Code conventions

Code conventions

The code in NECI has been developed over a number of years by many different developers, and has very little standardisation of approach or code appearance. This is not an example to copy!

We are trying to (gradually) normalise sections of code, and isolate those sections which are old and generally unredemable from the rest of the code base. As such there are a number of restrictions we place on code in NECI, and a range of other guidelines.

Fortran standard
Due to the use of procedure pointers, a reasonably up to date compiler supporting (at least some of) the Fortran 2003 standard is required to compile NECI. The C-interoperability and procedure pointer features of Fortran 2003 should be used. Other features of this standard should be used sparingly, as Fortran 2003 support in compilers is patchy at best.

Otherwise, code should be written to the Fortran 90/95 standard. In particular, several features of FORTRAN 77 should be avoided at all costs:

DO statements using REAL type loop variables.

Assigned GOTO statements

Cray pointers (declared with the format pointer (ptr, pointee))

Implicit variables. implicit none MUST appear in every module, or interface statement.

Implicitly typed routines and subroutines. See section on modules and interfaces.

COMMON blocks for sharing data between files.

All of these features do, or have appeared, in NECI at some point. It is also highly advised that intent arguments should be used for all argument declarations. This both improves performance, and the ability of others to quickly identify what the routine is attempting to do.

Regarding code layout, the PEP8 guidelines of the python language lead to well readable code and are mostly applicable to Fortran as well. (

CAPITAL letters
Fortran is a case insensitive programming language.

For historical reasons a large proportion of FORTRAN 77 code was written entirely in CAPITAL LETTERS (with the exception of displayable strings). This is extremely bad practice.

Humans generally read by recognising word shape. This is obliterated in fully capitalised text, making code much harder to read, and typos especially difficult to identify.

Indentation of sections of code should use spaces (and not tabs). The Fortran 95 standard explicitly rejects the use of tabs, and tabs in source code will elicit warnings from the compiler.

All indentations should be multiples of 4 characters.

Source code in .F files (old-style FORTRAN 77) has specific layout restrictions. In particular an initial indent of 7 spaces. This style should not be mimicked elsewhere.

Code line length
The Fortran 90/95 standard restricts line lengths to a (hard) maximum of 132 characters. Code with lines longer than this may work on some compilers, but this limit should be avoided.

This limit applies after preprocessing has been applied. A number of our macros in macros.h can create lines of considerably longer length if not used carefully. These may require using temporary variables with shorter names to control the line length.

The fixed-format FORTRAN 77 code is restricted to 72 characters per line.

On a 19” monitor at standard resolution, two columns of code vertically split and side by side use 79 characters each. This is a convenient soft-limit to use - although it is not trivially achievable in all code, and overall readability should be prioritised.

Variable name conventions
There are a number of competing conventions for variable and function names within NECI. That said, there are a number of existing conventions that it is useful to be aware of and which new code should keep in mind.

CamelCase or snake_case should be used to provide descriptive variable names. Prefer snake_case when reasonable. The wider the scope of a variable, the longer and more descriptive the name should be. Trivial local variables (loop indices, etc.) can and should be trivially named. Variables should not, ever, be used entirely in capital letters.

tVariableName is a logical control variable. Normally globally declared in a module for switching on (or off) an overall feature, or signalling overall calculation state.

TypeName_t is a user-defined type.

nVariableName is an integer containing a count of a number of a given entity.

Variable, AllVariable are paired sets of variables tracking an extensive property of a simulation. That is properties which can be accumulated on an individual node, but that the system-relevant property needs to be collected from all nodes and amalgamated. This is done once per iteration or once per update cycle as appropriate.

CamelCase_t CamelCase and a trailing t denote a derived type.

Fortran 95 restricts variable names to 31 characters. Although Fortran 2003 extends this to 63, making use of this extension can cause problems with some compilers, and this should be avoided.

Subroutine decoration (especially intent statements)
Subroutine and function declarations should be decorated to the greatest extent feasible. This should restrict the variables to only their expected role in a function.

In particular, all function arguments should be decorated with either intent(in), intent(out), or intent(inout) as appropriate. When absolutely necessary, use value to pass arguments by-value. The additional decorations optional and target can be used with care.

The supplied arguments should be as restrictive as possible, to maximise the likelihood of the compiler catching programming errors.

The single exception to this rule is for routines that are to be stored in procedure pointers. These routines must exactly match the definition of the relevant abstract interface, which may be more general than is required for the specific case.

