array G1. The spatial symmetry is found at G1(Orb)%Sym%S, the k-vector (if appropriate) at G1(orb)%k, and the projected spin and orbital angular momentum values at G1(orb)%Ms and G1(orb)%Ml.

There are also a number of useful macros for measuring and manipulating spin values. is_beta and is_alpha test if orbitals have beta and alpha spin respectively, whilst is_one_alpha_beta test that two orbitals have differing spins. The get_spin macro gets the spin in the unusual format for for alpha and for beta as used in some other NECI routines, and get_spin_pn obtains the more standard values of . The is_in_pair macro tests if two orbitals belong to the same spatial orbital (including the case where they are the same orbital).

The macros get_alpha and get_beta obtain the alpha or beta orbital corresponding to the same spatial orbital as the current spin orbital (which may or may not be the same orbital). ab_pair obtains the spin paired orbital to the current one.

It is normally necessary to combine and manipulate symmetries, as for a double excitation , but there is no reason for any of to be the same. The products of symmetry labels should be taken using RandExcitSymLabelProd, rather than directly using ieor commands (which will normally obtain the same result), to protect against the consequences of using different types of symmetry. When combining Ml values it is important to bear in mind the maximum permitted value of Ml, and abort the excitation if necessary.

The class count arrays, described above, are indexed by a a combined symmetry index, that combines spin, k-point, momentum and spatial symmetries. The index to this array is provided by the function ClassCountInd. Given a total spin, momentum and spatial symmetry, the paired class count index may be obtained using get_paired_cc_ind. The number of occupied, and unoccupied spin orbitals are stored in the data store as decribed above. The total number of orbitals corresponding with a given class count is found at the corresponding location in the array OrbClassCount.

The array SymLabelList2 contains all orbitals sorted by symmetry class, with offsets given in SymLabelCounts2, such that all of the orbitals with the same symmetry as a given orbital, orb, may be found as follows

integer :: sym, spn, ml, norb, cc_ind, offset

! Obtain the symmetry labels associated with this orbital
sym = G1(orb)%Sym%s
spn = get_spin(orb)
Ml = G1(orb)%Ml

! Obtain the combined symmetry index
! cc_ind = ClassCountInd(orb) ! ... alternatively
cc_ind = ClassCountInd(spn, sym, ml)

! Get position and count of orbitals
norb = OrbClassCount(cc_ind)
offset = SymLabelCounts2(1, cc_ind)

! And this slice contains the appropriate orbitals (including orb)
SymLabelList2(offset : offset + norb - 1)

Manipulating determinants, and bit representations

The primary output of the excitation generator is the newly generated determinant. It is much more computationally efficient to copy and modify the source determinant and bit representation than to start from scratch. As such there are two processes to consider.

  • Manipulating bit representations
    Orbitals can be cleared from the bit representation using the macro clr_orb, and set using the macro set_orb. For an excitation from orbital a to orbital i this would look like Fortran clr_orb(ilut, a) set_orb(ilut, i)

  • make_single and make_double
    Manipulating the natural integer representation of determinants is substantially more complicated, as there is a requirement that they remain sorted by spin-orbital number. Although it would be straightforward to, essentially, replace the excited orbital with a new one, and sort it, this is inefficient as the parity of the excitation is going to be required. If the manipulation can be carried out in such a way that the parity is naturally returned this will substantially improve the efficiency.

    The routines make_single are passed the source determinant and respectively one or two source electron positions and target orbitals. They perform the substitution and measure how much the newly placed orbitals must be moved by to restore sorting (accounting for edge cases).

    These functions return the sorted determinant, the excitation matrix and the parity of the excitation. They should be used by all determinental excitation generators.

Data storage

Each site in the main particle list may be occupied by multiple particles. There is a reasonable amount of information which the excitation generator must generate for each site it excites from — it makes sense to store this information and reuse it for each of the particles on the site. A data structure of type excit_gen_store_type is passed to the excitation generator that it can use for this purpose:

type excit_gen_store_type
    integer, pointer :: ClassCountOcc(:) => null()
    integer, pointer :: ClassCountUnocc(:) => null()
    integer, pointer :: scratch3(:) => null()
    integer, pointer :: occ_list(:,:) => null()
    integer, pointer :: virt_list(:,:) => null()
    logical :: tFilled
    integer, pointer :: dorder_i (:) => null()
    integer, pointer :: dorder_j (:) => null()
    integer :: nopen
end type

The arrays that are required for the current excitation generator are allocated during calculation initialisation by the routine init_excit_gen_store.

When the excitation generator is being called on a new determinant, the tFilled variable will be set to .false. by the main loop code. Once the generator has filled in the required information this should be set to .true. to indicate that the data may be reused.

