Installation of the TB-LMTO
Installation of the TB-LMTO programs
Execution of the TB-LMTO programs
Organization of TB-LMTO Programs
Content of the main directory
Dimensions/size of the program
Content of the subdirectories
Main programs
Structure related routines
Atomic programs
Solid state programs
Utility subdirectories
Data files
Description of the CTRL file, Categories and Tokens
Category HEADER (optional)
Category VERS
Token LMASA- of cast integer
Category IO (optional)
Token HELP= of cast logical (optional)
Token VERBOS= of cast integer (optional)
Token WKP= of cast logical (optional)
Token IACTIV= of cast logical (optional)
Token ERRTOL= of cast integer (optional)
Token OUTPUT= of cast character (optional)
Token ERR= of cast character (optional)
Category DIM
Token NBAS= of cast integer (optional)
Token NCLASS= of cast integer (optional)
Token NL= of cast integer
Token LDIM= of cast integer
Token IDIM= of cast integer
Token NSYMOP= of cast integer
Token NKP= of cast integer
Category STRUC
Token ALAT= of cast double
Token PLAT= of cast double and length 9
Token FIXLAT= of cast logical
Category OPTIONS (optional)
Token NSPIN= of cast integer (optional)
Token REL= of cast logical (optional)
Token CCOR= of cast logical (optional)
Token NONLOC= of cast logical (optional)
Token NRXC= of cast logical (optional)
Token NRMIX= of cast integer (optional)
Token Q= of cast character (optional)
Token CORDRD= of cast logical (optional)
Token CARTESIAN= of cast logical (optional)
Token NITATOM= of cast integer (optional)
Token CHARGE= of cast logical (optional)
Token FATBAND= of cast logical (optional)
Token AFM= of cast logical (optional)
Token FS= of cast logical (optional)
Token OVLCOR= of cast logical (optional)
Token WRIBAS= of cast logical (optional)
Token SEWALD= of cast logical (optional)
Category CLASS
Token ATOM= of cast character
Token NEWNAM= of cast logical
Token Z= of cast double
Token R= of cast double (optional)
Token LMX= of cast integer (optional)
Token IDXDN= of cast integer and length 4 (optional)
Token CONF= of cast integer and length 4 (optional)
Token IDMOD= of cast integer and length 4 (optional)
Category SITE
Token ATOM= of cast character
Token POS= of cast double and length 3
Token X= of cast double and length 3
Category SYMGRP (optional)
Token NGEN= of cast integer (optional)
Token GENGRP= of cast integer (optional)
Token USESYM= of cast logical (optional)
Token SPCGRP= of cast character (optional)
Token IORIGIN= of cast integer (optional)
Category SCALE
Token SCLWSR= of cast logical (optional)
Token FACVOL= of cast double (optional)
Token OMMAX1= of cast double and length 3 (optional)
Token OMMAX2= of cast double and length 3 (optional)
Token GAMMA= of cast double (optional)
Category STR
Token KAPPA2= of cast double (optional)
Token KW**2= of cast double (optional)
Token IALPHA= of cast integer (optional)
Token ALPHA= of cast double (optional)
Token ADOT= of cast double (optional)
Token SIGMA= of cast double (optional)
Token DOWATS= of cast logical (optional)
Token DELTR= of cast double (optional)
Token LMAXW= of cast integer (optional)
Token RMAXS= of cast double (optional)
Token NDIMIN= of cast integer (optional)
Token ITRANS= of cast integer (optional)
Token DONALP= of cast logical (optional)
Token LDN= of cast integer (optional)
Token MDN= of cast integer (optional)
Token JBASDN= of cast integer (optional)
Token EPS= of cast double (optional)
Token NOCALC= of cast logical (optional)
Category BZ
Token NKABC= of cast integer and length 3
Token MAXKP= of cast integer
Token TETRA= of cast logical (optional)
Token METAL= of cast logical (optional)
Tokens N=, W=, RANGE=, and NPTS=
Token TOL= of cast double (optional)
Category EWALD (optional)
Token AS= of cast double (optional)
Token NKDMX= of cast integer (optional)
Token TOL= of cast double (optional)
Category DOS
Token NOPTS= of cast integer
Token EMIN= of cast double
Token EMAX= of cast double
Category SYML
Token NQ= of cast integer
Tokens Q1, Q2= of cast double and length 3
Tokens LAB1, LAB2= of cast character
Category START (optional)
Token NIT= of cast integer (optional)
Token BROY= of cast logical (optional)
Token WC= of cast double (optional)
Token NMIX= of cast integer (optional)
Token BETA= of cast double (optional)
Token CNVG= of cast double (optional)
Token CNVGET= of cast double (optional)
Token FREE= of cast logical (optional)
Token BEGMOM= of cast logical (optional)
Token CNTROL= of cast logical (optional)
Token EFERMI= of cast double precision (optional)
Token VMTZ= of cast double precision (optional)
Category HARTREE
Tokens LT1, LT2, LT3= of cast integer
Token BEGATOM= of cast logical (optional)
Category PLOT
Token ORIGIN= of cast double and length 3
Tokens R1, R2, and R3= of cast double and length 3
Tokens RMIN and RMAX= of cast double
Tokens TMIN and TMAX= of cast double
Tokens PMIN and PMAX= of cast double
Tokens NDELR1, NDELR2, and NDELR3= of cast integer
Token FORMAT= of cast integer (optional)
Category CHARGE
Token LMTODAT= of cast logical
Token CHARWIN= of cast logical (optional)
Token EMIN= of cast double
Token EMAX= of cast double
Token ELF= of cast logical
Token ADDCOR= of cast logical
Token SPINDENS= of cast logical
Category FINDES
Token RMINES= of cast double (optional)
Token RMAXES= of cast double (optional)
Token MAXPT= of cast integer (optional)
Token NRXYZ= of cast integer and length 3 (optional)
Category SCELL
Token PLAT= of cast double and length 9
Token EQUIV= of cast logical (optional)
Category RHOFIT
Token FIT= of cast logical
Token KAPPA2= of cast double
Token KW**2= of cast double
Token RMAXS= of cast double
Token SIGMA= of cast double
Token LMXRHO= of cast double
Iterations Towards Self-Consistency
Accurate band structure away from the center of gravity
Frozen potential calculations
Spin polarized calculations
Plot programs
Common features of the plotting programs
Charge density and ELF plot
Hartree potential plot
Band structure plot
Density of states plot
Fermi Surface plot
License Agreement
The preprocessor
Machine Dependencies
Machine constants
About this document ...
O. Jepsen
Thu Oct 12 14:48:45 MESZ 2000