The arguments should be sorted by non optional in, inout, out and then optional arguments. The declaration of dummy arguments should appear in the same order as the argument list. There should be an empty line between dummy argument declarations and local variable declarations.

If a procedure is often, but not always, called with the same argument think about making it optional using the def_default macro and introduce a placeholder local variable with appended underscore.

If possible add the pure attribute. This shows the human that there are no side effects and makes parallelization and encapsulation easier.

If a function is pure and operates on scalars, add the elemental attribute to automatically map it elementwise onto arrays.

The following toy function is pure, can be applied onto arrays and scalars alike. If the exponent is ommited, it defaults to squaring.

elemental function pow(x, n) result(res)
    integer, intent(in) :: x
    integer, intent(in), optional :: n
    integer :: n_

    integer :: i

    def_default(n_, n, 2)

    res = 1
    do i = 1, n_
        res = res * x
    end do
end function

pow([1, 3, 5]) -> [1, 9, 25]
pow([1, 3, 5], 3) -> [1, 27, 125]

Data types
With the exception of small integers being directly assigned to known integer variables, or used in loop counters, all constants should have their types explicitly specified. The available types are described in section 2.1.

Most specifically, the *D* specifier and the floating point type double precision should never be used. Examples such as 1.D0 should be replaced with 1.0_dp, and the data types real(dp) and complex(dp) should be used.

As compilers have moved between 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit, there is ambiguity about whether double precision should mean a 32-bit, 64-bit or 128-bit floating point value, depending on the age of the compiler and which compiler is used. This can cause chaos and difficult to track runtime bugs that appear only on certain machines.

For Hamiltonian matrix elements (that may be real or complex depending on build configuration) the custom (preprocessor defined) data type HElement_t should be used, which resolves to either real(dp) or complex(dp).

Array declarations
Fortran arrays can be declared in multiple ways. In particular, the dimensionality of an array can be declared on the variable itself, or as part of the type declaration;

integer, dimension(10, 20) :: arr1
integer :: arr2(10, 20)

In general the latter declaration is preferred for two reasons:

  1. It is clear that the array property is attached to the variable, and not to the type. When scanning data declarations it is not possible to mistake a scalar for an array.

  2. Multiple different arrays can be declared in the same data declaration with different bounds.

The only exception to this is in templated code, where the bounds of arrays need to be varied.

Where arrays are passed as arguments to a routine, they can be passed in three ways

integer, intent(inout) :: arr(*)
integer, intent(inout) :: arr(10)
integer, intent(inout) :: arr(:)

The first form should be avoided wherever practical, as it prevents any knowledge of the array dimensions being carried into the code. This means that whole-array manipulations will no longer work.

The second two types can be used in different circumstances. The first essentially overrides the array dimensions passed in. This can be useful for re-indexing arrays (e.g. treating a zero-based array as one-based).

The last approach allows a receiving routine to inspect the array bounds as passed in by the calling routine. This maximises the extent to which the compiler and debugging tools can assist in finding errors in the code, and should be used wherever possible.

use statements
Globally declared symbols can be shared between modules using use statements. Generally, specific symbols should be included rather than all symbols in a module using the notation use module_name, only: symbol, ....

Modules containing only data that have been separated for the purposes of dependency resolution can be fully included into their related modules (e.g. CalcData and Calc).

Use statements should (where possible) be located in the module header, and not in individual subroutines - this avoids some serious issues associated with compilers resolving conflicting dependencies. If the same thing is included in multiple places in a file, the compilers dependency resolution tree can become very large, and use a lot of time and memory to resolve unambiguously.

ASSERT statements
ASSERT is a macro, defined in macros.h. In an optimised build these statements are entirely removed, and in a debug build they will cause execution to be aborted with an error message if the condition specified is not met.

In NECI, the error message contains the current file and line number. It also includes the current function, which must be manually supplied in a constant named this_routine.

An example assert statement, in a function that takes an array with the same number of elements as there are basis functions, would be:

subroutine foo(arr)
    integer, intent(inout) :: arr(:)
    character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'foo'
    ASSERT(size(arr) == nBasis)
end subroutine

Floating point comparison and integer division

It is usually a bad idea to test floating point numbers for (in-)equality using == or /=. Equality should rather be tested with an expression like . In the util_mod module there are near_zero and operator(.isclose.) which should be used for this purpose.