The arrays ClassCountOcc and ClassCountUnocc are initialised by calling construct_class_counts at the start of the excitation generator. They contain a count of the number of occupied, and the number of unoccupied, orbitals associated with each spin-symmetry combination. These are used for calculating the probabilities in essentially all excitation generators.

The occ_list and virt_list variables store only information relevant to the excitation generator in symrandexcit3.F90.

The dorder_*, nopen and scratch3 variables are used in the CSF excitation generation code.

As there is only one instantiation of this data structure, in the main loop, adding additional elements adds only negligible overhead. If future excitation generators need a place to store information between calls, it should be added here.

The excitation generation routines should be as tightly coupled to the Hamiltonian matrix element generation routines as possible. In particular, information such as the excitation level and the excitation matrix are trivially available in the excitation generator and expensive to calculate otherwise. As it stands, the interface for the excitation generator permits passing the excitation level, parity and excitation matrix to the matrix element generation routines — this is sufficient for determinental systems.

If NECI is to be extended to efficiently consider other basis functions, then other data will be required. A structure should be created to pass this information around, so that each element which is added does not require adjusting the interface of each and every excitation generator. This has been done in the SPINS branch, with a type named spawned_info_t, which is unlikely to be merged into master for independent reasons, but may provide a template for doing this if required in the future.

Re-use and rescaling of random numbers

In determinental calculations, even with large basis sets, each site is connected to at most a few thousand others. A single 64-bit random number contains vastly more random information than is required to make a good choice between all of these options.

However, most of the potential algorithms for excitation generation involve a hierarchy of choices. The natural implementation of these choices is to generate a new random number for each new choice that is required. This is highly wasteful, especially as random number generation is relatively expensive.

More bang-for-your-buck can be extracted from random numbers by partitioning them, and rescaling them as you move through the hierarchy of choices. A simple example demonstrates this, considering the macroscopic choice between single excitations and double excitations:

real(dp) :: r
r = genrand_real2_dSFMT()
if (r < pDoubles) then
    ! Double excitation selected. Now rescale r
    r = r / pDoubles
    ! Single excitation selected. Now rescale r
    r = (r - pDoubles) / (1.0_dp - pDoubles)
end if

This is not always done in the current implementations of excitation generators, but should always be considered for efficiency.

Timestep selection and other control parameters

The spawning process is normally the limiting factor for the selection of the imaginary timestep. The magnitude of the spawn, , is given by As such, a limit on the value of may be obtained from the maximum value of that ratio, combined with a (chosen) maximum size of spawn; The ratio should be accumulated through a calculation, and can be used to determine the optimum time step on the fly.

This approach may be generalised to a larger number of parameters. Additional control parameters that influence decisions in the excitation generator may be introduces (such as the choice between single and double excitations, or the extent to which a bias is made towards or against double excitations which are spin aligned).

Considering the different choices that are made in the excitation generator, this splits the excitations into a number of different categories. For optimal timestep values the worst case for each of these categories should be optimised to give the maximum spawn size.

The impact of each of the parameters to be optimised must be removed from the generation probability values, so that an unaffected value can be maximised. For example considering a split between single and double excitations; In this case the current value of (i.e. the value on the particular iteration the generation occurred) is removed from the ration which can then be maximised. Closed form expressions for the optimal values of and can then be found straightforwardly.

This approach can be extended, although the means to isolate the impact of parameters on the generation probability, and the structure of the final closed form expressions will depend on the form of the excitation generator.

Testing excitation generators

It is critical that excitation generators are correct. That is that all of the connected determinants are generated, and that the generated probability is correct.

There are a number of metrics that can be used to test this. A testing function should be written that takes a given source determinant as a parameter, and runs the excitation generator a very large number of times on this determinant (for example, 10 million times). This test function should contain a number of tests:

  • Are the correct determinants generated
    A list of all single and double excitations of the correct symmetry should be enumerated in a brute force manner (see GenExcitations3). It should then be checked that all of the determinants in this list are generated by the excitation generator, and no determinants outside this list are generated.

  • Normalisation of generation probabilities
    An accumulator value should be kept for each possible determinant that can be generated. Each time the determinant is generated, the value should be added to that determinants accumulator.

    On average this will add a value of to the accumulator for every excitation generation attempt. Thus, when all of the accumulated values are divided by the number of generation attempts made by the test function, all of the values should give roughly .

    There may be a reasonable amount of variation, but repeated across a few different runs with different random number seeds it should be clear that all of these values give roughly .

    Note that if some connections are extremely strongly weighted against (as can happen with the weighted excitation generator) they will sum in a very large term very rarely, and so their averaged value can jump around quite dramatically.

  • Overall probability normalisation
    As an extension to the above, the sum of all of the accumulators should stocastically tend towards the number of connections multiplied by the number of spawning attempts.