If one divides two integers 5 / 3 == 1 the result gets truncated to the nearest integer. Sometimes this is not wanted, and the compiler warns about it. For this reason one should use 5 .div. 3 to make it explicit that integer division is indeed wanted.

Tools for adhering to the style guide

One recommended program to prettify Fortran free-format code is fprettify. It can be installed with pip3 install fprettify and is automatically installed on the Alavi workstations. The --user option might be required for installation if you do not have sudo-rights.

The NECI codebase already contains the correct configuration files, so it is sufficient to just call fprettify on a file in src/ or src/lib.

Operator Layout
The following guidelines are recommendations for formatting of code and represent the configuration of the fprettify tool explained in the previous paragraph. These binary operators should be surrounded with a single space on either side: assignment (=), comparisons (==, <, >, /=, <=, >=), Booleans (.and., .or., .not.).

If operators with different priorities are used, consider adding whitespace around the operators with the lowest priority(ies) to make the expression readable easily. Use your own judgment; however, never use more than one space, and always have the same amount of whitespace on both sides of a binary operator.

! Recommended
    i = i + 1
    x = x*2 - 1
    hypot2 = x*x + y*y
    c = (a+b) * (a-b)

! Also possible
    x = x * 2 - 1
    hypot2 = x * x + y * y
    c = (a + b) * (a - b)

! Not recommended

Line breaks should happen before binary operators for easy association of operator and operand

! Not recommended: operators sit far away from their operands
    income = gross_wages + &
             taxable_interest + &
             (dividends - qualified_dividends) - &
             ira_deduction - &

! Recommended: easy to match operators with operands
    income = gross_wages &
             + taxable_interest &
             + (dividends - qualified_dividends) &
             - ira_deduction &
             - student_loan_interest

Please use the new C-style relational operators.

! Recommended
      ==   /=   <    <=    >   >=
! Not recommended
      .EQ. .NE. .LT. .LE. .GT. .GE.

Whitespace in Expressions
Avoid extraneous whitespace in the following situations.

! No whitespace immediately inside parentheses:
    Yes: spam(ham(1), f(eggs, 2))
    No:  spam( ham( 1 ), f( eggs, 2 ) )
! No whitespace immediately before the open parenthesis that starts
! the argument list of a function call or array indexing:
    Yes: spam(1)
    No:  spam (1)

! No whitespace immediately before a comma, semicolon, or colon:
    ! Yes:
        use module, only: cool_function
        integer, allocatable :: A(:, :)
        integer, allocatable :: A(:,:)
    ! No:
        use module , only : cool_function
        integer , allocatable :: A(: , :)
! No whitespace around the = sign when used to
! call a function with a keyword argument.
    ! Yes:
        pow(2, n=3)
    ! No:
        pow(2, n = 3)

In a slice the colon acts like a binary operator, and should have equal amounts on either side (treating it as the operator with the lowest priority). In an extended slice, both colons must have the same amount of spacing applied. Exception: when a slice parameter is omitted, the space is omitted.

! Recommended
    ham(1:9), ham(1:9:3), ham(:9:3), ham(1::3), ham(1:9:)
    ham(lower:upper), ham(lower:upper:), ham(lower::step)
    ham(lower+offset : upper+offset)
    ham(: upper_fn(x) : step_fn(x)), ham(:: step_fn(x))
    ham(lower + offset : upper + offset)

! Not recommended
    ham(lower + offset:upper + offset)
    ham(1: 9), ham(1 :9), ham(1:9 :3)
    ham(lower : : upper)
    ham( : upper)

Contained procedures
From Fortran2003 onwards it is possible to define procedures inside procedures. The inner procedure has access to the local scope of the outher procedure. (Similar to closures in other languages.) These contained procedures allow to cleanly eliminate some reasons, why one would like to use a global variable. Besides it also leads to less wrapper functions that are similar, but not the same. This can be used both to avoid code duplication and to avoid passing unnecessary arguments.

Let’s assume there is a fancy_function with ten arguments. One of them is a real, intent(in) :: x. If fancy_function is called several times with only a varying x there are many lines of code doing more or less the same. In former versions of Fortran this usually lead to the introduction of a wrapper function my_fancy_function that depends explicitly only on x and gets the nine other arguments using global variables that have to be defined before calling my_fancy_function.

Another code that uses fancy_function keeps x constant, but varies another argument y. This leads to a second wrapper my_fancy_function_2 and more global variables. In addition both wrapper function might be used only at one place.

If one instead defines the wrapper function as internal procedure only where it is used there is no need for a wrapper function. This resembles the process of currying in functional languages.

function calculate_something(a) result(res)
    real, intent(in) :: a
    real :: res

    ! arg2 to arg10 are visible identifiers here

    res = exp(f(a)) + 3


    function f(x) result(res)
        real, intent(in) :: x
        real :: res

        res = fancy_function(x, arg2, arg3, ..., arg10)
    end function

end function

Another use case for contained procedures is to extract recurrent parts of a subroutine/function without exposing them to module scope.

A contained procedure cannot make use of the contains statement.

Modules and interfaces
It is an aim to make the dependency between different code parts as small, as unidirectional and as explicit as possible. Module are a great tool to achieve that goal.

A good example are the different excitation generators of NECI. It is possible to seamlessly exchange different excitation generators because they all have the same public interface. On the other hand they greatly differ in their implementation details and each excitation generator uses different helper functions. It is possible to use an excitation generator without knowing about the implementation details and helper functions. It is even advised to not rely on or assume any implementation detail for a specific excitation generator.

There are some rule of thumbs to achieve similar results in the architecture of other code. If one is implementing a new module it is good to start with the private keyword to make all identifiers private to that module and explicitly thinking about which identifiers should be accessable from outside and declare them public. These public identifiers should only change for a good reason afterwards and should be well documented. Variables that should have read-only access from the outside (a computed energy for example) can be declared public, protected.

If other modules are imported with use, only: then it is easy to see on which code a module relies.

If there are generic functions it is possible to declare only the name of the generic interface as public and keep the concrete implementations private.

The use of private helper functions has the same benefit as contained procedures. It allows to write ad-hoc wrappers that have access to the module scope, but do not require public global variables.

If possible functions should be declared pure or elemental.

Example module layout
A sample module layout is given below:

#include "macros.h" ! This enables use of our precompiler macros.
module module_name

    ! To the extent possible, include statements should be at the
    ! beginning of a module, and not elsewhere.
    ! If possible they should import only actually used identifiers.
    use SystemData, only: nel, tHPHF
    use module_data
    use constants
    implicit none

    ! To the extent possible, declare all identifiers of
    !   a module as private by default
    !   and export explicitly with the public keyword.
    public :: sub_name, fn_name, calculated_energy
    ! Cannot be changed from the outside.
    protected :: calculated_energy

    real(dp) :: calculated_energy

    ! Add an interface to an external (non-modularised) function
    interface external_fn
        function splat_it(in_val) result(ret_val) &
                                  bind(c, name='symbol_name')
            ! n.b. interface statements shield from modular includes
            import :: dp
            implicit none
            integer, intent(in) :: in_val
            real(dp) :: ret_val
        end function
    end interface


    [pure|elemental] subroutine sub_name(in_val, out_val)

        ! This is a description of what the subroutine does

        integer, intent(in) :: in_val
        real(dp), intent(out) :: out_val

    end subroutine [sub_name]

    [pure|elemental] function fn_name(in_val) result(ret_val)

        ! This is a description of what the function does

        integer, intent(in) :: in_val
        real(dp) :: ret_val

    end function [fn_name]

end module

Error handling

It is very important to always be in a well defined state and to be deterministic up to the stochastic noise of the Monte-Carlo simulation. For this reason, errors that cannot be handled inside a procedure and are not handled by calling code should crash the program. This philosophy follows the convention of the fortran intrinsic allocate or the mpi_f08 subroutines. The error code should be optional and calling code should only pass it, if they handle all possible error cases. The called function should not abort the calculation, if an error code is present and should abort the calculation if this is not the case.

Calling code should only ask for the error code if the return value is handled as early as possible. Do not write

allocate(A, stat=ierr)
allocate(B, stat=ierr)
allocate(C, stat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) call stop_all(...)

but either check after each allocation (to know which array failed) or just ommit stat=ierr. The intrinsic allocations stops the program if it cannot allocate.

One line if statements

One-line if statements should fit in one line. If they have to be continued via &, please use a proper thenend if pairing.

! This is allowed
if (cond) statement

! This is forbidden
if (cond) &

The underlying reason is that the danger is too high, to go from

if (cond) &


if (cond) &

where people might overlook that statement_2 is always executed.