    If this total accumulated value is divided by the number of connections multiplied by the number of spawning attempts it should average very strongly to , normally to four or five decimal places.

For an example test function, see test_excit_gen_4ind in symrandexcit4.F90. An excitation generator that passes these tests is not guaranteed to be correct, but it is quite likely.

How this interacts with HPHF functions

HPHF functions present a complexity for excitation generation. Excitation generation occurs on determinants, but the HPHF function includes the spin flipped pair. When there are only a small number of unpaired electrons, the possibility of the excitation generator having generated the spin flipped version also needs to be available, although this is not readily accessible in the excitation generator.

As a result, a routine must be provided to calculate the probability of generating from without actually generating an excitation.

The uniform selection excitation generator

A full discussion of this excitation generator is found in the paper (…). The operation of this excitation generator is also the basis for a number of other more specialised excitation generators (such as the CSF excitation generator). This excitation generator is implemented in symrandexcit2.F90.

Although the generation probabilities associated with this excitation generator are highly non-uniform, it fundamentally makes choices at each stage of the excitation generator uniformly between the options presented at this point.

For single excitations, an electron is chosen uniformly at random. This fully specifies a symmetry index, and from the appropriate list a vacant orbital is chosen at random. This selection is generally made by picking an orbital with the appropriate symmetry at random, and re-drawing if it is already occupied (unless there are very few available choices, in which case the -th available orbital is chosen from an enumeration of available orbitals).

For double excitations, a pair of electrons are chosen at uniform (using a triangular mapping). This specifies the total symmetry of the excitation. A vacant orbital, , is then chosen at random from the entire array of orbitals (in the same way as above, redrawing if an occupied one is chosen, or if an orbital is selected that has no available orbital that could produce the correct total symmetry). This in turn specifies the symmetry of orbital , which is chosen in the same way as the orbital for a single excitation.

The possibility of having picked the orbital first, and then must be accounted for in calculating the generation probabilities.

The weighted excitation generator

This excitation generation scheme is discussed in a great deal more detail in a paper which is currently pre-publication. This excitation generator is implemented in symrandexcit4.F90 as gen_excit_4ind_weighted.

Fundamentally, a weighting value is used to bias the choice of orbitals towards those which are likely to correspond to large Hamiltonian matrix elements. This is done using a Cauchy–Schwarz decomposition of the Hamiltonian matrix elements. The specific elements used depend on the spin choices made, and are discussed in the referred paper.

For speed, the entire choice of orbitals of a given symmetry are considered, and the weightings corresponding to orbitals which are occupied in the source determinant are set to have a zero weighting.

For single excitations, an electron is chosen uniformly at random. This determines the target symmetry. A cumulative list of the weighted terms for each of the available orbitals is generated, and a random number on the range of the largest element in this list is generated. A specific index into this list is selected by binary searching for the first element in the cumulative list which is greater than or equal to this random number, and this index specifies which of the orbitals of the given symmetry are selected as the target orbital.

For double excitations, a choice is made of whether the two orbitals should have the same spin or different spin (the probability of either is optimised on the fly at run time). If the two electrons are to have the same spin, they are chosen uniformly using a triangular mapping, and otherwise uniformly using a rectangular mapping. This entirely determines the target combined symmetry index.

A list is constructed, with a length equal to the total number of available target symmetry indices. This is populated with a cumulative count of the product of the number of available orbitals of a given symmetry with the number of available orbitals of the paired combined symmetry required to result in the determined total symmetry. To prevent double counting, there are considered to be no combinations where the first index is larger than the second index. A pair of symmetries are chosen using binary searching as described before, weighted towards the symmetries with the most available choices.

Two orbitals, , with the corresponding symmetries, are then picked in the same way as the orbital was selected for single excitations (although the weighting terms must now consider the effects of both source orbitals). When choosing orbital , if it comes from the same symmetry category as orbital the relevant elements must be adjusted in the cumulative list.

For calculating the probabilities, the only duplication of generating the same determinant is for the case when both orbitals have the same spin and symmetry. This must be accounted for in the generation probability.

Determinant data storage

There are two main locations where blocks of information concerning particles associated with determinants are stored.

Transmitted data

This concerns data that will be (or could be) transmitted between different processors. Essentially this includes persistent information that is generated by the excitation generator. Combined, this information forms the bit representation of a determinant.

All data access should be through the getter and setter functions in the bit_reps module (BitReps.F90), with the exception of the orbital representation which may be manipulated directly as it will always be first. There are general encode_bit_rep and extract_bit_rep routines which package and extract all of the relevant information, as well as specific accessors.

In most of the code the encoded values for specific determinants are referred to as ilut, standing for “Integer Look-Up Table” which relates to the orbital representation.

The packaging of this data varies substantially between different compiler and runtime configurations. For example, integer runs on 64-bit machines co-opt some of the additional bits in the storage of the signed particle counts to store the flags. It is essential that no attempt is made to access the data in this array direcly.

The representation of each determinant is of dimensions 0:nIfTot, that is of length nIfTot+1. Unusually for an array in Fortran it is a -based index. The component of the overall representation required to uniquely determine one site is 0:nIfDBO (DBO stands for DetBitOps), which includes the orbital description and any CSF descriptiors.

Each of the components of the representation has a nIf* (Number of Integers For) and nOff* (offset of) value. These should not be used directly unless adding data to this representation.

  • Orbital description
    Determinants are stored by a bit-representation of the choice of orbitals to construct their Slater Determinants from. This representation is of length , i.e. the same as the number of available spin-orbitals. An occupied orbital is represented with a , and a vacant orbital by a .

    This representation can be accessed directly. To simplify things, various macros are available. The macros IsOcc and IsNotOcc test the occupancy of particular orbitals, and the macros set_orb and clr_orb modify it without requiring the developer to worry about the data representation.

    To decode the bit representation of the orbitals into the natural orbital representation use the decode_bit_det routine. Equivalently, the EncodeBitDet generates the orbital bit representation from the natural integer version.

  • CSF descriptors
    If CSF descriptor labels are required, they are stored here.

  • Signed particle count
    The representation of the coefficient, or “sign” of the determinant is the primary value which is evolved during an FCIQMC simulation.

    These values are represented by an array of real(dp) coefficients of length lenof_sign. In a standard simulation this length is unity, but for complex walkers two values are used and the double-run code uses extras.

    These values can be used via the routines extract_sign and encode_sign. The specific elements of the sign array can be accessed by extract_part_sign and encode_part_sign. If all particles are to be removed the routines nullify_ilut and nullify_ilut_part can be used.

  • Flags
    Any number of flags may be associated with a particular site. A current full list may be found in the file bit_rep_data.F90. The most commonly used flags are the flag_is_initiator and flag_parent_initiator flags — be aware that these are different names for the same thing (depends if considering particles in the main or spawned lists).

    There is a pseudo-flag, flag_negative_sign, that only exists to help combining the representation of the coefficients and flags. It should never be used directly outside of the representation manipulation routines.0

    These flags may be tested using the test_flag and set_flag routines referencing the specific flag desired from the above list.

    Further, then entire set of flags may be extracted or stored using the extract_flags and encode_flags routines. Once they have been extracted, they may be examined and manipulated with the btest, ibset and ibclr in the same way as the set and test functions above. A special routine clear_all_flags exists for resetting the flag status.

    It is extremely important that the flags element of the bit representation is not accessed directly.

Locally stored data

This concerns information that will never be transmitted. All of this information is either used in tracking the status of an occupied determinant, or for values that could in principle be regenerated when required but are stored for optimisation.

All data access should be through the get_* and set_* routines found in the module global_det_data.

This data is stored in the global array global_determinant_data, but this array should not be accessed directly! The location of data within this array is determined by the initialisation routine in the module global_det_data, and depends on the calculation being performed.

The data currently stored in this array are

The diagonal Hamiltonian matrix element for the determinant (diagH),

The average signed occupancy of the determinant (av_sgn, only for RDMs).

The iteration on which determinants became occupied, (iter_occ, only for RDMs) and

The moment in imaginary time on which the (contiguous) occupation of this determinant began (tm_occ, only with experimental initiators).

Transcorrelated integrals

The usage of the transcorrelated approach for ab-initio systems requires us to include 3-body interactions, that come with 6-index integrals to be handled by NECI, as well as triple excitations to be generated. The triples excitation generator is uniform and is located in tc_three_body_excitgen.F90, while the handling of the 6-index integrals is done by the LMat_class.F90 (for the storage and reading of integrals) and the LMat_mod.F90 (for getting matrix elements).

When reading 6-index integrals, they can either be read from an ASCII formatted file, or an HDF5 file. When reading them from an ASCII file, the file has to be formatted in a general FCIDUMP fashion, containing all non-zero integrals in the format

<integral> i j k a b c

where i, j, k are the indices of the orbitals to excite from and a, b, c those of the orbitals to excite to. No further information is required in the file. The default filename is TCDUMP.

When reading the 6-index integrals from an HDF5 file, all data is required to be contained in a group called tcdump, containing an attribute named nInts containing the number of non-zero integrals, and two datasets called values and indices, containing the values of the non-zero 6-index integrals and their indices. The indices dataset has to be of 6 times the size than the values dataset, each group of 6 indices is attributed to one value (in storage order).